Publications of Uwe Scheuring
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
45c (9-10), pp. 1021 - 1026 (1990)
Asymmetric reconstitution of the erythrocyte anion transport system in vesicles of different curvature: implications for the shape of the band 3 protein. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 2.
Journal Article
231 (1), pp. 232 - 236 (1988)
Does sphingomyelin inhibit the erythrocyte anion transport system? FEBS Letters 3.
Journal Article
227 (1), pp. 32 - 34 (1988)
The turnover number for band 3‐mediated sulfate transport in phosphatidylcholine bilayers. FEBS Letters 4.
Journal Article
46 (2-3), pp. S46 - S50 (1987)
Reconstitution of the erythrocyte anion transport system: recent progress. Biomedica biochimica acta 5.
Journal Article
90 (2), pp. 123 - 135 (1986)
A new method for the reconstitution of the anion transport system of the human erythrocyte membrane. Journal of Membrane Biology Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Die Rekonstitution des Anionentransportsystems der menschlichen Erythrozytenmembran. Dissertation, 119 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (1987)
Thesis - Diploma (1)
Thesis - Diploma
Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines rekonstituierten Aniontransportsystems der Erythrozytenmembran. Diploma, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (1983)