Publikationen von José Guadalupe Rosas Jiménez

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Yin, M. D.; Lemaire, O. N.; Rosas Jiménez, J. G.; Belhamri, M.; Shevchenko, A.; Hummer, G.; Wagner, T.; Murphy, B. J.: Conformational dynamics of a multienzyme complex in anaerobic carbon fixation. Science 387 (6733), S. 498 - 504 (2025)
Rosas Jiménez, J. G.; Fábián, B.; Hummer, G.: Faster Sampling in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with TIP3P-F Water. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (24), S. 11068 - 11081 (2024)
Martinez-Mayorga, K.; Rosas-Jiménez, J. G.; Gonzalez-Ponce, K.; López-López, E.; Neme, A.; Medina-Franco, J. L.: The pursuit of accurate predictive models of the bioactivity of small molecules. Chemical Science 15 (6), S. 1938 - 1952 (2024)
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