Publikationen von Shyamal Mosalaganti

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Mosalaganti, S.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Taniguchi, R.; Turoňová, B.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Buczak, K.; Schmidt, F. H.; Margiotta, E.; Mackmull, M.-T. et al.: AI-based structure prediction empowers integrative structural analysis of human nuclear pores. Science 376 (6598), eabm9506 (2022)
Turoňová, B.; Sikora, M.; Schürmann, C.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Welsch, S.; Blanc, F. E. C.; von Bülow, S.; Gecht, M.; Bagola, K.; Hörner, C. et al.: In situ structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike reveals flexibility mediated by three hinges. Science 370 (6513), S. 203 - 208 (2020)