Publikationen von Lutz Kampmann
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Zeitschriftenartikel (6)
55, S. 127 - 132 (1998)
Water clusters in the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Photosynthesis Research 1990
268, S. 60 - 64 (1990)
Complex associations between membrane proteins analyzed by analytical ultracentrifugation: Studies on the erythrocyte membrane proteins band 3 and ankyrin. Colloid and Polymer Science 1982
70 (3), S. 199 - 216 (1982)
The kinetics of intramolecular cross-linking of the band 3 protein in the red blood cell membrane by 4,4'-diisothiocyano dihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (H2DIDS). Journal of Membrane Biology
394, S. 302 - 312 (1982)
Square wave pulse analysis of cellular and paracellular conductance pathways in necturus gallbladder epithelium. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 1978
150 (2), S. 367 - 380 (1978)
Computer analysis of amino acid chromatograms and other linear elution spectra. Journal of Chromatography A 1977
3 (3-4), S. 239 - 257 (1977)
Application of radiationless energy transfer for distance measurements across membranes. biophysics of structure and mechanism Buchkapitel (3)
Band 3 Protein-Mediated Anion Transport Across the Red Cell Membrane: The Site of Action of the Inhibitors, 4,4′-DI Isothiocyano Dihydrostilbene-2,2′-Disulfonate H2DIDS and 1-Fluoro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene N2ph-F. In: Water and Ions in Biological Systems, S. 385 - 408 (Hg. Pullman, A.). Springer Science+Business Media 1985, New York (1985)
20, S. 27 - 46 (Hg. Kleinzeller, A.; Bronner, F.). Academic Press (1984)
Impedance Analysis of Necturus Gallbladder Epithelium Using Extra- and Intracellular Microelectrodes. In: Current Topics in Membranes and Transport, Bd. 1982
29, S. 275 - 278 (Hg. Peeters, H.). Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York (1982)
The Kinetics of Intramolecular Crosslinking of the Band 3 Protein by 4,4'-Diisothiocyanato Dihydrostilbene-2,2'-Disulfonic Acid (H2Dids). In: Protides of the Biological Fluids, Bd.