Postdoctoral Researchers
Joining the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics as a Postdoctoral Researcher
In addition to the open positions advertised on our website, we encourage unsolicited applications from postdoctoral researchers interested in particular areas of research at the Institute. You should contact the relevant director or research group leader directly.
Career Development
Progress interviews and individual reviews play an important role in the quality of training. Professionally advised by your academic supervisor and possibly by external career coaches, you can acquire specific scientific skills, gain managerial and teaching experience, analyse your own strengths and goals and actively plan your further career.
Advice is also provided on funding opportunities, for instance by tailored support for successful applications at a variety of German and European funding bodies.
While our Institute is a research institute with no teaching obligations, interested scientists have the opportunity to gain teaching experience within the GRADE Program iQBio offered by Goethe University Frankfurt in which our Institute is a partner. Teaching experience is beneficial for those who wish to pursue a career in academic education such as at Universities.
Moreover, we organise courses and workshops dealing with career-related subjects, and it offers individual career guidance. In particular, the Max Planck Society has developed a further education programme specially tailored to meet the needs of postdoctoral researchers. The workshops take place in-house or at Max Planck Institutes across Germany and are accessible to all.
Career Steps is the largest central event for postdoctoral researchers in the Max Planck Society. It is held once a year, and the working language is English. The event is based on the recognition that an academic scientific background lends itself equally well to careers in both academic and industrial settings, and that these two areas complement one another. In seminars and working groups, postdoctoral researchers are given an overview of how they can operate in the academic employment market and at the same time take advantage of non-academic career opportunities.