Publications of the Department of Molecular Membrane Biology
Journal Article (17)
Journal Article
12 (12), pp. 2249 - 2256 (2004)
Structure of Xanthine Oxidase-Related 4-Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA Reductase with an Additional [4Fe-4S] Cluster and an Inverted Electron Flow. Structure 2.
Journal Article
87 (6), pp. 4298 - 4315 (2004)
Calculated Coupling of Transmembrane Electron and Proton Transfer in Dihemic Quinol: Fumarate Reductase. Biophysical Journal 3.
Journal Article
432, pp. 286 - 287 (2004)
Ion pump in the movies. Nature 4.
Journal Article
1666 (1-2), pp. 2 - 18 (2004)
Lipids in Membrane Protein Structures. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 5.
Journal Article
1702, pp. 121 - 124 (2004)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of strictosidine synthase from Rauvolfia: the first member of a novel enzyme family. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 6.
Journal Article
43 (37), pp. 11709 - 11716 (2004)
Tyrosine-167: The Origin of the Radical Species Observed in the Reaction of Cytochrome c Oxidase with Hydrogen Peroxide in Paracoccus denitrificans. Biochemistry 7.
Journal Article
1701 (1-2), pp. 129 - 132 (2004)
Vinorine synthase from Rauvolfia: the first example of crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of an enzyme of the BAHD superfamily. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 8.
Journal Article
43, pp. 8439 - 8446 (2004)
Direct Evidence for the Interaction of Stigmatellin with a Protonated Acidic Group in the bc1 Complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae As Monitored by FTIR Difference Spectroscopy and 13C Specific Labeling. Biochemistry 9.
Journal Article
279 (26), pp. 26922 - 26931 (2004)
The MAM (Meprin/A5-protein/PTPmu) Domain Is a Homophilic Binding Site Promoting the Lateral Dimerization of Receptor-like Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase µ. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 10.
Journal Article
271, pp. 1677 - 1689 (2004)
Comparative analysis of high-affinity ligand binding and G protein coupling of the human CXCR1 chemokine receptor and of a CXCR1-Gi2α fusion protein after heterologous production in baculovirus-infected insect cells. European Journal of Biochemistry 11.
Journal Article
86 (4), pp. 1873 - 1889 (2004)
Dynamic Water Networks in Cytochrome c Oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biophysical Journal 12.
Journal Article
12 (3), pp. 361 - 370 (2004)
Coenzyme binding in F420-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase, a member of the bacterial luciferase family. Structure 13.
Journal Article
60, pp. 388 - 391 (2004)
Crystallization of 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase and the structure of its electron donor ferredoxin. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen) 14.
Journal Article
6, pp. 1 - 15 (2004)
Spectral dynamics in the B800 band of LH2 from Rhodospirillum molischianum: a single-molecule study. New Journal of Physics 15.
Journal Article
279, pp. 274 - 281 (2004)
Characterization of the Menaquinone Reduction Site in the Diheme Cytochrome b Membrane Anchor of Wolinella succinogenes NiFe-hydrogenase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 16.
Journal Article
10 (1), pp. 37 - 50 (2004)
Production of the Human D2S Receptor in the Methylotrophic Yeast P. pastoris. Receptors and Channels 17.
Journal Article
D60, pp. 686 - 695 (2004)
Protein structure determination by a combination of long wavelength sulphur phasing and radiation damage induced phasing. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Respiratory Chain Complex II and Succinate: Quinone Oxidoreductases. In: Encylopedia of Biological Chemistry, pp. 681 - 687 (Eds. Lennarz, W.; Lane, M.D.). Elsevier, Oxford, UK (2004)
Book Chapter
Membranständige Rezeptoren: Hin zu atomaren Strukturen und Drug Design. In: Rezeptoren - Mediatoren: Ihre Rolle bei modernen Therapieansätzen, pp. 1 - 12 (Eds. Michel, H.; Wolf, H.). Schattauer Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2004)
Book Chapter
3, pp. 586 - 594 (Ed. Lennarz, W. J.). Academic Press, Elsevier (2004)
Purple Bacteria: Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. In: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol.