Publications of Alexander Mühleip
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
571 (7765), pp. 429 - 433 (2019)
Structure and assembly of the mitochondrial membrane remodelling GTPase Mgm1. Nature 2.
Journal Article
114 (5), pp. 992 - 997 (2017)
In situ structure of trypanosomal ATP synthase dimer reveals a unique arrangement of catalytic subunits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3.
Journal Article
113 (30), pp. 8442 - 8447 (2016)
Helical arrays of U-shaped ATP synthase dimers form tubular cristae in ciliate mitochondria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4.
Journal Article
21 (5), pp. 747 - 755 (2015)
Central Role of Mic10 in the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System. Cell Metabolism Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Tomographic studies of mitochondrial membrane-shaping proteins. Dissertation, 216 pp., Goethe-Universtität, Frankfurt am Main (2017)