Publications of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Publications of Yingyi Zhang

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Introini, B.; Cui, W.; Chu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Alves, A. C.; Eckhardt-Strelau, L.; Golusik, S.; Tol, M.; Vogel, H.; Yuan, S. et al.; Kudryashev, M.: Structure of tetrameric forms of the serotonin-gated 5-HT3A receptor ion channel. The EMBO Journal 43 (20), pp. 4451 - 4471 (2024)
Journal Article
Lo, W.-T.; Zhang, Y.; Vadas, O.; Roske, Y.; Gulluni, F.; De Santis, M. C.; Zagar, A. V.; Stephanowitz, H.; Hirsch, E.; Liu, F. et al.; Daumke, O.; Kudryashev, M.; Haucke, V.: Structural basis of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2α function. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 29 (3), pp. 218 - 228 (2022)
Journal Article
Dijkman, P. M.; Marzluf, T.; Zhang, Y.; Chang, S.-Y. S.; Helm, D.; Lanzer, M.; Bujard, H.; Kudryashev, M.: Structure of the merozoite surface protein 1 from Plasmodium falciparum. Science Advances 7 (23), eabg0465 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Dijkman, P. M.; Zou, R.; Zandl-Lang, M.; Sanchez, R. M.; Eckhardt-Strelau, L.; Köfeler, H.; Vogel, H.; Yuan, S.; Kudryashev, M.: Asymmetric opening of the homopentameric 5-HT3A serotonin receptor in lipid bilayers. Nature Communications 12 (1), 1074 (2021)
Journal Article
Sanchez, R. M.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, W.; Dietrich, L.; Kudryashev, M.: Subnanometer-resolution structure determination in situ by hybrid subtomogram averaging - single particle cryo-EM. Nature Communications 11, 3709 (2020)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Leigh, K. E.; Navarro, P. P.; Scaramuzza, S.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Castaño-Díez, D.; Kudryashev, M.: Subtomogram averaging from cryo-electron tomograms. In: Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 152, 1 Ed., pp. 217 - 259 (Ed. Müller-Reichert, T.). Academic Press (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Zhang, Y.: Cryo electron microscopy study on gating mechanism of the lipid-modulated serotonin receptor. Dissertation, 192 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmzie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2020)
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