Publikationen von Christoph Reinhart
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
204, 106230 (2023)
Purification and characterization of eukaryotic ATP-dependent transporters homologously expressed in Pichia pastoris for structural studies by cryo-electron microscopy. Protein Expression and Purification 2022
126 (43), S. 8646 - 8654 (2022)
Structural and functional investigation of ABC transporter STE6-2p from Pichia pastoris reveals unexpected interaction with sterol molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019
20 (11), 2682 (2019)
Identification of Potential Novel Interacting Partners for Coagulation Factor XIII B (FXIII-B) Subunit, a Protein Associated with a Rare Bleeding Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018
13 (3), S. 284 - 290 (2018)
The molecular basis of subtype selectivity of human kinin G-protein-coupled receptors. Nature Chemical Biology 2016
6, S. 1 - 16 (2016)
Revisiting the mechanism of coagulation factor XIII activation and regulation from a structure/functional perspective. Scientific Reports 2015
7 (7), S. 6224 - 6249 (2015)
Phylogeny of the Vitamin K 2,3-Epoxide Reductase (VKOR) Family and Evolutionary Relationship to the Disulfide Bond Formation Protein B (DsbB) Family. nutrients
474, S. 89 - 94 (2015)
Tris(3-hydroxypropyl)phosphine is superior to dithiothreitol for in vitro assessment of vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase activity. Analytical Biochemistry 2013
1830 (8), S. 4202 - 4210 (2013)
Determination of the warfarin inhibition constant Ki for vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase complex subunit-1 (VKORC1) using an in vitro DTT-driven assay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 2008
1778 (10), S. 2203 - 2209 (2008)
Heterologous expression of human Neuromedin U receptor 1 and its subsequent solubilization and purification. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
120 (9), S. 1692 - 1695 (2008)
The Structure of the Neuropeptide Bradykinin Bound to the Human G-Protein Coupled Receptor Bradykinin B2 as Determined by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie 2007
274 (23), S. 6106 - 6115 (2007)
C-terminal truncated cannabinoid receptor 1 co-expressed with G protein trimer in Sf9 cells exist in a precoupled state and show constitutive activity. The FEBS Journal
55 (1), S. 1 - 8 (2007)
Heterologous expression and characterization of the recombinant bradykinin B2 receptor using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification
39 (5), S. 931 - 942 (2007)
Heterologous expression and comparative characterization of the human neuromedin U subtype II receptor using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris and mammalian cells. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2006
50 (1), S. 118 - 127 (2006)
Dot-blot immunodetection as a versatile and high-throughput assay to evaluate recombinant GPCRs produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification
99 (3), S. 868 - 877 (2006)
Functional Overexpression and Characterization of Human Bradykinin Subtype 2 Receptor in Insect Cells Using the Baculovirus System. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
349 (1), S. 6 - 14 (2006)
Comparative analysis of the human angiotensin II type 1a receptor heterologously produced in insect cells and mammalian cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
580 (17), S. 4261 - 4265 (2006)
Dimethylsulphoxide as a tool to increase functional expression of heterologously produced GPCRs in mammalian cells. FEBS Letters
7 (2), S. 77 - 91 (2006)
Structural genomics on membrane proteins: comparison of more than 100 GPCRs in 3 expression systems. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics
15 (5), S. 1115 - 1126 (2006)
Enhancing functional production of G protein-coupled receptors in Pichia pastoris to levels required for structural studies via a single expression screen. Protein Science
387 (5), S. 569 - 576 (2006)
Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of the human bradykinin subtype 2 receptor produced in mammalian cells using the Semliki Forest virus system. Biological Chemistry
45 (2), S. 343 - 351 (2006)
Semliki Forest Virus vectors for overexpression of 101 G Protein-coupled receptors in mammalian host cells. Protein Expression and Purification Buchkapitel (5)
520, S. 1 - 29 (Hg. Conn, P. M.). Academic Press, Elsevier, Burlington (2013)
Expression of GPCRs in Pichia pastoris for Structural Studies. In: Methods in Enzymology, Bd. 2011
Das Pichia pastoris Expressionssystem. In: Gentechnische Methoden, S. 431 - 453 (Hg. Jahnson, M.; Rothhämel, S.). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg (2011)
Das Pichia pastoris Expressionssystem. In: Gentechnische Methoden, Eine Sammlung von Arbeitsanleitungen für das molekularbiologische Labor, S. 335 - 352 (Hg. Jansohn, M.). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, München (2006)
Expression of membrane proteins in yeasts. In: Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins, S. 115 - 152 (Hg. Lundstrom, K. H.). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2006)
Hunte, C.; Schägger, H.; von Jagow, G.). Academic Press/Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (2003)
Purification of an Affinity-Epitope Tagged G-Protein Coupled Receptor. In: Membrane Protein Purification and Crystallization., 9, S. 167 - 178 (Hg. Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Charakterisierung, Solubilisierung und Reinigung eines ß2-adrenergen Rezeptors nach heterologer Produktion in der methylotrophen Hefe Pichia pastoris. Dissertation, 149 S., Fachbereich Chemische und Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2001)
Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)
Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Gezielte Mutagenese des calciumbindenden Proteins Calsequestrin aus dem Kaninchen-Skelettmuskel. Diplom, 116 S., Fachbereich Biologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (1997)
Sonstige (1)
Innentitelbild: The Structure of the Neuropeptide Bradykinin Bound to the Human G‐Protein Coupled Receptor Bradykinin B2 as Determined by Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy, Angewandte Chemie 120 (9 Aufl.), S. 1547 - 1547 (2008)