Publications of Büşra Yüksel

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Münick, P.; Strubel, A.; Balourdas, D.-I.; Funk, J. S.; Mernberger, M.; Osterburg, C.; Dreier, B.; Schaefer, J. V.; Tuppi, M.; Yüksel, B. et al.; Schäfer, B.; Knapp, S.; Plückthun, A.; Stiewe, T.; Joerger, A. C.; Dötsch, V.: DARPin-induced reactivation of p53 in HPV-positive cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2025)
Journal Article
Gul, M.; Yuksel, B.; Bulut, H.; DeMirci, H.: Structural analysis of wild-type and Val120Thr mutant Candida boidinii formate dehydrogenase by X-ray crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 79 (11), pp. 1010 - 1017 (2023)
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