Publications of Laura Tesmer
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Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
82 (11), pp. 2006 - 2020.e8 (2022)
Kinase domain autophosphorylation rewires the activity and substrate specificity of CK1 enzymes. Molecular Cell 2.
Journal Article
298 (2), 101505 (2022)
Investigation of sugar binding kinetics of the E. coli sugar/H+ symporter XylE using solid-supported membrane-based electrophysiology. The Journal of Biological Chemistry Thesis - Bachelor (1)
Thesis - Bachelor
Elektrophysiologische Messungen an den Zuckertransportern XylE, LacY und FucP. Bachelor, 56 pp., Fachbereich Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2015)