Publications of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Publications of Martin Beck

Journal Article (115)

Journal Article
Klumpe, S.; Senti, K. A.; Beck, F.; Sachweh, J.; Hampoelz, B.; Ronchi, P.; Oorschot, V.; Brandstetter, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Briggs, J. A. G. et al.; Brennecke, J.; Beck, M.; Plitzko, J. M.: In-cell structure and snapshots of copia retrotransposons in intact tissue by cryoelectron tomography. Cell 188 (2025)
Journal Article
Kreysing, J. P.; Heidari, M.; Zila, V.; Cruz-León, S.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Laketa, V.; Rohleder, L.; Welsch, S.; Köfinger, J.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.; Kräusslich, H.-G.; Beck, M.: Passage of the HIV capsid cracks the nuclear pore. Cell 188 (4), pp. 930 - 943.e21 (2025)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, P. C.; Kim, H.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Kreysing, J. P.; Andino-Frydman, E.; Cruz-León, S.; Margiotta, E.; Cernikova, L.; Kosinski, J.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.; Beck, M.: Nuclear pore permeability and fluid flow are modulated by its dilation state. Molecular Cell 85 (3), pp. 537 - 554.e11 (2025)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Rosenkranz, R. R. E.; Rodriguez-Aliaga, P.; Lee, T.-T.; Majtner, T.; Böhm, S.; Turoňová, B.; Frydman, J.; Beck, M.: In situ analysis reveals the TRiC duty cycle and PDCD5 as an open-state cofactor. Nature 637 (8047), pp. 983 - 990 (2025)
Journal Article
Khusainov, I.; Romanov, N.; Goemans, C.; Turoňová, B.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Welsch, S.; Langer, J. D.; Typas, A.; Beck, M.: Bactericidal effect of tetracycline in E. coli strain ED1a may be associated with ribosome dysfunction. Nature Communications 15, 4783 (2024)
Journal Article
Cruz-León, S.; Majtner, T.; Hoffmann, P. C.; Kreysing, J. P.; Kehl, S.; Tuijtel, M.; Schaefer, S. L.; Geißler, K.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.: High-confidence 3D template matching for cryo-electron tomography. Nature Communications 15, 3992 (2024)
Journal Article
Tuijtel, M.; Cruz-León, S.; Kreysing, J. P.; Welsch, S.; Hummer, G.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B.: Thinner is not always better: Optimizing cryo-lamellae for subtomogram averaging. Science Advances 10 (17), eadk6285 (2024)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Covino, R.; Hänelt, I.; Müller-McNicoll, M.: Understanding the cell: Future views of structural biology. Cell 187 (3), pp. 545 - 562 (2024)
Journal Article
Campbell, E. A.; Walden, H.; Walter, J. C.; Shukla, A. K.; Beck, M.; Passmore, L. A.; Xu, H. E.: AlphaFold: Research accelerator and hypothesis generator. Molecular Cell 84 (3), pp. 404 - 408 (2024)
Journal Article
Jagtap, P. K. A.; Müller, M.; Kiss, A. E.; Thomae, A. W.; Lapouge, K.; Beck, M.; Becker, P. B.; Hennig, J.: Structural basis of RNA-induced autoregulation of the DExH-type RNA helicase maleless. Molecular Cell 83, pp. 4318 - 4333 (2023)
Journal Article
Sanchez Carrillo, I. B.; Hoffmann, P. C.; Barff, T.; Beck, M.; Germain, H.: Preparing Arabidopsis thaliana root protoplasts for cryo electron tomography. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1261180 (2023)
Journal Article
Castillo Duque de Estrada, N. M.; Thoms, M.; Flemming, D.; Hammaren, H. M.; Buschauer, R.; Ameismeier, M.; Baßler, J.; Beck, M.; Beckmann, R.; Hurt, E.: Structure of nascent 5S RNPs at the crossroad between ribosome assembly and MDM2-p53 pathways. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 30, pp. 1119 - 1131 (2023)
Journal Article
Xing, H.; Taniguchi, R.; Khusainov, I.; Kreysing, J. P.; Welsch, S.; Turoňová, B.; Beck, M.: Translation dynamics in human cells visualized at high resolution reveal cancer drug action. Science 381 (6653), pp. 70 - 75 (2023)
Journal Article
Seidel, M.; Romanov, N.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Becker, A.; Trevisan Doimo de Azevedo, N.; Provaznik, J.; Nagaraja, S. R.; Landry, J. J. M.; Benes, V.; Beck, M.: Co-translational binding of importins to nascent proteins. Nature Communications 14, 3418 (2023)
Journal Article
Yu, M.; Heidari, M.; Mikhaleva, S.; Tan, P. S.; Mingu, S.; Ruan, H.; Reinkemeier, C. D.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Beck, M. et al.; Hummer, G.; Lemke, E. A.: Visualizing the disordered nuclear transport machinery in situ. Nature 617 (7959), pp. 162 - 169 (2023)
Journal Article
de Teresa-Trueba, I.; Goetz, S. K.; Mattausch, A.; Stojanovska, F.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Toro-Nahuelpan, M.; Cheng, D. W. C.; Tollervey, F.; Pape, C.; Beck, M. et al.; Diz-Muñoz, A.; Kreshuk, A.; Mahamid, J.; Zaugg, J. B.: Convolutional networks for supervised mining of molecular patterns within cellular context. Nature Methods 20 (2), pp. 284 - 294 (2023)
Journal Article
Miyazawa, H.; Snaebjornsson, M. T.; Prior, N.; Kafkia, E.; Hammarén, H. M.; Tsuchida-Straeten, N.; Patil, K. R.; Beck, M.; Aulehla, A.: Glycolytic flux-signaling controls mouse embryo mesoderm development. eLife 11, e83299 (2022)
Journal Article
Hammarén, H. M.; Geissen, E.-M.; Potel, C. M.; Beck, M.; Savitski, M. M.: Protein-Peptide Turnover Profiling reveals the order of PTM addition and removal during protein maturation. Nature Communications 13, 7431 (2022)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, P. C.; Kreysing, J. P.; Khusainov, I.; Tuijtel, M.; Welsch, S.; Beck, M.: Structures of the eukaryotic ribosome and its translational states in situ. Nature Communications 13, 7435 (2022)
Journal Article
Kafkia, E.; Andres-Pons, A.; Ganter, K.; Seiler, M.; Smith, T. S.; Andrejeva, A.; Jouhten, P.; Pereira, F.; Franco, C.; Kuroshchenkova, A. et al.; Leone, S.; Sawarkar, R.; Boston, R.; Thaventhiran, J.; Zaugg, J. B.; Lilley, K. S.; Lancrin, C.; Beck, M.; Patil, K. R.: Operation of a TCA cycle subnetwork in the mammalian nucleus. Science Advances 8 (35), eabq5206 (2022)
Journal Article
Mosalaganti, S.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Taniguchi, R.; Turoňová, B.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Buczak, K.; Schmidt, F. H.; Margiotta, E.; Mackmull, M.-T. et al.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Hummer, G.; Kosinski, J.; Beck, M.: AI-based structure prediction empowers integrative structural analysis of human nuclear pores. Science 376 (6598), eabm9506 (2022)
Journal Article
Di Fraia, D.; Anitei, M.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Parca, L.; Behrendt, L.; Andres-Pons, A.; Gilmour, D.; Helmer Citterich, M.; Kaether, C.; Beck, M. et al.; Ori, A.: Conserved exchange of paralog proteins during neuronal differentiation. Life science alliance 5 (6), e202201397 (2022)
Journal Article
Seidel, M.; Becker, A.; Pereira, F.; Landry, J. J. M.; de Azevedo, N. T. D.; Fusco, C. M.; Kaindl, E.; Romanov, N.; Baumbach, J.; Langer, J. D. et al.; Schuman, E. M.; Patil, K. R.; Hummer, G.; Benes, V.; Beck, M.: Co-translational assembly orchestrates competing biogenesis pathways. Nature Communications 13, 1224 (2022)
Journal Article
Klumpe, S.; Fung, H. K. H.; Goetz, S. K.; Zagoriy, I.; Hampoelz, B.; Zhang, X.; Erdmann, P. S.; Baumbach, J.; Müller, C. W.; Beck, M. et al.; Plitzko, J. M.; Mahamid, J.: A modular platform for automated cryo-FIB workflows. eLife 10, e70506 (2021)
Journal Article
Zimmerli, C. E.; Allegretti, M.; Rantos, V.; Goetz, S. K.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Zagoriy, I.; Halavatyi, A.; Hummer, G.; Mahamid, J.; Kosinski, J. et al.; Beck, M.: Nuclear pores dilate and constrict in cellulo. Science 374 (6573), eabd9776 (2021)
Journal Article
Musser, J. M.; Schippers, K. J.; Nickel, M.; Mizzon, G.; Kohn, A. B.; Pape, C.; Ronchi, P.; Papadopoulos, N.; Tarashansky, A. J.; Hammel, J. U. et al.; Wolf, F.; Liang, C.; Hernández-Plaza, A.; Cantalapiedra, C. P.; Achim, K.; Schieber, N. L.; Pan, L.; Ruperti, F.; Francis, W. R.; Vargas, S.; Kling, S.; Renkert, M.; Polikarpov, M.; Bourenkov, G.; Feuda, R.; Gaspar, I.; Burkhardt, P.; Wang, B.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.; Schneider, T. R.; Kreshuk, A.; Wörheide, G.; Huerta-Cepas, J.; Schwab, Y.; Moroz, L. L.; Arendt, D.: Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution. Science 374 (6568), pp. 717 - 723 (2021)
Journal Article
Klünemann, M.; Andrejev, S.; Blasche, S.; Mateus, A.; Phapale, P.; Devendran, S.; Vappiani, J.; Simon, B.; Scott, T. A.; Kafkia, E. et al.; Konstantinidis, D.; Zirngibl, K.; Mastrorilli, E.; Banzhaf, M.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Hövelmann, F.; Nesme, L.; Brochado, A. R.; Maier, L.; Bock, T.; Periwal, V.; Kumar, M.; Kim, Y.; Tramontano, M.; Schultz, C.; Beck, M.; Hennig, J.; Zimmermann, M.; Sévin, D. C.; Cabreiro, F.; Savitski, M. M.; Bork, P.; Typas, A.; Patil, K. R.: Bioaccumulation of therapeutic drugs by human gut bacteria. Nature 597 (7877), pp. 533 - 538 (2021)
Journal Article
Sabinina, V. J.; Hossain, M. J.; Hériché, J.-K.; Hoess, P.; Nijmeijer, B.; Mosalaganti, S.; Kueblbeck, M.; Callegari, A.; Szymborska, A.; Beck, M. et al.; Ries, J.; Ellenberg, J.: Three-dimensional superresolution fluorescence microscopy maps the variable molecular architecture of the nuclear pore complex. Molecular Biology of the Cell 32 (17), pp. 1523 - 1533 (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Y.; Kuhn, M.; Zukowska-Kasprzyk, J.; Hennrich, M. L.; Kastritis, P. L.; O’Reilly, F. J.; Phapale, P.; Beck, M.; Gavin, A.-C.; Bork, P.: Coupling proteomics and metabolomics for the unsupervised identification of protein–metabolite interactions in Chaetomium thermophilum. PLoS One 16 (7), e0254429 (2021)
Journal Article
Zila, V.; Margiotta, E.; Turoňová, B.; Müller, T. G.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Mattei, S.; Allegretti, M.; Börner, K.; Rada, J.; Müller, B. et al.; Lusic, M.; Kräusslich, H.-G.; Beck, M.: Cone-shaped HIV-1 capsids are transported through intact nuclear pores. Cell 184 (4), pp. 1032 - 1046 (2021)
Journal Article
Bárcena, M.; Barnes, C. O.; Beck, M.; Bjorkman, P. J.; Canard, B.; Gao, G. F.; Gao, Y.; Hilgenfeld, R.; Hummer, G.; Patwardhan, A. et al.; Santoni, G.; Saphire, E. O.; Schaffitzel, C.; Schendel, S. L.; Smith, J. L.; Thorn, A.; Veesler, D.; Zhang, P.; Zhou, Q.: Structural biology in the fight against COVID-19. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (1), pp. 2 - 7 (2021)
Journal Article
Allegretti, M.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Rantos, V.; Wilfing, F.; Ronchi, P.; Fung, H. K. H.; Lee, C.-W.; Hagen, W.; Turoňová, B.; Karius, K. et al.; Börmel, M.; Zhang, X.; Müller, C. W.; Schwab, Y.; Mahamid, J.; Pfander, B.; Kosinski, J.; Beck, M.: In-cell architecture of the nuclear pore and snapshots of its turnover. Nature 586 (7831), pp. 796 - 800 (2020)
Journal Article
Turoňová, B.; Sikora, M.; Schürmann, C.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Welsch, S.; Blanc, F. E. C.; von Bülow, S.; Gecht, M.; Bagola, K.; Hörner, C. et al.; van Zandbergen, G.; Landry, J.; de Azevedo, N. T. D.; Mosalaganti, S.; Schwarz, A.; Covino, R.; Mühlebach, M. D.; Hummer, G.; Krijnse Locker, J.; Beck, M.: In situ structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike reveals flexibility mediated by three hinges. Science 370 (6513), pp. 203 - 208 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Kastritis, P. L.; Dougherty, S. E.; Bouvette, J.; Hsu, A. L.; Burbaum, L.; Mosalaganti, S.; Pfeffer, S.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Förster, F. et al.; Borgnia, M. J.; Vogel, C.; Beck, M.; Bartesaghi, A.; Silva, G. M.: Structural impact of K63 ubiquitin on yeast translocating ribosomes under oxidative stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (36), pp. 22157 - 22166 (2020)
Journal Article
Buczak, K.; Kirkpatrick, J. M.; Truckenmueller, F.; Santinha, D.; Ferreira, L.; Roessler, S.; Singer, S.; Beck, M.; Ori, A.: Spatially resolved analysis of FFPE tissue proteomes by quantitative mass spectrometry. Nature Protocols 15 (9), pp. 2956 - 2979 (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, B.-G.; Merkel, F.; Allegretti, M.; Hassler, M.; Cawood, C.; Lecomte, L.; O'Reilly, F. J.; Sinn, L. R.; Gutierrez-Escribano, P.; Kschonsak, M. et al.; Bravo, S.; Nakane, T.; Rappsilber, J.; Aragon, L.; Beck, M.; Löwe, J.; Haering, C. H.: Cryo-EM structures of holo condensin reveal a subunit flip-flop mechanism. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 27 (8), pp. 743 - 751 (2020)
Journal Article
Turoňová, B.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Obr, M.; Mosalaganti, S.; Beugelink, J. W.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Kräusslich, H.-G.; Beck, M.: Benchmarking tomographic acquisition schemes for high-resolution structural biology. Nature Communications 11, 876 (2020)
Journal Article
Fürsch, J.; Kammer, K.-M.; Kreft, S. G.; Beck, M.; Stengel, F.: Proteome-Wide Structural Probing of Low-Abundant Protein Interactions by Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 92 (5), pp. 4016 - 4022 (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, C.-W.; Wilfling, F.; Ronchi, P.; Allegretti, M.; Mosalaganti, S.; Jentsch, S.; Beck, M.; Pfander, B.: Selective autophagy degrades nuclear pore complexes. Nature Cell Biology 22 (2), pp. 159 - 166 (2020)
Journal Article
Guo, T.; Luna, A.; Rajapakse, V. N.; Koh, C. C.; Wu, Z.; Liu, W.; Sun, Y.; Gao, H.; Menden, M. P.; Xu, C. et al.; Calzone, L.; Martignetti, L.; Auwerx, C.; Buljan, M.; Banaei-Esfahani, A.; Ori, A.; Iskar, M.; Gillet, L.; Bi, R.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, H.; Yu, C.; Zhong, Q.; Varma, S.; Schmitt, U.; Qiu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, Y.; Wild, P. J.; Garnett, M. J.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.; Liu, K.; Saez-Rodriguez, J.; Elloumi, F.; Reinhold, W. C.; Sander, C.; Pommier, Y.; Aebersold, R.: Quantitative Proteome Landscape of the NCI-60 Cancer Cell Lines. iScience 21, pp. 664 - 680 (2019)
Journal Article
Hampoelz, B.; Schwarz, A.; Ronchi, P.; Bragulat-Teixidor, H.; Tischer, C.; Gaspar, I.; Ephrussi, A.; Schwab, Y.; Beck, M.: Nuclear Pores Assemble from Nucleoporin Condensates During Oogenesis. Cell 179 (3), pp. 671 - 686.e17 (2019)
Journal Article
Schwarz, A.; Beck, M.: The Benefits of Cotranslational Assembly: A Structural Perspective. Trends in Cell Biology 29 (10), pp. 791 - 803 (2019)
Journal Article
Romanov, N.; Kuhn, M.; Aebersold, R.; Ori, A.; Beck, M.; Bork, P.: Disentangling Genetic and Environmental Effects on the Proteotypes of Individuals. Cell 177 (5), pp. 1308 - 1318 (2019)
Journal Article
Holzer, K.; Ori, A.; Cooke, A.; Dauch, D.; Drucker, E.; Riemenschneider, P.; Andres-Pons, A.; DiGuilio, A. L.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Baßler, J. et al.; Roessler, S.; Breuhahn, K.; Zender, L.; Glavy, J. S.; Dombrowski, F.; Hurt, E.; Schirmacher, P.; Beck, M.; Singer, S.: Nucleoporin Nup155 is part of the p53 network in liver cancer. Nature Communications 10, 2147 (2019)
Journal Article
Hampoelz, B.; Andres-Pons, A.; Kastritis, P.; Beck, M.: Structure and Assembly of the Nuclear Pore Complex. Annual Review of Biophysics 48, pp. 515 - 536 (2019)
Journal Article
Thaller, D. J.; Allegretti, M.; Borah, S.; Ronchi, P.; Beck, M.; Lusk, C. P.: An ESCRT-LEM Protein Surveillance System Is Poised to Directly Monitor the Nuclear Envelope and Nuclear Transport System. eLife 8, e45284 (2019)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Mosalaganti, S.; Kosinski, J.: From the resolution revolution to evolution: structural insights into the evolutionary relationships between vesicle coats and the nuclear pore. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 52, pp. 32 - 40 (2018)
Journal Article
Kehrer, J.; Kuss, C.; Andres-Pons, A.; Reustle, A.; Dahan, N.; Devos, D.; Kudryashev, M.; Beck, M.; Mair, G. R.; Frischknecht, F.: Nuclear Pore Complex Components in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Berghei. Scientific Reports 8, 11249 (2018)
Journal Article
Parca, L.; Beck, M.; Bork, P.; Ori, A.: Quantifying compartment-associated variations of protein abundance in proteomics data. Molecular Systems Biology 14 (7), e8131 (2018)
Journal Article
Mosalaganti, S.; Kosinski, J.; Albert, S.; Schaffer, M.; Strenkert, D.; Salomé, P. A.; Merchant, S. S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Engel, B. D. et al.; Beck, M.: In situ architecture of the algal nuclear pore complex. Nature Communications 9 (1), 2361 (2018)
Journal Article
Becher, I.; Andrés-Pons, A.; Romanov, N.; Stein, F.; Schramm, M.; Baudin, F.; Helm, D.; Kurzawa, N.; Mateus, A.; Mackmull, M.-T. et al.; Typas, A.; Müller, C. W.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.; Savitski, M. M.: Pervasive Protein Thermal Stability Variation During the Cell Cycle. Cell 173 (6), pp. 1495 - 1507 (2018)
Journal Article
Buczak, K.; Ori, A.; Kirkpatrick, J. M.; Holzer, K.; Dauch, D.; Roessler, S.; Endris, V.; Lasitschka, F.; Parca, L.; Schmidt, A. et al.; Zender, L.; Schirmacher, P.; Krijgsveld, J.; Singer, S.; Beck, M.: Spatial Tissue Proteomics Quantifies Inter- And Intratumor Heterogeneity in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 17 (4), pp. 810 - 825 (2018)
Journal Article
Mathieson, T.; Franken, H.; Kosinski, J.; Kurzawa, N.; Zinn, N.; Sweetman, G.; Poeckel, D.; Ratnu, V. S.; Schramm, M.; Becher, I. et al.; Steidel, M.; Noh, K.-M.; Bergamini, G.; Beck, M.; Bantscheff, M.; Savitski, M. M.: Systematic analysis of protein turnover in primary cells. Nature Communications 9, 689 (2018)
Journal Article
Otsuka, S.; Steyer, A. M.; Schorb, M.; Hériché, J.-K.; Hossain, M. J.; Sethi, S.; Kueblbeck, M.; Schwab, Y.; Beck, M.; Ellenberg, J.: Postmitotic nuclear pore assembly proceeds by radial dilation of small membrane openings. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 25 (1), pp. 21 - 28 (2018)
Journal Article
Albert, S.; Schaffer, M.; Beck, F.; Mosalaganti, S.; Asano, S.; Thomas, H. F.; Plitzko, J. M.; Beck, M.; Baumeister, W.; Engel, B. D.: Proteasomes tether to two distinct sites at the nuclear pore complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (52), pp. 13726 - 13731 (2017)
Journal Article
Mackmull, M.-T.; Klaus, B.; Heinze, I.; Chokkalingam, M.; Beyer, A.; Russell, R. B.; Ori, A.; Beck, M.: Landscape of nuclear transport receptor cargo specificity. Molecular Systems Biology 13 (12), 962 (2017)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Schirmacher, P.; Singer, S.: Alterations of the nuclear transport system in hepatocellular carcinoma - New basis for therapeutic strategies. Journal of Hepatology 67 (5), pp. 1051 - 1061 (2017)
Journal Article
Teimer, R.; Kosinski, J.; von Appen, A.; Beck, M.; Hurt, E.: A Short Linear Motif in Scaffold Nup145C Connects Y-complex With Pre-Assembled Outer Ring Nup82 Complex. Nature Communications 8, 1107 (2017)
Journal Article
Sadian, Y.; Tafur, L.; Kosinski, J.; Jakobi, A. J.; Wetzel, R.; Buczak, K.; Hagen, W. J.; Beck, M.; Sachse, C.; Müller, C. W.: Structural Insights Into Transcription Initiation by Yeast RNA Polymerase I. The EMBO Journal 36 (18), pp. 2698 - 2709 (2017)
Journal Article
Kastritis, P. L.; O'Reilly, F. J.; Bock, T.; Li, Y.; Rogon, M. Z.; Buczak, K.; Romanov, N.; Betts, M. J.; Bui, K. H.; Hagen, W. J. et al.; Hennrich, M. L.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Rappsilber, J.; Russell, R. B.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.; Gavin, A.-C.: Capturing protein communities by structural proteomics in a thermophilic eukaryote. Molecular Systems Biology 13 (7), 936 (2017)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Hurt, E.: The nuclear pore complex: understanding its function through structural insight. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 18 (2), pp. 73 - 89 (2017)
Journal Article
Dauden, M. I.; Kosinski, J.; Kolaj-Robin, O.; Desfosses, A.; Ori, A.; Faux, C.; Hoffmann, N. A.; Onuma, O. F.; Breunig, K. D.; Beck, M. et al.; Sachse, C.; Séraphin, B.; Glatt, S.; Müller, C. W.: Architecture of the yeast Elongator complex. EMBO Journal 18 (2), pp. 264 - 279 (2017)
Journal Article
Scharaw, S.; Iskar, M.; Ori, A.; Boncompain, G.; Laketa, V.; Poser, I.; Lundberg, E.; Perez, F.; Beck, M.; Bork, P. et al.; Pepperkok, R.: The Endosomal Transcriptional Regulator RNF11 Integrates Degradation and Transport of EGFR. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB 215 (4), pp. 543 - 558 (2016)
Journal Article
Kiosze-Becker, K.; Ori, A.; Gerovac, M.; Heuer, A.; Nürenberg-Goloub, E.; Rashid, U. J.; Becker, T.; Beckmann, R.; Beck, M.; Tampé, R.: Structure of the ribosome post-recycling complex probed by chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry. Nature Communications 7, 13248 (2016)
Journal Article
Beck, M.; Baumeister, W.: Cryo-Electron Tomography: Can It Reveal the Molecular Sociology of Cells in Atomic Detail? Trends in Cell Biology 26 (11), pp. 825 - 837 (2016)
Journal Article
Otsuka, S.; Bui, K. H.; Schorb, M.; Hossain, M. J.; Politi, A. Z.; Koch, B.; Eltsov, M.; Beck, M.; Ellenberg, J.: Nuclear pore assembly proceeds by an inside-out extrusion of the nuclear envelope. eLife 5, e19071 (2016)
Journal Article
Hampoelz, B.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Machado, P.; Ronchi, P.; Bui, K. H.; Schieber, N.; Santarella-Mellwig, R.; Necakov, A.; Andrés-Pons, A.; Philippe, J. M. et al.; Lecuit, T.; Schwab, Y.; Beck, M.: Pre-assembled Nuclear Pores Insert Into the Nuclear Envelope During Early Development. Cell 166 (3), pp. 664 - 678 (2016)
Journal Article
Hoelz, A.; Glavy, J. S.; Beck, M.: Toward the atomic structure of the nuclear pore complex: when top down meets bottom up. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 23 (7), pp. 624 - 630 (2016)
Journal Article
Ferber, M.; Kosinski, J.; Ori, A.; Rashid, U. J.; Moreno-Morcillo, M.; Simon, B.; Bouvier, G.; Batista, P. R.; Müller, C. W.; Beck, M. et al.; Nilges, M.: Automated structure modeling of large protein assemblies using crosslinks as distance restraints. Nature methods 13 (6), pp. 515 - 520 (2016)
Journal Article
von Appen, A.; Beck, M.: Structure Determination of the Nuclear Pore Complex With Three-Dimensional Cryo Electron Microscopy. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 428 (10 Pt A), pp. 2001 - 2010 (2016)
Journal Article
Kosinski, J.; Mosalaganti, S.; von Appen, A.; Teimer, R.; DiGuilio, A. L.; Wan, W.; Bui, K. H.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Briggs, J. A. G.; Glavy, J. S. et al.; Hurt, E.; Beck, M.: Molecular architecture of the inner ring scaffold of the human nuclear pore complex. Science 352 (6283), pp. 363 - 365 (2016)
Journal Article
Ori, A.; Iskar, M.; Buczak, K.; Kastritis, P.; Parca, L.; Andrés-Pons, A.; Singer, S.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.: Spatiotemporal variation of mammalian protein complex stoichiometries. Genome Biology 17, 47 (2016)
Journal Article
Silva-Martin, N.; Daudén, M. I.; Glatt, S.; Hoffmann, N. A.; Kastritis, P.; Bork, P.; Beck, M.; Müller, C. W.: The Combination of X-Ray Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscopy Provides Insight Into the Overall Architecture of the Dodecameric Rvb1/Rvb2 Complex. PLoS One 11 (1), e0146457 (2016)
Journal Article
Thierry, E.; Guilligay, D.; Kosinski, J.; Bock, T.; Gaudon, S.; Round, A.; Pflug, A.; Hengrung, N.; El Omari, K.; Baudin, F. et al.; Hart, D. J.; Beck, M.; Cusack, S.: Influenza Polymerase Can Adopt an Alternative Configuration Involving a Radical Repacking of PB2 Domains. Molecular Cell 61 (1), pp. 125 - 137 (2016)
Journal Article
Poli, M.; Ori, A.; Child, T.; Jaroudi, S.; Spath, K.; Beck, M.; Wells, D.: Characterization and quantification of proteins secreted by single human embryos prior to implantation. Embo Molecular Medicine 7 (11), pp. 1465 - 1479 (2015)
Journal Article
von Appen, A.; Kosinski, J.; Sparks, L.; Ori, A.; DiGuilio, A. L.; Vollmer, B.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Banterle, N.; Parca, L.; Kastritis, P. et al.; Buczak, K.; Mosalaganti, S.; Hagen, W.; Andres-Pons, A.; Lemke, E. A.; Bork, P.; Antonin, W.; Glavy, J. S.; Bui, K. H.; Beck, M.: In situ structural analysis of the human nuclear pore complex. Nature 526 (7571), pp. 140 - 143 (2015)
Journal Article
Ori, A.; Toyama, B. H.; Harris, M. S.; Bock, T.; Iskar, M.; Bork, P.; Ingolia, N. T.; Hetzer, M. W.; Beck, M.: Integrated Transcriptome and Proteome Analyses Reveal Organ-Specific Proteome Deterioration in Old Rats. Cell Systems 1 (3), pp. 224 - 237 (2015)
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Deniaud, A.; Karuppasamy, M.; Bock, T.; Masiulis, S.; Huard, K.; Garzoni, F.; Kerschgens, K.; Hentze, M. W.; Kulozik, A. E.; Beck, M. et al.; Neu-Yilik, G.; Schaffitzel, C.: A Network of SMG-8, SMG-9 and SMG-1 C-terminal Insertion Domain Regulates UPF1 Substrate Recruitment and Phosphorylation. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 43 (15), pp. 7600 - 7611 (2015)
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Dodonova, S. O.; Diestelkoetter-Bachert, P.; von Appen, A.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Beck, R.; Beck, M.; Wieland, F.; Briggs, J. a. G.: VESICULAR TRANSPORT. A Structure of the COPI Coat and the Role of Coat Proteins in Membrane Vesicle Assembly. Science 349 (6244), pp. 195 - 198 (2015)
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Male, G.; von Appen, A.; Glatt, S.; Taylor, N. M. I.; Cristovao, M.; Groetsch, H.; Beck, M.; Müller, C. W.: Architecture of TFIIIC and Its Role in RNA Polymerase III Pre-Initiation Complex Assembly. Nature Communications 6, 7387 (2015)
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Hurt, E.; Beck, M.: Towards understanding nuclear pore complex architecture and dynamics in the age of integrative structural analysis. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 34, pp. 31 - 38 (2015)
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Mackmull, M.-T.; Iskar, M.; Parca, L.; Singer, S.; Bork, P.; Ori, A.; Beck, M.: Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDACi) Cause the Selective Depletion of Bromodomain Containing Proteins (BCPs). Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 14 (5), pp. 1350 - 1360 (2015)
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Calviño, F. R.; Kharde, S.; Ori, A.; Hendricks, A.; Wild, K.; Kressler, D.; Bange, G.; Hurt, E.; Beck, M.; Sinning, I.: Symportin 1 Chaperones 5S RNP Assembly During Ribosome Biogenesis by Occupying an Essential rRNA-binding Site. Nature Communications 6, 6510 (2015)
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Kosinski, J.; von Appen, A.; Ori, A.; Karius, K.; Müller, C. W.; Beck, M.: Xlink Analyzer: software for analysis and visualization of cross-linking data in the context of three-dimensional structures. Journal of Structural Biology 189 (3), pp. 177 - 183 (2015)
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Gaik, M.; Flemming, D.; von Appen, A.; Kastritis, P.; Mücke, N.; Fischer, J.; Stelter, P.; Ori, A.; Bui, K. H.; Baßler, J. et al.; Barbar, E.; Beck, M.; Hurt, E.: Structural basis for assembly and function of the Nup82 complex in the nuclear pore scaffold. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB 208 (3), pp. 283 - 297 (2015)
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Bock, T.; Chen, W.-H.; Ori, A.; Malik, N.; Silva-Martin, N.; Huerta-Cepas, J.; Powell, S. T.; Kastritis, P. L.; Smyshlyaev, G.; Vonkova, I. et al.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Doerks, T.; Nesme, L.; Baßler, J.; Kos, M.; Hurt, E.; Carlomagno, T.; Gavin, A.-C.; Barabas, O.; Müller, C. W.; van Noort, V.; Beck, M.; Bork, P.: An integrated approach for genome annotation of the eukaryotic thermophile Chaetomium thermophilum. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 42 (22), pp. 13525 - 13533 (2014)
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Ostenfeld, M. S.; Jeppesen, D. K.; Laurberg, J. R.; Boysen, A. T.; Bramsen, J. B.; Primdal-Bengtson, B.; Hendrix, A.; Lamy, P.; Dagnaes-Hansen, F.; Rasmussen, M. H. et al.; Bui, K. H.; Fristrup, N.; Christensen, E. I.; Nordentoft, I.; Morth, J. P.; Jensen, J. B.; Pedersen, J. S.; Beck, M.; Theodorescu, D.; Borre, M.; Howard, K. A.; Dyrskjøt, L.; Ørntoft, T. F.: Cellular Disposal of miR23b by RAB27-dependent Exosome Release Is Linked to Acquisition of Metastatic Properties. Cancer research: an official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research 74 (20), pp. 5758 - 5771 (2014)
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Winkler, J.; Ori, A.; Holzer, K.; Sticht, C.; Dauch, D.; Eiteneuer, E. M.; Pinna, F.; Geffers, R.; Ehemann, V.; Andres-Pons, A. et al.; Breuhahn, K.; Longerich, T.; Bermejo, J. L.; Gretz, N.; Zender, L.; Schirmacher, P.; Beck, M.; Singer, S.: Prosurvival function of the cellular apoptosis susceptibility/importin-α1 transport cycle is repressed by p53 in liver cancer. Hepatology 60 (3), pp. 884 - 895 (2014)
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Piazza, I.; Rutkowska, A.; Ori, A.; Walczak, M.; Metz, J.; Pelechano, V.; Beck, M.; Haering, C. H.: Association of condensin with chromosomes depends on DNA binding by its HEAT-repeat subunits. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 21 (6), pp. 560 - 568 (2014)
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Beck, M.; Glavy, J. S.: Toward understanding the structure of the vertebrate nuclear pore complex. The Nucleus 5 (2), pp. 119 - 123 (2014)
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Bui, K. H.; von Appen, A.; DiGuilio, A. L.; Ori, A.; Sparks, L.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Bock, T.; Hagen, W.; Andrés-Pons, A.; Glavy, J. S. et al.; Beck, M.: Integrated structural analysis of the human nuclear pore complex scaffold. Cell 155 (6), pp. 1233 - 1243 (2013)
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Thierbach, K.; von Appen, A.; Thoms, M.; Beck, M.; Flemming, D.; Hurt, E.: Protein interfaces of the conserved Nup84 complex from Chaetomium thermophilum shown by crosslinking mass spectrometry and electron microscopy. Structure 21 (9), pp. 1672 - 1682 (2013)
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Banterle, N.; Bui, K. H.; Lemke, E. A.; Beck, M.: Fourier ring correlation as a resolution criterion for super-resolution microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology 183 (3), pp. 363 - 367 (2013)
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Milles, S.; Huy Bui, K.; Koehler, C.; Eltsov, M.; Beck, M.; Lemke, E. A.: Facilitated aggregation of FG nucleoporins under molecular crowding conditions. EMBO Reports 14 (2), pp. 178 - 183 (2013)
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Ori, A.; Banterle, N.; Iskar, M.; Andrés-Pons, A.; Escher, C.; Khanh Bui, H.; Sparks, L.; Solis-Mezarino, V.; Rinner, O.; Bork, P. et al.; Lemke, E. A.; Beck, M.: Cell type-specific nuclear pores: a case in point for context-dependent stoichiometry of molecular machines. Molecular Systems Biology 9, 648 (2013)
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Herzog, F.; Kahraman, A.; Boehringer, D.; Mak, R.; Bracher, A.; Walzthoeni, T.; Leitner, A.; Beck, M.; Hartl, F.-U.; Ban, N. et al.; Malmström, L.; Aebersold, R.: Structural probing of a protein phosphatase 2A network by chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry. Science 337 (6100), pp. 1348 - 1352 (2012)
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Walzthoeni, T.; Claassen, M.; Leitner, A.; Herzog, F.; Bohn, S.; Förster, F.; Beck, M.; Aebersold, R.: False discovery rate estimation for cross-linked peptides identified by mass spectrometry. Nature Methods 9 (9), pp. 901 - 903 (2012)
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Xu, M.; Beck, M.; Alber, F.: High-throughput subtomogram alignment and classification by Fourier space constrained fast volumetric matching. Journal of Structural Biology 178 (2), pp. 152 - 164 (2012)
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Beck, M.; Schmidt, A.; Malmstroem, J.; Claassen, M.; Ori, A.; Szymborska, A.; Herzog, F.; Rinner, O.; Ellenberg, J.; Aebersold, R.: The quantitative proteome of a human cell line. Molecular Systems Biology 7, 549 (2011)
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Schmidt, A.; Beck, M.; Malmström, J.; Lam, H.; Claassen, M.; Campbell, D.; Aebersold, R.: Absolute quantification of microbial proteomes at different states by directed mass spectrometry. Molecular Systems Biology 7, 510 (2011)
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