Eugene Kim – Structure and Dynamics of Chromosomes
What are the universal principles that underlie chromosome organization across all forms of life?
Our Aim
In all organisms, chromosome must be compacted nearly three orders of magnitude to fit within the confines of cells, while simultaneously allowing a myriad of DNA-based processes, including replication, transcription, repair, recombination, and integration. Yet, the basic principles of the formation and regulation of the 3D structures of genome have remained unclear. Our group aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms governing 3D genome organization: how chromatins are folded and twisted, and how these topologies affect genome functions. To this end, we will employ single-molecule fluorescence imaging, single-molecule force spectroscopy, and correlative light and electron microscopy techniques to probe and interrogate individual molecules in vitro. By studying individual biochemical processes that constitute genome packaging at high spatiotemporal resolution, we hope to extract the universal principles that underlie chromosome organization across all forms of life.
Research Projects
How to Join Our Lab
We are seeking for talented PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who are motivated to join our lab.
If you are interested, please send your cover letter and CV to eugene.kim@biophys.mpg.de or apply via the graduate program IMPRS CBP.
Bachelor and Master Thesis Projects
We welcome students to do their bachelor or master thesis projects in our group. Please contact Eugene Kim for your expression of interest via: Eugene.Kim@biophys.mpg.de.