German Language Courses
To gain independence, it is essential to speak and understand the official language. Many Germans, especially younger generations, are very fluent in English. However, at public authorities, employees are required to use the official language, and many documents are also in German. Therefore, basic knowledge of the German language can be very useful in daily life.
Additionally, sufficiently proficient in German skills are one of the requirements for applying for permanent residence.
The Max Planck Institute of Biophysics offers German courses at different levels for our scientists free of charge. If you would like to participate, please contact the International Office. Your German language skills will be evaluated by one of our German teachers to place you in the course that best matches your proficiency level. The teacher can also help you arrange an official test to obtain a recognized certificate for residence permits and visas.
To busy with your career to learn German? - try the Deutschtrainer! You can listen to it, while driving or being in the lab, and it is free.
Please note: All information is based on our latest knowledge and our experiences of supporting our international scientists. The information provided is for informative purposes only and is meant to serve as an orientation. We do not guarantee that the information is complete or represents the latest laws and regulations. Please consult the websites and information sources of your embassy, the federal ministry of justice, and public authorities for legal and updated information.