Florian Wilfling – Mechanisms of Cellular Quality Control

Publications of Marc Siggel

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Yu, M.; Heidari, M.; Mikhaleva, S.; Tan, P. S.; Mingu, S.; Ruan, H.; Reinkemeier, C. D.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Beck, M. et al.; Hummer, G.; Lemke, E. A.: Visualizing the disordered nuclear transport machinery in situ. Nature 617 (7959), pp. 162 - 169 (2023)
Journal Article
Siggel, M.; Kehl, S.; Reuter, K.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.: TriMem: A parallelized hybrid Monte Carlo software for efficient simulations of lipid membranes. The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (17), 174801 (2022)
Journal Article
Mosalaganti, S.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Siggel, M.; Taniguchi, R.; Turoňová, B.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Buczak, K.; Schmidt, F. H.; Margiotta, E.; Mackmull, M.-T. et al.; Hagen, W. J. H.; Hummer, G.; Kosinski, J.; Beck, M.: AI-based structure prediction empowers integrative structural analysis of human nuclear pores. Science 376 (6598), eabm9506 (2022)
Journal Article
Ho, N. T.; Siggel, M.; Camacho, K. V.; Bhaskara, R.; Hicks, J. M.; Yao, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.; Noy, A.: Membrane fusion and drug delivery with carbon nanotube porins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (19), e2016974118 (2021)
Journal Article
Siggel, M.; Bhaskara, R.; Moesser, M. K.; Đikić, I.; Hummer, G.: FAM134B-RHD Protein Clustering Drives Spontaneous Budding of Asymmetric Membranes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (7), pp. 1926 - 1931 (2021)
Journal Article
Gecht, M.; Siggel, M.; Linke, M.; Hummer, G.; Köfinger, J.: MDBenchmark: A toolkit to optimize the performance of molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (14), 144105 (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, X.; Siggel, M.; Ovchinnikov, S.; Mi, W.; Svetlov, V.; Nudler, E.; Liao, M.; Hummer, G.; Rapoport, T. A.: Structural basis of ER-associated protein degradation mediated by the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase complex. Science 368 (6489), eaaz2449, p. 385 (2020)
Journal Article
Siggel, M.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Hummer, G.: Phospholipid Scramblases Remodel the Shape of Asymmetric Membranes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (20), pp. 6351 - 6354 (2019)
Journal Article
von Bülow, S.; Siggel, M.; Linke, M.; Hummer, G.: Dynamic cluster formation determines viscosity and diffusion in dense protein solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (20), pp. 9843 - 9852 (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Siggel, M.: Shaping and Remodeling of Biological Membranes. Dissertation, 180 pp., Fachbereich Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2021)
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