MPI of Biophysics and MPI for Brain Research
Our library is a scientific research library. It provides literature and information for both the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics and the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. Our primary purpose is to support the scientific work of the institutes.
The main focus of the collection is set by the research priorities of the departments and is developed according to the research profile.
- You have free access to many important electronic resources such as journals, databases and e-books.
- In addition, the library holds a large number of printed books and journals that are not digitally available. You can borrow these for use within the institute.
- Theses: You have submitted a thesis during your stay at the institute? Please forward a printed and a digital version to the library.
- The library is open to members of the institute 24/7, entrance with chip card only.
What do we offer?
- 14 workplaces
- Reading area
- Daily digital newspapers
- Copy machine
- Ring binding machine
- Service times from 10 - 13 o'clock
You do not find or cannot access an article or a book?
We order any material as soon as possible! –
Please request document via MPG-SFX button
Ordering books: library@biophys.mpg.de
Instructions on how to use the library can be given at any time. Please come to the library during the service hours or make an appointment.