Publications of Dilem Hizlan

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Hizlan, D.; Robson, A.; Whitehouse, S.; Gold, V. A.; Vonck, J.; Mills, D.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Collinson, I.: Structure of the SecY Complex Unlocked by a Preprotein Mimic. Cell Reports 1 (1), pp. 21 - 28 (2012)
Journal Article
Goswami, P.; Paulino, C.; Hizlan, D.; Vonck, J.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Structure of the archaeal Na+/H+ antiporter NhaP1 and functional role of transmembrane helix 1. The EMBO Journal 30 (2), pp. 439 - 449 (2011)
Journal Article
Appel, M.; Hizlan, D.; Vinothkumar, K. R.; Ziegler, C.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Conformations of NhaA, the Na+/H+ Exchanger from Escherichia coli, in the pH-Activated and Ion-Translocating States. Journal of Molecular Biology 388 (3), pp. 659 - 672 (2009)