Publikationen von Ulrich Terpitz

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Terpitz, U.; Letschert, S.; Bonda, U.; Spahn, C.; Guan, C.; Sauer, M.; Zimmermann, U.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, D.; Sukhorukov, . L.: Dielectric Analysis and Multi-cell Electrofusion of the Yeast Pichia pastoris for Electrophysiological Studies. Journal of Membrane Biology 245 (12), S. 815 - 826 (2012)
Kleinlogel, S.; Terpitz, U.; Legrum, B.; Gökbuget, D.; Boyden, E. S.; Bamann, C.; Wood, P. G.; Bamberg, E.: A gene-fusion strategy for stoichiometric and co-localized expression of light-gated membrane proteins. Nature Methods 8 (12), S. 1083 - 1088 (2011)
Terpitz, U.; Zimmermann, D.: Isolation of guard cells from fresh epidermis using a piezo-power micro-dissection system with vibration-attenuated needles. Biotechniques 48 (1), S. 68 - 70 (2010)
Terpitz, U.; Raimunda, D.; Westhoff, M.; Sukhorukov, V. L.; Beaugé, L.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, D.: Electrofused giant protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a novel system for electrophysiological studies on membrane proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1778 (6), S. 1493 - 1500 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Zhou, A.; Kiesel, M.; Feldbauer, K.; Terpitz, U.; Haase, W.; Schneider-Hohendorf, T.; Bamberg, E.; Sukhorukov, V. L.: Effects on capacitance by overexpression of membrane proteins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 369 (4), S. 1022 - 1026 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Kiesel, M.; Terpitz, U.; Zhou, A.; Reuss, R.; Kraus, J.; Schenk, W. A.; Bamberg, E.; Sukhorukov, V. L.: A Combined Patch-Clamp and Electrorotation Study of the Voltage- and Frequency-Dependent Membrane Capacitance Caused by Structurally Dissimilar Lipophilic Anions. Journal of Membrane Biology 221 (2), S. 107 - 121 (2008)
Zimmermann, D.; Terpitz, U.; Zhou, A.; Reuss, R.; Müller, K.; Sukhorukov, V.L.; Geßner, P.; Nagel, G.; Zimmermann, U.; Bamberg, E.: Biophysical characterisation of electrofused giant HEK293-cells as a novel electrophysiological expression system. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 348, S. 673 - 681 (2006)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Terpitz, U.; Raimunda, D.; Zhou, A.; Feldbauer, K.; Sukhorukov, V.; Beauge, L.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, D.: Giant cells obtained by electrofusion: a novel heterologeous expression system. 6th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Imperial College London, 14. Juli 2007 - 18. Juli 2007. European Biophysics Journal 36 (Supplement 1), S. S152 - S152 (2007)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Terpitz, U.: Die Fakir-Methode - dielektrophoretische Zellattraktion und intrazelluläre Messung von Ionenkanälen mit Nanometallelektroden. Dissertation, 109 S., Johann Wolgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2009)
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