Publikationen der ehemaligen Abteilung für Biophysikalische Chemie

Direktor: Prof. Dr. Ernst Bamberg

Zeitschriftenartikel (17)

Tavraz, N. N.; Friedrich, T.; Dürr, K. L.; Koenderink, J. B.; Bamberg, E.; Freilinger, T.; Dichgans, M.: Diverse functional consequences of mutations in the Na+/K+-ATPase alpha2-subunit causing familial hemiplegic migraine type 2. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (45), S. 31097 - 31106 (2008)
Schulz, P.; Garcia-Celma, J. J.; Fendler, K.: SSM-based electrophysiology. Methods 46, S. 97 - 103 (2008)
Cladwell, J. H.; Herin, G. A.; Nagel, G.; Bamberg, E.; Scheschonka, A.; Betz, H.: Increases in Intracellular Calcium Triggered by Channelrhodopsin-2 Potentiate the Response of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluR7. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (36), S. 24300 - 24307 (2008)
Westhoff, M.; Schneider, H.; Zimmermann, D.; Mimietz, S.; Stinzing, A.; Wegner, L. H.; Kaiser, W.; Krohne, G.; Shirley, S.; Bamberg, E. et al.; Bentrup, F.-W.; Zimmermann, U.: The mechanisms of refilling of xylem conduits and bleeding of tall birch during spring. Plant Biology 10 (5), S. 604 - 623 (2008)
Garcia-Celma, J. J.; Dueck, B.; Stein, M.; Schlueter, M.; Meyer-Lipp, K.; Leblanc, G.; Fendler, K.: Rapid Activation of the Melibiose Permease MelB Immobilized on a Solid-Supported Membrane. Langmuir 24, S. 8119 - 8126 (2008)
Tadini-Buoninsegni, F.; Bartolommei, G.; Moncelli, M. R.; Fendler, K.: Charge transfer in P-type ATPases investigated on planar membranes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 476, S. 75 - 86 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Reuss, R.; Westhoff, M.; Geßner, P.; Bamberg, E.; Bentrup, F.-W.; Zimmermann, U.: A novel, non-invasive, online-monitoring, versatile and easy plant-based probe for measuring leaf water status. Journal of Experimental Botany 59 (11), S. 3157 - 3167 (2008)
Terpitz, U.; Raimunda, D.; Westhoff, M.; Sukhorukov, V. L.; Beaugé, L.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, D.: Electrofused giant protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a novel system for electrophysiological studies on membrane proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1778 (6), S. 1493 - 1500 (2008)
Krieger, F.; Mourot, A.; Araoz, R.; Kotzyba-Hibert, F.; Molgó , J.; Bamberg, E.; Goeldner, M.: Fluorescent agonists for the torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 9 (7), S. 1146 - 1153 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Zhou, A.; Kiesel, M.; Feldbauer, K.; Terpitz, U.; Haase, W.; Schneider-Hohendorf, T.; Bamberg, E.; Sukhorukov, V. L.: Effects on capacitance by overexpression of membrane proteins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 369 (4), S. 1022 - 1026 (2008)
Dürr, K. L.; Tavraz, N. N.; Zimmermann, D.; Bamberg, E.; Friedrich, T.: Characterization of Na,K-ATPase and H,K-ATPase Enzymes with Glycosylation-Deficient β-Subunit Voltage-Clamp Fluorometry in Xenopus Oocytes. Biochemistry 47 (14), S. 4288 - 4297 (2008)
Lörinczi, E.; Tsivkoskii, R.; Haase, W.; Bamberg, E.; Lutsenko, S.; Friedrich, T.: Delivery of the Cu-transporting ATPase ATP7B to the plasma membrane in Xenopus oocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1778 (4), S. 896 - 906 (2008)
Mourot, A.; Bamberg, E.; Rettinger, J.: Agonist- and competitive antagonist-induced movement of loop 5 on the α subunit of the neuronal α4β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Journal of Neurochemistry 105 (2), S. 413 - 424 (2008)
Bamann, C.; Kirsch, T.; Nagel, G.; Bamberg, E.: Spectral Characteristics of the Photocycle of Channelrhodopsin-2 and Its Implication for Channel Function. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 375 (3), S. 686 - 694 (2008)
Dempski, R. E.; Lustig, J.; Friedrich, T.; Bamberg, E.: Structural Arrangement and Conformational Dynamics of the γ Subunit of the Na+/K+-ATPase. Biochemistry 47 (1), S. 257 - 266 (2008)
Gorbunov, D.; Gorboulev, V.; Shatskaya, N.; Mueller, T.; Bamberg, E.; Friedrich, T.; Koepsell, H.: High-affinity Cation Binding to Organic Cation Transporter OCT1 Induces Movement of Helix 11 and Blocks Transport after Mutations in a Modeled Interaction Domain between Two Helices. Molecular Pharmacology 73 (1), S. 50 - 61 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Kiesel, M.; Terpitz, U.; Zhou, A.; Reuss, R.; Kraus, J.; Schenk, W. A.; Bamberg, E.; Sukhorukov, V. L.: A Combined Patch-Clamp and Electrorotation Study of the Voltage- and Frequency-Dependent Membrane Capacitance Caused by Structurally Dissimilar Lipophilic Anions. Journal of Membrane Biology 221 (2), S. 107 - 121 (2008)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (2)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Gaiko, O.: Die organischen Kationen Transporter rOCT2 und hOCT2: funktionelle Charakterisierung und Assayentwicklung für die pharmakologische Wirkstoffsuche. Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2008)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kirsch, T.: Funktionelle Expression von Channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2) in der methylotrophen Hefe Pichia pastoris und biophysikalische Charakterisierung. Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2008)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Mager, T.: Lösungsansätze für die Charakterisierung elektrogener, bakterieller Transporter mittels Patch-Clamp-Technik. Diplom, 71 S., Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2008)
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