Publications of Amir Houshang Bahrami

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Bahrami, A.; Bahrami, A. H.: Vesicle constriction by rings of Janus nanoparticles and aggregates of curved proteins. Nanotechnology 30 (34), 345101 (2019)
Journal Article
Schöneberg, J.; Pavlin, M. R.; Yan, S.; Righini, M.; Lee, I.-H.; Carlson, L.-A.; Bahrami, A. H.; Goldman, D. H.; Ren, X.; Hummer, G. et al.: ATP-dependent force generation and membrane scission by ESCRT-III and Vps4. Science 362 (6421), pp. 1423 - 1428 (2018)
Journal Article
Bahrami, A. H.; Weikl, T. R.: Curvature-Mediated Assembly of Janus Nanoparticles on Membrane Vesicles. Nano Letters 18 (2), pp. 1259 - 1263 (2018)
Journal Article
Bahrami, A. H.; Lin, M. G.; Ren, X.; Hurley, J. H.; Hummer, G.: Scaffolding the cup-shaped double membrane in autophagy. PLoS Computational Biology 13 (10), e1005817 (2017)
Journal Article
Bahrami, A. H.; Hummer, G.: Formation and Stability of Lipid Membrane Nanotubes. ACS Nano 11 (9), pp. 9558 - 9565 (2017)
Journal Article
Covino, R.; Ballweg, S.; Stordeur, C.; Michaelis, J. B.; Puth, K.; Wernig, F.; Bahrami, A. H.; Ernst, A. M.; Hummer, G.; Ernst, R.: A Eukaryotic Sensor for Membrane Lipid Saturation. Molecular Cell 63 (1), pp. 49 - 59 (2016)