Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Publikationen von Uris Ros

Zeitschriftenartikel (36)

Schreier, S.; Paulino, J.; Carretero, G. P. B.; Barbosa, L. R. S.; Cilli, E. M.; Alvarez, C.; Ros, U.: Extension of sticholysins N-terminal α-helix signals membrane lipids to acquire curvature for toroidal pore formation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 742, 151071 (2025)
Rivero-Hernández, A. L.; Hervis, Y. P.; Valdés-Tresanco, M. E.; Escalona-Rodríguez, F. A.; Cancelliere, R.; Relova-Hernández, E.; Romero-Hernández, G.; Pérez-Rivera, E.; Torres-Palacios, Y.; Cartaya-Quintero, P. et al.; Ros, U.; Porchetta, A.; Micheli, L.; Fernández, L. E.; Laborde, R.; Álvarez, C.; Sagan, S.; Lanio, M. E.; Pazos Santos, I. F.: Decoupling immunomodulatory properties from lipid binding in the α-pore-forming toxin Sticholysin II. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 280 (Pt 4), 136244 (2024)
Pedrera, L.; Ros, U.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Calcium as a master regulator of ferroptosis and other types of regulated necrosis. Cell Calcium 114, 102778 (2023)
Martinez-Osorio, V.; Abdelwahab, Y.; Ros, U.: The Many Faces of MLKL, the Executor of Necroptosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (12), 10108 (2023)
Pedrera, L.; Ros, U.; Fanani, M. L.; Lanio, M. E.; Epand, R. M.; Garcia-Saez, A. J.; Álvarez, C.: The Important Role of Membrane Fluidity on the Lytic Mechanism of the α-Pore-Forming Toxin Sticholysin I. toxins 15, 80 (2023)
Wang, X.; Ros, U.; Agrawal, D.; Keller, E. C.; Slotta-Huspenina, J.; Dill, V.; Shen, B.; Shi, R.; Herold, T.; Belka, C. et al.; Mishra, R.; Bassermann, F.; Garcia Saez, A. J.; Jost, P. J.: MLKL promotes cellular differentiation in myeloid leukemia by facilitating the release of G-CSF. Cell Death and Differentiation 28, S. 3235 - 3250 (2022)
Danial, J. S. H.; Quintana, Y.; Ros, U.; Shalaby, R.; Margheritis, E. G.; Chumpen Ramirez, S.; Ungermann, C.; Garcia-Saez, A. J.; Cosentino, K.: Systematic Assessment of the Accuracy of Subunit Counting in Biomolecular Complexes Using Automated Single-Molecule Brightness Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (3), S. 822 - 829 (2022)
Cosentino, K.; Hermann, E.; von Kügelgen, N.; Unsay, J. D.; Ros, U.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Force Mapping Study of Actinoporin Effect in Membranes Presenting Phase Domains. Toxins 13 (9), 669 (2021)
Alvarez, C.; Soto, C.; Cabezas, S.; Alvarado-Mesén, J.; Laborde, R.; Pazos, F.; Ros, U.; Hernández, A. M.; Lanio, M. E.: Panorama of the Intracellular Molecular Concert Orchestrated by Actinoporins, Pore-Forming Toxins from Sea Anemones. Toxins 13 (8), 567 (2021)
Ros, U.; Pedrera, L.; Garcia-Saez, A. J.: Techniques for studying membrane pores. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 69, S. 108 - 116 (2021)
Pedrera, L.; Espiritu, R. A.; Ros, U.; Weber, J.; Schmitt, A.; Stroh, J.; Hailfinger, S.; von Karstedt, S.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Ferroptotic pores induce Ca2+ fluxes and ESCRT-III activation to modulate cell death kinetics. Cell Death and Differentiation 28 (5), S. 1644 - 1657 (2021)
Mesa-Galloso, H.; Pedrera, L.; Ros, U.: Pore-forming proteins: From defense factors to endogenous executors of cell death. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 234, 105026 (2021)
Flores‐Romero, H.; Ros, U.; Garcia-Saez, A. J.: Pore formation in regulated cell death. The EMBO Journal 39 (23), e105753 (2020)
Ros Quincoces, U. L.; Pedrera, L.; Garcia Saez, A. J.: Partners in Crime: The Interplay of Proteins and Membranes in Regulated Necrosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (7), 2412 (2020)
Mesa-Galloso, H.; Valiente, P. A.; Valdés-Tresanco, M. E.; Epand, R. F.; Lanio, M. E.; Epand, R. M.; Alvarez, C.; Tieleman, D. P.; Ros, U.; Ros, U.: Membrane Remodeling by the Lytic Fragment of SticholysinII: Implications for the Toroidal Pore Model. Biophysical Journal 117 (9), S. 1563 - 1576 (2019)
Dimou, E.; Cosentino, K.; Platonova, E.; Ros, U.; Sadeghi, M.; Kashyap, P.; Katsinelos, T.; Wegehingel, S.; Noé, F.; García-Sáez, A. J. et al.; Ewers, H.; Nickel, W.: Single event visualization of unconventional secretion of FGF2. Journal of Cell Biology 218 (2), S. 683 - 699 (2019)
Ros, U.; Carretero, G. P. B.; Paulino, J.; Crusca, E.; Pazos, F.; Cilli, E. M.; Lanio, M. E.; Schreier, S.; Alvarez, C.: Self-association and folding in membrane determine the mode of action of peptides from the lytic segment of sticholysins. Biochimie 156, S. 109 - 117 (2019)
Soto, C.; Bergado, G.; Blanco, R.; Griñán, T.; Rodríguez, H.; Ros, U.; Pazos, F.; Lanio, M. E.; Hernández, A. M.; Álvarez, C.: Sticholysin II-mediated cytotoxicity involves the activation of regulated intracellular responses that anticipates cell death. Biochimie 148, S. 18 - 35 (2018)
Lima de Oliveira, A.; Maffud Cilli, E.; Ros, U.; Crusca, E.; Lanio, M. E.; Alvarez, C.; Schreier, S.; Aguiar Pertinhez, T.; Spisni, A.: Insights on the structure-activity relationship of peptides derived from Sticholysin II. Peptide Science 110 (5) (2018)
Alvarez, C.; Ros, U.; Valle, A.; Pedrera, L.; Soto, C.; Hervis, Y. P.; Cabezas, S.; Valiente, P. A.; Pazos, F.; Lanio, M. E.: Biophysical and biochemical strategies to understand membrane binding and pore formation by sticholysins, pore-forming proteins from a sea anemone. Biophysical Reviews 9 (5), S. 529 - 544 (2017)
Soto, C.; Del Valle, A.; Valiente, P. A.; Ros, U.; Lanio, M. E.; Hernández, A. M.; Alvarez, C.: Differential binding and activity of the pore-forming toxin sticholysin II in model membranes containing diverse ceramide-derived lipids. Biochimie 138, S. 20 - 31 (2017)
Cabezas, S.; Ho, S.; Ros, U.; Lanio, M. E.; Alvarez, C.; van der Goot, F. G.: Damage of eukaryotic cells by the pore-forming toxin sticholysin II: Consequences of the potassium efflux. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1859 (5), S. 982 - 992 (2017)
Ros, U.; Peña-Blanco, A.; Hänggi, K.; Kunzendorf, U.; Krautwald, S.; Wong, W. W.-L.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Necroptosis Execution Is Mediated by Plasma Membrane Nanopores Independent of Calcium. Cell Reports 19, S. 175 - 187 (2017)
Mesa-Galloso, H.; Delgado-Magnero, K. H.; Cabezas, S.; López-Castilla, A.; Hernández-González, J. E.; Pedrera, L.; Alvarez, C.; Peter Tieleman, D.; García-Sáez, A. J.; Lanio, M. E. et al.; Ros, U.; Valiente, P. A.: Disrupting a key hydrophobic pair in the oligomerization interface of the actinoporins impairs their pore-forming activity. Protein Science 26 (3), S. 550 - 565 (2017)
Cosentino, K.; Ros, U.; Garcia-Saez, A. J.: Assembling the puzzle: Oligomerization of α-pore forming proteins in membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1858 (3), S. 457 - 466 (2016)
Pedrera, L.; Gomide, A. B.; Sánchez, R. E.; Ros, U.; Wilke, N.; Pazos, F.; Lanio, M. E.; Itri, R.; Fanani, M. L.; Alvarez, C.: The Presence of Sterols Favors Sticholysin I-Membrane Association and Pore Formation Regardless of Their Ability to Form Laterally Segregated Domains. Langmuir 31 (36), S. 9911 - 9923 (2015)
Ros, U.; Rodríguez-Vera, W.; Pedrera, L.; Valiente, P. A.; Cabezas, S.; Lanio, M. E.; García-Sáez, A. J.; Alvarez, C.: Differences in activity of actinoporins are related with the hydrophobicity of their N-terminus. Biochimie 116, S. 70 - 78 (2015)
Ros, U.; García-Sáez, A. J.: More Than a Pore: The Interplay of Pore-Forming Proteins and Lipid Membranes. The Journal of Membrane Biology 248 (3), S. 545 - 561 (2015)
Subburaj, Y.; Ros, U.; Hermann, E.; Tong, R.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Toxicity of an α-pore-forming toxin depends on the assembly mechanism on the target membrane as revealed by single molecule imaging. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (8), S. 4856 - 4865 (2015)
Pedrera, L.; Fanani, M. L.; Ros, U.; Lanio, M. E.; Maggio, B.; Alvarez, C.: Sticholysin I-membrane interaction: an interplay between the presence of sphingomyelin and membrane fluidity. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1838 (7), S. 1752 - 1759 (2014)
Ros, U.; Edwards, M. A.; Epand, R. F.; Lanio, M. E.; Schreier, S.; Yip, C. M.; Alvarez, C.; Epand, R. M.: The sticholysin family of pore-forming toxins induces the mixing of lipids in membrane domains. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1828 (11), S. 2757 - 2762 (2013)
Ros, U.; Souto, A. L. C. F.; de Oliveira, F. J.; Crusca, E.; Pazos, F.; Cilli, E. M.; Lanio, M. E.; Schreier, S.; Alvarez, C.: Functional and topological studies with Trp-containing analogs of the peptide StII(1-30) derived from the N-terminus of the pore forming toxin sticholysin II: contribution to understand its orientation in membrane. Peptide Sciences 100 (4), S. 337 - 346 (2013)
Ros, U.; Pedrera, L.; Diaz, D.; Karam, J. C. D.; Sudbrack, T. P.; Valiente, P. A.; MartÍnez, D.; Cilli, E. M.; Pazos, F.; Itri, R. et al.; Lanio, M. E.; Schreier, S.; Ávarez, C.: The membranotropic activity of N-terminal peptides from the pore-forming proteins sticholysin I and II is modulated by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions as well as lipid composition. Journal of Biosciences 36 (5), S. 781 - 791 (2011)
Cilli, E. M.; Pigossi, F. T.; Crusca, E.; Ros, U.; Martinez, D.; Lanio, M. E.; Alvarez, C.; Schreier, S.: Correlations between differences in amino-terminal sequences and different hemolytic activity of sticholysins. Toxicon 50 (8), S. 1201 - 1204 (2007)
Lanio, M. E.; Alvarez, C.; Ochoa, C.; Ros, U.; Pazos, F.; Martínez, D.; Tejuca, M.; Eugenio, L. M.; Casallanovo, F.; Dyszy, F. H. et al.; Schreier, S.; Lissi, E.: Sticholysins I and II interaction with cationic micelles promotes toxins' conformational changes and enhanced hemolytic activity. Toxicon 50 (6), S. 731 - 739 (2007)
Casallanovo, F.; de Oliveira, F. J. F.; de Souza, F. C.; Ros, U.; Martínez, Y.; Pentón, D.; Tejuca, M.; Martínez, D.; Pazos, F.; Pertinhez, T. A. et al.; Spisni, A.; Cilli, E. M.; Lanio, M. E.; Alvarez, C.; Schreier, S.: Model peptides mimic the structure and function of the N-terminus of the pore-forming toxin sticholysin II. Biopolymers (Peptide Science) 84 (2), S. 169 - 180 (2006)

Buchkapitel (2)

Flores-Romero, H.; Ros, U.; García-Sáez, A. J.: Chapter six: A lipid perspective on regulated cell death. In: International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Bd. 351, S. 197 - 236 (Hg. Spetz, J. K. E.; Galluzzi, L.) (2020)
Espiritu, R. A.; Pedrera, L.; Ros, U.: Tuning the way to die: implications of membrane perturbations in necroptosis. In: Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly, Bd. 29, S. 201 - 247 (Hg. Iglič, A.; Rappolt, M.; García-Sáez, A. J.). Academic Press (2019)
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