Publications of the Department of Molecular Membrane Biology

Publications of Sina Weidenweber

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Weidenweber, S.; Schühle, K.; Lippert, M.-L.; Mock, J.; Seubert, A.; Demmer, U.; Ermler, U.; Heider, J.: Finis tolueni: a new type of thiolase with an integrated Zn-finger subunit catalyses the final step of anaerobic toluene metabolism. The FEBS Journal 5, 166 (2022)
Journal Article
Kung, J.; Meier, A.-K.; Willistein, M.; Weidenweber, S.; Demmer, U.; Ermler, U.; Boll, M.: Structural basis of cyclic 1,3-diene forming acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenases. Chembiochem 22 (22), pp. 3172 - 3177 (2021)
Journal Article
Warkentin, E.; Weidenweber, S.; Schühle, K.; Demmer, U.; Heider, J.; Ermler, U.: A rare polyglycine type II-like helix motif in naturally occurring proteins. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 85 (11), pp. 2017 - 2023 (2017)
Journal Article
Weidenweber, S.; Schühle, K.; Demmer, U.; Warkentin, E.; Ermler, U.; Heider, J.: Structure of the acetophenone carboxylase core complex: prototype of a new class of ATP-dependent carboxylases/hydrolases. Scientific Reports 7, 39674 (2017)
Journal Article
Weidenweber, S.; Marmulla, R.; Ermler, U.; Harder, J.: X-ray structure of linalool dehydratase/isomerase from Castellaniella defragrans reveals enzymatic alkene synthesis. FEBS Letters 590 (9), pp. 1375 - 1383 (2016)
Journal Article
Weinert, T.; Huwiler, S.; Kung, J. W.; Weidenweber, S.; Hellwig, P.; Stärk, H.-J.; Biskup, T.; Weber, S.; Cotelesage, J. J.H.; George, G. N. et al.: Structural basis of enzymatic benzene ring reduction. Nature Chemical Biology 11 (8), pp. 586 - 591 (2015)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Weidenweber, S.: Röntgenstrukturanalyse von Schlüsselenzymen im anaeroben Abbau von Kohlenwasserstoffen. Dissertation, 173 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2017)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Weidenweber, S.: Crotonyl-CoA-Carboxylase/Reduktase: Expression, Reinigung, Kristallisation und Struktur. Diploma, 121 pp., Goethe-Universität, Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie, Frankfurt am Main (2012)