Publications of the Department of Molecular Membrane Biology

Publications of Tobias Brandt

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Brandt, T.; Mourier, A.; Tain, L. S.; Partridge, L.; Larsson, N.-G.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Changes of mitochondrial ultrastructure and function during ageing in mice and Drosophila. eLife 6, e24662 (2017)
Journal Article
Brandt, T.; Cavellini, L.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Cohen, M. M.: A mitofusin-dependent docking ring complex triggers mitochondrial fusion in vitro. eLife 5, e14618 (2016)
Journal Article
Mourier, A.; Motori, E.; Brandt, T.; Lagouge, M.; Atanassov, I.; Galinier, A.; Rappl, G.; Brodesser, S.; Hultenby, K.; Dieterich, C. et al.: Mitofusin 2 is required to maintain mitochondrial coenzyme Q levels. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB 208 (4), pp. 429 - 442 (2015)
Journal Article
Davies, K. M.; Daum, B.; Gold, V. A. M.; Mühleip, A. W.; Brandt, T.; Blum, T.; Mills, D. J.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Visualization of ATP Synthase Dimers in Mitochondria by Electron Cryo-tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (91 doi: 10.3791/51228), e51228 (2014)
Journal Article
Mourier, A.; Ruzzenente, B.; Brandt, T.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Larsson, N.-G.: Loss of LRPPRC causes ATP synthase deficiency. Human Molecular Genetics 23 (10), pp. 2580 - 2592 (2014)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Gold, V. A. M.; Brandt, T.; Cavellini, L.; Cohen, M. M.; Ieva, R.; van der Laan, M.: Analysis of Mitochondrial Membrane Protein Complexes by Electron Cryo-tomography. In: Mitochondria. Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB), Vol. 1567, pp. 315 - 336. Humana Press, New York (2017)