Zeitschriftenartikel (370)

Kevrekidis, I. G.; Gear, C. W.; Hummer, G.: Equation-Free: The Computer-Aided Analysis of Complex Multiscale Systems. AIChE-Journal 50 (7), S. 1346 - 1355 (2004)
Zweckstetter, M.; Hummer, G.; Bax, A.: Prediction of charge-induced molecular alignment of biomolecules dissolved in dilute liquid-crystalline phases. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts) 86 (6), S. 3444 - 3460 (2004)
Yeh, I.-C.; Hummer, G.: Diffusion and electrophoretic mobility of single-stranded RNA from molecular dynamics simulations. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts) 86 (2), S. 681 - 689 (2004)
Hummer, G.: From transition paths to transition states and rate coefficients. The Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (2), S. 516 - 523 (2004)
Kalra, A.; Hummer, G.; Garde, S.: Methane Partitioning and ransport in Hydrated Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2), S. 544 - 549 (2004)
Kalra, A.; Garde, S.; Hummer, G.: Osmotic water transport through carbon nanotube membranes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (18), S. 10175 - 10180 (2003)
Hummer, G.; Szabo, A.: Kinetics from nonequilibrium single-molecule pulling experiments. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts) 85 (1), S. 5 - 15 (2003)
Hummer, G.; Kevrekidis, I. G.: Coarse molecular dynamics of a peptide fragment: Free energy, kinetics, and long-time dynamics computations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 118 (23), S. 10762 - 10773 (2003)
Wikström, M.; Verkhovsky, M. I.; Hummer, G.: Water-gated mechanism of proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1604 (2), S. 61 - 65 (2003)
Berezhkovskii, A.; Hummer, G.: Random Walk Model for Single‐File Transport of Water Molecules through Carbon Nanotubes. AIP Conference Proceedings 665 (1), S. 267 - 272 (2003)
Taraphder, S.; Hummer, G.: Protein side-chain motion and hydration in proton-transfer pathways. Results for cytochrome p450cam. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (13), S. 3931 - 3940 (2003)
Dellago, C.; Naor, M. M.; Hummer, G.: Proton transport through water-filled carbon nanotubes. Physical Review Letters 90 (10), 105902 (2003)
Taraphder, S.; Hummer, G.: Dynamic proton transfer pathways in proteins: role of sidechain conformational fluctuations. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics 318 (1), S. 293 - 301 (2003)
Waghe, A.; Rasaiah, J. C.; Hummer, G.: Filling and emptying kinetics of carbon nanotubes in water. The Journal of Chemical Physics 117 (23), S. 10789 - 10795 (2002)
Berezhkovskii, A.; Hummer, G.: Single-file transport of water molecules through a carbon nanotube. Physical Review Letters 89 (6), 064503 (2002)
Yeh, I.-C.; Hummer, G.: Peptide loop-closure kinetics from microsecond molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (23), S. 6563 - 6568 (2002)
Siebert, X.; Hummer, G.: Hydrophobicity maps of the N-peptide coiled coil of HIV-1 gp41. Biochemistry 41 (9), S. 2956 - 2961 (2002)
Hummer, G.: Fast-growth Thermodynamic Integration∶ Results for Sodium Ion Hydration. Molecular Simulation 28 (1-2), S. 81 - 90 (2002)
Hummer, G.; Rasaiah, J. C.; Noworyta, J. P.: Water conduction through the hydrophobic channel of a carbon nanotube. Nature 414 (6860), S. 188 - 190 (2001)
Hummer, G.: Fast-growth thermodynamic integration: Error and efficiency analysis. The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (17), S. 7330 - 7337 (2001)
Hummer, G.; Szabo, A.: Free energy reconstruction from nonequilibrium single-molecule pulling experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 (7), S. 3658 - 3661 (2001)
Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Garde, S.: Helix nucleation kinetics from molecular simulations in explicit solvent. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 42 (1), S. 77 - 84 (2001)
Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Garde, S.: Conformational diffusion and helix formation kinetics. Physical Review Letters 85 (12), S. 2637 - 2640 (2000)
Hummer, G.; Garde, S.; Garcı́a, A. E.; Pratt, L. R.: New perspectives on hydrophobic effects. Chemical Physics 258 (2), S. 349 - 370 (2000)
Backgren, C.; Hummer, G.; Wikström, M.; Puustinen, A.: Proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase can take place without the conserved glutamic acid in subunit I. Biochemistry 39 (27), S. 7863 - 7867 (2000)
García, A. E.; Hummer, G.: Water penetration and escape in proteins. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 38 (3), S. 261 - 272 (2000)
Rempe, S. B.; Pratt, L. R.; Hummer, G.; Kress, J. D.; Martin, R. L.; Redondo, A.: The Hydration Number of Li+ in Liquid Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (5), S. 966 - 967 (2000)
Garde, S.; Khare, R.; Hummer, G.: Microscopic density fluctuations and solvation in polymeric fluids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (3), S. 1574 - 1578 (2000)
Ashbaugh, H. S.; Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; Kaler, E. W.; Paulaitis, M. E.: Conformational equilibria of alkanes in aqueous solution: relationship to water structure near hydrophobic solutes. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts) 77 (2), S. 645 - 654 (1999)
García, A. E.; Hummer, G.: Conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: Correlation to hydrogen exchange. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 36 (2), S. 175 - 191 (1999)
Hummer, G.: Hydrophobic Force Field as a Molecular Alternative to Surface-Area Models. Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (26), S. 6299 - 6305 (1999)
Gomez, M. A.; Pratt, L. R.; Hummer, G.; Garde, S.: Molecular realism in default models for information theories of hydrophobic effects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (18), S. 3520 - 3523 (1999)
Garde, S.; Garcı́a, A. E.; Pratt, L. R.; Hummer, G.: Temperature dependence of the solubility of non-polar gases in water. Biophysical Chemistry 78 (1), S. 21 - 32 (1999)
Hummer, G.; Garde, S.; Garcia, A. E.; Paulaitis, M. E.; Pratt, L. R.: Hydrophobic Effects on a Molecular Scale. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102, S. 10469 - 10489 (1998)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; García, A. E.: Molecular Theories and Simulation of Ions and Polar Molecules in Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (41), S. 7885 - 7895 (1998)
Hummer, G.; Grønbech-Jensen, N.; Neumann, M.: Pressure calculation in polar and charged systems using Ewald summation: Results for the extended simple point charge model of water. The Journal of Chemical Physics 109 (7), S. 2791 - 2797 (1998)
Pomès, R.; Hummer, G.; Wikström, M.: Structure and dynamics of a proton shuttle in cytochrome c oxidase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1365 (1), S. 255 - 260 (1998)
Hummer, G.; Garde, S.: Cavity Expulsion and Weak Dewetting of Hydrophobic Solutes in Water. Physical Review Letters 80 (19), S. 4193 - 4196 (1998)
Hummer, G.; Garde, S.; García, A. E.; Paulaitis, M. E.; Pratt, L. R.: The pressure dependence of hydrophobic interactions is consistent with the observed pressure denaturation of proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (4), S. 1552 - 1555 (1998)
Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; Paulaitis, M. E.: Free energy of hydration of a molecular ionic solute: Tetramethylammonium ion. The Journal of Chemical Physics 108 (4), S. 1552 - 1561 (1998)
Grøbech-Jensen, N.; Hummer, G.; Beardmore, K. M.: Lekner summation of Coulomb interactions in partially periodic systems. Molecular Physics 92 (5), S. 941 - 946 (1997)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; García, A. E.: Ion sizes and finite-size corrections for ionic-solvation free energies. The Journal of Chemical Physics 107 (21), S. 9275 - 9277 (1997)
García, A. E.; Blumenfeld, R.; Hummer, G.; Krumhansl, J. A.: Multi-basin dynamics of a protein in a crystal environment. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 107 (2), S. 225 - 239 (1997)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; García, A. E.: Multistate Gaussian Model for Electrostatic Solvation Free Energies. Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (36), S. 8523 - 8527 (1997)
Riistama, S.; Hummer, G.; Puustinen, A.; Brian Dyer, R.; Woodruff, W. H.; Wikström, M.: Bound water in the proton translocation mechanism of the haem-copper oxidases. FEBS Letters 414 (2), S. 275 - 280 (1997)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; García, A. E.; Berne, B. J.; Rick, S. W.: Electrostatic Potentials and Free Energies of Solvation of Polar and Charged Molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (16), S. 3017 - 3020 (1997)
Oprea, T. I.; Hummer, G.; Garcia, A. E.: Identification of a functional water channel in cytochrome P450 enzymes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94 (6), S. 2133 - 2138 (1997)
García, A. E.; Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Hydration of an α-Helical peptide: comparison of theory and molecular dynamics simulation. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 27 (4), S. 471 - 480 (1997)
Pratt, L. R.; Tawa, G. J.; Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Corcelli, S. A.: Boundary integral methods for the Poisson equation of continuum dielectric solvation models. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 64 (1), S. 121 - 141 (1997)
Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Paulaitis, M. E.; Pratt, L. R.: Origin of Entropy Convergence in Hydrophobic Hydration and Protein Folding. Physical Review Letters 77 (24), S. 4966 - 4968 (1996)
Hummer, G.; Garde, S.; García, A. E.; Pohorille, A.; Pratt, L. R.: An information theory model of hydrophobic interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (17), S. 8951 - 8955 (1996)
Hummer, G.; Szabo, A.: Calculation of free‐energy differences from computer simulations of initial and final states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 105 (5), S. 2004 - 2010 (1996)
Tung, C.-S.; Oprea, T. I.; Hummer, G.; García, A. E.: Three-dimensional model of a selective theophylline-binding RNA molecule. Journal of Molecular Recognition 9 (4), S. 275 - 286 (1996)
Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Pratt, L. R.; Paulaitis, M. E.: Hydrophobic hydration: Inhomogeneous water structure near nonpolar molecular solutes. Physical Review E 53 (5), S. R4310 - R4313 (1996)
Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; E. Paulaitis, M.: Hydrophobic interactions: conformational equilibria and the association of non-polar molecules in water. Faraday Discussions 103, S. 125 - 139 (1996)
Garde, S.; Hummer, G.; Paulaitis, M. E.; Garcia, A. E.: Hydration of Biological Macromolecules: From Small Solutes to Proteins and Nucleic Acids. MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 463 (1996)
Hummer, G.: Electrostatic potential of a homogeneously charged square and cube in two and three dimensions. Journal of Electrostatics 36 (3), S. 285 - 291 (1996)
Hummer, G.; E. García, A.; Soumpasis, D. M.: A statistical mechanical description of biomolecular hydration. Faraday Discussions 103, S. 175 - 189 (1996)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; García, A. E.: Free Energy of Ionic Hydration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (4), S. 1206 - 1215 (1996)
Hummer, G.; García, A. E.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Hydration of nucleic acid fragments: comparison of theory and experiment for high-resolution crystal structures of RNA, DNA, and DNA-drug complexes. Biophysical Journal 68 (5), S. 1639 - 1652 (1995)
Hummer, G.: The numerical accuracy of truncated Ewald sums for periodic systems with long-range Coulomb interactions. Chemical Physics Letters 235 (3), S. 297 - 302 (1995)
Hummer, G.; Pratt, L. R.; Garcia, A. E.: Hydration free energy of water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (38), S. 14188 - 14194 (1995)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Statistical mechanical treatment of the structural hydration of biological macromolecules: Results for B-DNA. Physical Review E 50 (6), S. 5085 - 5095 (1994)
Pratt, L. R.; Hummer, G.; Garcia´, A. E.: Ion pair potentials-of-mean-force in water. Biophysical Chemistry 51 (2), S. 147 - 165 (1994)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.; Neumann, M.: Computer simulation of aqueous Na-Cl electrolytes. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (23A), S. A141 - A144 (1994)
Tung, C.-S.; Soumpasis, D. M.; Hummer, G.: An Extension of the Rigorous Base-unit Oriented Description of Nucleic Acid Structures. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 11 (6), S. 1327 - 1344 (1994)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.; Neumann, M.: Computer simulations do not support Cl-Cl pairing in aqueous NaCl solution. Molecular Physics 81 (5), S. 1155 - 1163 (1994)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Computation of the water density distribution at the ice-water interface using the potentials-of-mean-force expansion. Physical Review E 49 (1), S. 591 - 596 (1994)
Höfers, C.; Jovin, T. M.; Hummer, G.; Arndt-Jovin, D. J.: The localization of chromosome domains in human interphase nuclei. Semi-automated two-dimensional image acquisition and analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization signals. Bioimaging 1 (2), S. 107 - 118 (1993)
Höfers, C.; Baumann, P.; Hummer, G.; Jovin, T. M.; Arndt-Jovin, D. J.: The localization of chromosome domains in human interphase nuclei. Three-dimensional distance determinations of fluorescence in situ hybridization signals from confocal laser scanning microscopy. Bioimaging 1 (2), S. 96 - 106 (1993)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Correlations and free energies in restricted primitive model descriptions of electrolytes. The Journal of Chemical Physics 98 (1), S. 581 - 591 (1993)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.; Neumann, M.: Pair correlations in an NaCl-SPC water model: Simulations versus extended RISM computations. Molecular Physics 77 (4), S. 769 - 785 (1992)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: An extended RISM study of simple electrolytes: pair correlations in a NaCl-SPC water model. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 75 (3), S. 633 - 651 (1992)

Buchkapitel (11)

Köfinger, J.; Rózycki, B.; Hummer, G.: Inferring Structural Ensembles of Flexible and Dynamic Macromolecules Using Bayesian, Maximum Entropy, and Minimal-Ensemble Refinement Methods. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2022, S. 341 - 352. Springer (2019)
Hummer, G.: Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics for biomolecular systems using fluctuation theorems. In: Hierarchical Methods for Dynamics in Complex Molecular Systems: IAS Winter School, 5 – 9 March 2012 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Lecture Notes, S. 269 - 279 (Hg. Grotendorst, J.). Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2012)
Hummer, G.; Szabo, A.: Thermodynamics and kinetics of single-molecule force spectroscopy. In: Theory and Evaluation of Single-molecule Signals, S. 139 - 178 (Hg. Barkai, E.; Brown, F.; Orrit, M.; Yang, H.). World Scientific, New Jersey (2008)
Rasaiah, J. C.; Garde, S.; Hummer, G.: Water in nonpolar confinement: from nanotubes to proteins and beyond. In: Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Bd. 59, S. 713 - 740. Annual Reviews., Palo Alto, Calif. [etc.] (2008)
Hummer, G.: Nonequilibrium Methods for Equilibrium Free Energy Calculations. In: Free Energy Calculations: Theory and Applications in Chemistry and Biology, S. 171 - 198 (Hg. Chipot, C.; Pohorille, A.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2007)
Kevrekidis, I. G.; Gear, C. W.; Hummer, G.: Equation-Free Modeling For Complex Systems. In: Handbook of Materials Modeling: Methods, S. 1453 - 1475 (Hg. Yip, S.). Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (2005)
Garcia, C. A.; Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Theoretical and Computational Methods of Biomolecular Hydration. In: Water in Biomaterials Surface Science, S. 25 - 52 (Hg. Morra, M.) (2001)
Pratt, L. R.; Garde, S.; Hummer, G.: Theories of Hydrophobic Effects and the Description of Free Volume in Complex Liquids. In: New Approaches to Problems in Liquid State Theory: Inhomogeneities and Phase Separation in Simple, Complex and Quantum Fluids, S. 407 - 420 (Hg. Caccamo, C.; Hansen, J.-P.; Stell, G.). Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (1999)
Wikström, M.; Morgan, J. E.; Hummer, G.; Woodruff, W. H.; Verkhovsky, M. I.: Oxygen Reduction and Proton Translocation by the Heme-Copper Oxidases. In: Frontiers of Cellular Bioenergetics: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Physiopathology, Bd. 2, S. 193 - 217 (Hg. Papa, S.; Guerrieri, F.; Tager, J. M.). Springer, New York (1999)
García, A. E.; Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Theoretical Description of Biomolecular Hydration. In: Neutrons in Biology, Bd. 64, S. 299 - 308 (Hg. Schoenborn, B. P.; Knott, R. B.). Springer, Boston, MA (1996)
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.; García, A. E.: Potential-of-mean-force description of ionic interactions and structural hydration in biomolecular systems. In: Nonlinear Excitations in Biomolecules, S. 83 - 99 (Hg. Peyrard, M.). Springer, Berlin (1995)

Konferenzband (2)

Pratt, L. R.; Hummer, G. (Hg.): Simulation and theory of electrostatic interactions in solution: computational chemistry, biophysics, and aqueous solutions. AIP Conference Proceedings; 492, Sante Fe, New Mexico (USA, 23. Juni 1999 - 25. Juni 1999. American Institute of Physics, Melville (1999), 534 S.
Frauenfelder, H.; Hummer, G.; Garcia, R. (Hg.): Biological physics: third international symposium. AIP Conference Proceedings; 487, Sante Fe, New Mexico (USA, 1999-09. American Institute of Physics, Melville (1999), 290 S.

Konferenzbeitrag (5)

Karathanasis, C.; Baldering, T. N.; Boeger, C.; Harwardt, M.-L. I. E.; Li, Y.; Schroeder, M. S.; Deussner-Helfmann, N. S.; Glaesmann, M.; Malkusch, S.; Dietz, M. S. et al.; Hafner, A.-S.; Schuman, E.; Hummer, G.; Heilemann, M.: Quantitative single-molecule localization microscopy reports on protein numbers in signaling protein complexes. In: Proceedings of SPIE: Single molecule spectroscopy and superresolution imaging XIII, Bd. 11246, UNSP 112460N (Hg. Gregor, I.; Koberling, F.; Erdmann, R.). SPIE BIOS, San Francisco, Carlifornia, United States, 01. Februar 2020 - 02. Februar 2020. Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, Bellingham (2020)
Krüger, C.; Fricke, F.; Karathanasis, C.; Dietz, M. S.; Malkusch, S.; Hummer, G.; Heilemann, M.: Molecular counting of membrane receptor subunits with single-molecule localization microscopy. In: Proceedings SPIE 10071, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging X, Bd. 10071, 100710K. SPIE BiOS, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States, 28. Januar 2017 - 02. Februar 2017. (2017)
Hummer, G.: Simulations of nanoscale flow: water, proton, and biopolymer transport through carbon nanotube membranes. In: Nanofabrication: Technologies, Devices, and Applications, Bd. 5592, S. 214 - 219. International Society for Optics and Photonics (2005)
Pratt, L. R.; Tawa, G. J.; Hummer, G.; Garcia, A. E.; Corcelli, S. A.: Hydrophobic & hydrophilic: Theoretical models of solvation for molecular biophysics. In: 2. International Congress on Theoretical Chemical Physics, New Orleans, LA (United States), 9-13 Mar 1996. (1996)
Pratt, L.R.; Tawa, G.J.; Hummer, G.; Garcia, A.E.; Corcelli, S.A.: Hydrophobic ampersand hydrophilic: Theoretical models of solvation for molecular biophysics. In: Second international congress on theoretical chemical physics - ICTCP II; New Orleans, LA (United States); 9-13 Mar 1996. (1996)

Bericht (5)

Pratt, L. R.; Garcia, A. E.; Hummer, G.; Berne, B. J.; Corcelli, S. A.; Garde, S.; Paulaitis, M. E.; Pohorille, A.; Rick, S. W.; Tawa, G. J.: Computer simulation of protein solvation, hydrophobic mapping, and the oxygen effect in radiation biology. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos (1997), 22 S.
Garcia, A. E.; Hummer, G.: Theoretical studies of the interaction of water with DNA oligomers and proteins. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos (1996)
Tung, C.-S.; Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: Predicting B-DNA structure from sequence. Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States) (1995), 9 S.
Garcia, A. E.; Blumenfeld, R.; Hummer, G.; Sobehart, J.: Diffusion of a protein in configuration space. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alalmos (1995), 29 S.
Hummer, G.; Soumpasis, D. M.: A new approach to calculate the hydration of DNA molecules. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos (1993), 20 S.
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