Publications of Ulrich Ermler
All genres
Journal Article (144)
Journal Article
280 (14), pp. 13712 - 13719 (2005)
How an Enzyme Binds the C1 Carrier Tetrahydromethanopterin. Structure of the Tetrahydromethanopterin-Dependent Formaldehyde-Activating Enzyme (Fae) from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 102.
Journal Article
21, pp. 3451 - 3458 (2005)
On the mechanism of methyl-coenzyme M reductase. Dalton Transactions 103.
Journal Article
The structure of F420-dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase: a crystallographic 'superstructure' of the selenomethionine-labelled protein crystal structure. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen), pp. 198 - 202 (2005)
Journal Article
12 (12), pp. 2249 - 2256 (2004)
Structure of Xanthine Oxidase-Related 4-Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA Reductase with an Additional [4Fe-4S] Cluster and an Inverted Electron Flow. Structure 105.
Journal Article
12 (3), pp. 361 - 370 (2004)
Coenzyme binding in F420-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase, a member of the bacterial luciferase family. Structure 106.
Journal Article
60, pp. 388 - 391 (2004)
Crystallization of 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase and the structure of its electron donor ferredoxin. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen) 107.
Journal Article
D60, pp. 686 - 695 (2004)
Protein structure determination by a combination of long wavelength sulphur phasing and radiation damage induced phasing. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 108.
Journal Article
11 (9), pp. 2168 - 2178 (2002)
Crystal structures and enzymatic properties of three formyltransferases from archaea: Environmental adaptation and evolutionary relationship. Protein Science 109.
Journal Article
10 (8), pp. 1127 - 1137 (2002)
Structure of methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1. Structure 110.
Journal Article
93 (6), pp. 519 - 530 (2002)
Structure and function of enzymes involved in the methanogenic pathway utilizing carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen [Review]. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 111.
Journal Article
99 (4), pp. 1836 - 1841 (2002)
Structure of adenylylsulfate reductase from the hyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.6-Å resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112.
Journal Article
20 (23), pp. 6561 - 6569 (2001)
Structures of F420H2:NADP+ oxidoreductase with and without its substrates bound. The EMBO Journal 113.
Journal Article
309 (1), pp. 315 - 330 (2001)
On the mechanism of biological methane formation: structural evidence for conformational changes in methyl-coenzyme M reductase upon substrate binding. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 114.
Journal Article
40 (14), pp. 4253 - 4260 (2001)
X-ray Structure Analyses of Photosynthetic Reaction Center Variants from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: Structural Changes Induced by Point Mutations at Position L209 Modulate Electron and Proton Transfer. Biochemistry 115.
Journal Article
D56 (12), pp. 1673 - 1675 (2000)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of adenylylsulfate reductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen) 116.
Journal Article
267 (22), pp. 6619 - 6623 (2000)
A mutation affecting the dimer/tetramer association equilibrium of formyltransferase from the hyperthermophilic Methanopyrus kandleri in relation to the activity and thermostability of the enzyme. European Journal of Biochemistry 117.
Journal Article
303 (2), pp. 329 - 344 (2000)
Comparison of three methyl-coenzyme M reductases from phylogenetically distant organisms: unusual amino acid modification, conservation and adaptation. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 118.
Journal Article
300 (4), pp. 935 - 950 (2000)
Structure of coenzyme F420 dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase from two methanogenic archaea. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 119.
Journal Article
298 (3), pp. 477 - 491 (2000)
Crystal structure of cancer chemopreventive Bowman-Birk inhibitor in ternary complex with bovine trypsin at 2.3 å resolution. Structural basis of Janus-faced serine protease inhibitor specificity. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 120.
Journal Article
275 (6), pp. 3755 - 3760 (2000)
The Biosynthesis of Methylated Amino Acids in the Active Site Region of Methyl-coenzyme M Reductase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 121.
Journal Article
7 (10), pp. 1257 - 1268 (1999)
The crystal structure of methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri. Structure 122.
Journal Article
262 (2), pp. 396 - 405 (1999)
Phospholipid bound to the flavohemoprotein from Alcaligenes eutrophus. European Journal of Biochemistry 123.
Journal Article
55 (1), pp. 285 - 286 (1999)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the bacterial ATP-binding-cassette (ABC) protein MalK. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen) 124.
Journal Article
8 (6), pp. 749 - 758 (1998)
Active sites of transition-metal enzymes with a focus on nickel. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 125.
Journal Article
258 (1), pp. 85 - 92 (1998)
Lyotropic‐salt‐induced changes in monomer/dimer/tetramer association equilibrium of formyltransferase from the hyperthermophilic Methanopyrus kandleri in relation to the activity and thermostability of the enzyme. European Journal of Biochemistry 126.
Journal Article
278 (5342), pp. 1457 - 1462 (1997)
Crystal structure of methyl-coenzyme M reductase: the key enzyme of biological methane formation. Science 127.
Journal Article
94 (20), pp. 10547 - 10553 (1997)
Structure at 2.7 Å resolution of the Paracoccus denitrificans two subunit cytochrome c oxidase complexed with an antibody Fv fragment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 128.
Journal Article
5 (5), pp. 635 - 646 (1997)
Formylmethanofuran: tetrahydromethanopterin formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri — new insights into salt-dependence and thermostability. Structure 129.
Journal Article
121 (5), pp. 829 - 830 (1997)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of methyl-coenzyme M reductase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. Journal of Biochemistry 130.
Journal Article
396 (2-3), pp. 161 - 164 (1996)
Crystallization and X-ray analysis of the reaction center from the thermophilic green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. FEBS Letters 131.
Journal Article
242 (1), pp. 122 - 131 (1996)
Crystal Structure of the Bifunctional Soybean Bowman‐Birk Inhibitor at 0.28‐nm Resolution. European Journal of Biochemistry 132.
Journal Article
26 (1), pp. 118 - 120 (1996)
Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of formylmethanofuran: Tetrahydromethanopterin formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 133.
Journal Article
118 (15), pp. 3743 - 3752 (1996)
Free Energy Computations on the Shift of the Special Pair Redox Potential: Mutants of the Reaction Center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134.
Journal Article
35 (25), pp. 8359 - 8370 (1996)
Shift of the Special Pair Redox Potential: Electrostatic Energy Computations of Mutants of the Reaction Center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biochemistry 135.
Journal Article
14 (24), pp. 6067 - 6077 (1995)
Crystal structure of the flavohemoglobin from Alcaligenes eutrophus at 1.75 A resolution. The EMBO Journal 136.
Journal Article
21 (4), pp. 351 - 353 (1995)
Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of a bacterial flavohemoglobin protein. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 137.
Journal Article
99 (51), pp. 17917 - 17925 (1995)
Free Energy of Cofactors at the Quinone-QA Site of the Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides Calculated by Minimizing the Statistical Error. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 138.
Journal Article
3 (12), pp. 2447 - 2449 (1994)
Crystallization and preliminary x‐ray analysis of glucose‐fructose oxidoreductase from zymomonas mobilis. Protein Science 139.
Journal Article
2 (10), pp. 925 - 936 (1994)
Structure of the photosynthetic reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides at 2.65 A resolution: cofactors and protein-cofactor interactions. Structure 140.
Journal Article
26 (1), pp. 5 - 15 (1994)
Structure and Function of the Photosynthetic Reaction Center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 141.
Journal Article
230 (4), pp. 1311 - 1314 (1993)
New Crystal Form of the Photosynthetic Reaction Centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides of Improved Diffraction Quality. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 142.
Journal Article
11 (7), pp. 2373 - 2379 (1992)
Three-dimensional structure of transketolase, a thiamine diphosphate dependent enzyme, at 2.5 Å resolution. EMBO Journal 143.
Journal Article
199 (1), pp. 133 - 138 (1991)
Structural, spectroscopic and catalytic activity studies on glutathione reductase reconstituted with FAD analogues. European Journal of Biochemistry 144.
Journal Article
9 (3), pp. 174 - 179 (1991)
The three‐dimensional structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli at 3.0 Å resolution. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Book Chapter (6)
Book Chapter
Catabolic Pathways and Enzymes Involved in Anaerobic Methane Oxidation. In: Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, pp. 1 - 29. Springer International Publishing AG 2017, 6330 Cham Switzerland (2017)
Book Chapter
Structure and function of [Fe]-hydrogenase and biosynthesis of the FeGP cofactor. In: Biohydrogen, pp. 127 - 144 (Ed. Rögner, M.). Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin (2015)
Book Chapter
Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase. In: Handbook of Metalloproteins, Volume 4, 3, pp. 103 - 110 (Ed. Messerschmidt, A.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom (2011)
Book Chapter
Dissimilatory adenosine-5’-phosphosulfate reductase. In: Handbook of Metalloproteins, Volume 4, 4, pp. 183 - 194 (Ed. Messerschmidt, A.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom (2011)
Book Chapter
Crystallization and Structure of the Photosynthetic Reaction Centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides - wild type and mutants. In: The Reaction Center of Photosynthetic Bacteria, pp. 3 - 13 (Ed. Michel-Beyerle, M.-E.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1996)
Book Chapter
2, pp. 503 - 526 (Eds. Blankenship , R. E.; Madigan , M. T.; Bauer, C. E.). Kluwer Academic Publishers 1995, Springer, Dordrecht (1995)
The Structures of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Purple Bacteria as Revealed by X-Ray Crystallography. In: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Vol. Conference Paper (4)
Conference Paper
32 (2), 2 Ed., pp. 269 - 272 (2004)
Hyperthermophilic and salt-dependent formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri. Thermophiles 2003, University of Exeter, UK, September 15, 2003 - September 19, 2003. Biochemical Society Transactions 152.
Conference Paper
1, pp. 341 - 347 (Ed. Murata, N.). Proceedings of the IXth International Congress on Photosynthesis, Nagoya, Japan, August 30, 1992 - September 04, 1992. Springer Science & Business Media, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1992)
Structure-function relationship in the photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacteria as revealed by X-ray crystallography analysis of a new trigonal crystal form of the photosynthetic reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides at 2.65 Å resolution. In: Research in Photosythesis, Vol. 153.
Conference Paper
Structural changes on binding FAD and FAD-analogous and on site-directed mutagenesis of glutathione reductase. In: Flavins and Flavoproteins 1990, pp. 505 - 512 (Ed. Curti, B.). Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins, Como, Italy, July 15, 1990 - July 20, 1990. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1991)
Conference Paper
Studies on the active site of human erythrocyte glutathione reductase using 6-SCN-FAD and 6-mercapto - FAD. In: Flavins and Flavoproteins, pp. 79 - 84 (Eds. Edmondson, D. E.; McCormick, D. B.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 07, 1987 - June 12, 1987. Walter de Gruyter & Co.,, Berlin, New York (1987)
Thesis - Habilitation (1)
Thesis - Habilitation
Strukturuntersuchungen an Enzymen des methanogenen Stoffwechselweges. Habilitation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2002)