Publikationen der Wilfling Forschungsgruppe

Publikationen der Wilfling Forschungsgruppe

Forschungsgruppe "Mechanismen der zellulären Qualitätskontrolle"

Forschungsgruppe im Aufbau

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Licheva, M.; Babic, R.; Pflaum, J.; Mancilla, H.; Wilfling, F.; Kraft, C.: To degrade or not to degrade: how phase separation modulates selective autophagy. Autophagy (2025)
Licheva, M.; Pflaum, J.; Babic, R.; Mancilla, H.; Elsässer, J.; Boyle, E.; Hollenstein, D. M.; Jimenez-Niebla, J.; Pleyer, J.; Heinrich, M. et al.; Wieland, F.-G.; Brenneisen, J.; Eickhorst, C.; Brenner, J.; Jiang, S.; Hartl, M.; Welsch, S.; Hunte, C.; Timmer, J.; Wilfling, F.; Kraft, C.: Phase separation of initiation hubs on cargo is a trigger switch for selective autophagy. Nature Cell Biology 27 (2), S. 283 - 297 (2025)
Kraus, F.; He, Y.; Swarup, S.; Overmyer, K. A.; Jiang, Y.; Brenner, J.; Capitanio, C.; Bieber, A.; Jen, A.; Nightingale, N. M. et al.; Anderson, B. J.; Lee, C.; Paulo, J. A.; Smith, I. R.; Plitzko, J. M.; Gygi, S. P.; Schulman, B. A.; Wilfling, F.; Coon, J. J.; Harper, J. W.: Global cellular proteo-lipidomic profiling of diverse lysosomal storage disease mutants using nMOST. Science Advances 11 (4), eadu5787 (2025)
Grizel, A. V.; Gorsheneva, N. A.; Stevenson, J. B.; Pflaum, J.; Wilfling, F.; Rubel, A. A.; Chernoff, Y. O.: Osmotic stress induces formation of both liquid condensates and amyloids by a yeast prion domain. Journal of Biological Chemistry 300 (10), 107766 (2024)
Lizarrondo, J.; Wilfling, F.: Selective autophagy of macromolecular complexes: what does it take to be taken? Journal of Molecular Biology 436, 168574 (2024)
Wilfling, F.; Graef, M.: Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Functions of Autophagy. Journal of Molecular Biology 436, 168692 (2024)
Zhao, D. Y.; Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Saha, I.; Hartl, F. U.; Baumeister, W.; Wilfling, F.: Autophagy preferentially degrades non-fibrillar polyQ aggregates. Molecular Cell 84 (10), S. 1980 - 1994.e8 (2024)
Hoyer, M. J.; Capitanio, C.; Smith, I. R.; Paoli, J. C.; Bieber, A.; Jiang, Y.; Paulo, J. A.; Gonzalez-Lozano, M. A.; Baumeister, W.; Wilfling, F. et al.; Schulman, B. A.; Harper, J. W.: Combinatorial selective ER-phagy remodels the ER during neurogenesis. Nature Cell Biology 26 (3), S. 378 - 392 (2024)
Wilfling, F.; Kaksonen, M.; Stachowiak, J.: Protein condensates as flexible platforms for membrane traffic. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 85, 102258 (2023)
Boyle, E.; Wilfling, F.: Autophagy as a caretaker of nuclear integrity. FEBS Letters 597, S. 2728 - 2738 (2023)
Brenner, J.; Klumpe, S.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J. M.: Towards Temporal Resolution in Correlative Cryo-electron Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement\1), S. 1937 - 1938 (2023)
Schmitt, D.; Bozkurt, S.; Henning-Domres, P.; Huesmann, H.; Eimer, S.; Bindila, L.; Behrends, C.; Boyle, E.; Wilfling, F.; Tascher, G. et al.; Münch, C.; Behl, C.; Kern, A.: FACS-mediated isolation of native autophagic vesicles. Autophagy 19 (7), S. 2146 - 2147 (2023)
Capitanio, C.; Bieber, A.; Wilfling, F.: How Membrane Contact Sites Shape the Phagophore. Contact 6 (2023)
Li, M.; Tripathi-Giesgen, I.; Schulman, B. A.; Baumeister, W.; Wilfling, F.: In situ snapshots along a mammalian selective autophagy pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (12), e2221712120 (2023)
Schmitt, D.; Bozkurt, S.; Henning-Domres, P.; Huesmann, H.; Eimer, S.; Bindila, L.; Behrends, C.; Boyle, E.; Wilfling, F.; Tascher, G. et al.; Münch, C.; Behl, C.; Kern, A.: Lipid and protein content profiling of isolated native autophagic vesicles. EMBO Reports, e53065 (2022)
Bieber, A.; Capitanio, C.; Erdmann, P. S.; Fiedler, F.; Beck, F.; Lee, C.-W.; Li, D.; Hummer, G.; Schulman, B. A.; Baumeister, W. et al.; Wilfling, F.: In situ structural analysis reveals membrane shape transitions during autophagosome formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (39), e2209823119 (2022)
Enenkel, C.; Kang, R. W.; Wilfling, F.; Ernst, O. P.: Intracellular localization of the proteasome in response to stress conditions. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (7), 102083 (2022)
Qiao, S.; Lee, C.-W.; Sherpa, D.; Chrustowicz, J.; Cheng, J.; Duennebacke, M.; Steigenberger, B.; Karayel, O.; Vu, D. T.; von Gronau, S. et al.; Mann, M.; Wilfling, F.; Schulman, B. A.: Cryo-EM structures of Gid12-bound GID E3 reveal steric blockade as a mechanism inhibiting substrate ubiquitylation. Nature Communications 13, 3041 (2022)
Boyle, E.; Wilfling, F.: Bypassing the nuclear gate: A non-canonical entry pathway for the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Molecular Cell 82 (5), S. 886 - 888 (2022)
Bieber, A.; Capitanio, C.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J.; Erdmann, P. S.: Sample Preparation by 3D-Correlative Focused Ion Beam Milling for High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (176), e62886 (2021)
Erdbrügger, P.; Wilfling, F.: p62 condensates are a hub for proteasome-mediated protein turnover in the nucleus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (37), e2113647118 (2021)
Erdmann, P. S.; Hou, Z.; Klumpe, S.; Khavnekar, S.; Beck, F.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals gradient organization of ribosome biogenesis in intact nucleoli. Nature Communications 12 (1), 5364 (2021)
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