Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Publikationen von Karen M. Davies

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Blum, T.; Hahn, A.; Meier, T.; Davies, K. M.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Dimers of mitochondrial ATP synthase induce membrane curvature and self-assemble into rows. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (10), S. 4250 - 4255 (2019)
Davies, K. M.; Blum, T. B.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Conserved in situ arrangement of complex I and III2 in mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplexes of mammals, yeast, and plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (12), S. 3024 - 3029 (2018)
Mühleip, A. W.; Dewar, C. E.; Schnaufer, A.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Davies, K. M.: In situ structure of trypanosomal ATP synthase dimer reveals a unique arrangement of catalytic subunits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (5), S. 992 - 997 (2017)
Kühlbrandt, W.; Davies, K. M.: Rotary ATPases: A New Twist to an Ancient Machine. Trends in biochemical sciences 41 (1), S. 106 - 116 (2016)
Mühleip, A. W.; Joos, F.; Wigge, C.; Frangakis, A. S.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Davies, K. M.: Helical arrays of U-shaped ATP synthase dimers form tubular cristae in ciliate mitochondria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (30), S. 8442 - 8447 (2016)
Allegretti, M.; Klusch, N.; Mills, D. J.; Vonck, J.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Davies, K. M.: Horizontal membrane-intrinsic α-helices in the stator a-subunit of an F-type ATP synthase. Nature 521, S. 237 - 240 (2015)
Jiko, C.; Davies, K. M.; Shinzawa-Itoh, K.; Tani, K.; Maeda, S.; Mills, D. J.; Tsukihara, T.; Fujiyoshi, Y.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Gerle, C.: Bovine F1F0 ATP synthase monomers bend the lipid bilayer in 2D membrane crystals. eLife 4, e06119 (2015)
Bohnert, M.; Zerbes, R. M.; Davies, K. M.; Mühleip, A. W.; Rampelt, H.; Horvath, S. E.; Boenke, T.; Kram, A.; Perschil, I.; Veenhuis, M. et al.: Central Role of Mic10 in the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System. Cell Metabolism 21 (5), S. 747 - 755 (2015)
Kukat, C.; Davies, K. M.; Wurm, C. A.; Spåhr, H.; Bonekamp, N. A.; Kühl, I.; Joos, F.; Polosa, P. L.; Park, C. B.; Posse, V. et al.: Cross-strand binding of TFAM to a single mtDNA molecule forms the mitochondrial nucleoid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (36), S. 11288 - 11293 (2015)
Herrmann, J.; Berberich, H.; Hartmann, J.; Beyer, S.; Davies, K.; Koch, J.: Homo-oligomerization of the Activating Natural Killer Cell Receptor NKp30 Ectodomain Increases Its Binding Affinity for Cellular Ligands. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (2), S. 765 - 777 (2014)
Davies, K. M.; Daum, B.; Gold, V. A. M.; Mühleip, A. W.; Brandt, T.; Blum, T.; Mills, D. J.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Visualization of ATP Synthase Dimers in Mitochondria by Electron Cryo-tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (91 doi: 10.3791/51228), e51228 (2014)
Davies, K. M.; Daum, B.: Role of cryo-ET in membrane bioenergetics research. Biochemical Society Transactions 41 (5), S. 1227 - 1234 (2013)
Davies, K. M.; Anselmi, C.; Wittig, I.; Faraldo-Gómez, J. D.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Structure of the yeast F1F0-ATP synthase dimer and its role in shaping the mitochondrial cristae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (34), S. 13602 - 13607 (2012)
Althoff, T.; Davies, K. M.; Schulze, S.; Joos, F.; Kühlbrandt, W.: GRecon: A Method for the Lipid Reconstitution of Membrane Proteins. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 51 (33), S. 8343 - 8347 (2012)
Davies, K. M.; Strauss, M.; Daum, B.; Kief, J. H.; Osiewacz, H. D.; Rycovska, A.; Zickermann, V.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Macromolecular organization of ATP synthase and complex I in whole mitochondria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (34), S. 14121 - 14126 (2011)