Julian Langer Publications

Publications of Ramachandra M. Bhaskara

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Foronda, H.; Fu, Y.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Bocker, H. T.; González, A.; Seemann, E.; Franzka, P.; Bock, A.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Liebmann, L. et al.; Hoffmann, M. E.; Katona, I.; Koch, N.; Weis, J.; Kurth, I.; Gleeson, J. G.; Reggiori, F.; Hummer, G.; Kessels, M. M.; Qualmann, B.; Mari, M.; Dikić, I.; Hübner, C. A.: Heteromeric clusters of ubiquitinated ER-shaping proteins drive ER-phagy. Nature 618 (7964), pp. 402 - 410 (2023)
Journal Article
González, A.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Glogger, M.; Kuncha, S. K.; Xavier, A.; Seemann, E.; Misra, M.; Hoffmann, M. E.; Bräuning, B. et al.; Balakrishnan, A.; Qualmann, B.; Dötsch, V.; Schulman, B. A.; Kessels, M. M.; Hübner, C. A.; Heilemann, M.; Hummer, G.; Dikić, I.: Ubiquitination regulates ER-phagy and remodelling of endoplasmic reticulum. Nature 618 (7964), pp. 394 - 401 (2023)
Journal Article
Reggio, A.; Buonomo, V.; Berkane, R.; Bhaskara, R.; Tellechea, M.; Peluso, I.; Polishchuk, E.; Di Lorenzo, G.; Cirillov, C.; Esposito, M. et al.; Hussain, A.; Huebner, A. K.; Hübner, C. A.; Settembre, C.; Hummer, G.; Grumati, P.; Stolz, A.: Role of FAM134 paralogues in endoplasmic reticulum remodeling, ER-phagy, and Collagen quality control. EMBO Reports 22 (9), e52289 (2021)
Journal Article
Ho, N. T.; Siggel, M.; Camacho, K. V.; Bhaskara, R.; Hicks, J. M.; Yao, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.; Noy, A.: Membrane fusion and drug delivery with carbon nanotube porins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (19), e2016974118 (2021)
Journal Article
Siggel, M.; Bhaskara, R.; Moesser, M. K.; Đikić, I.; Hummer, G.: FAM134B-RHD Protein Clustering Drives Spontaneous Budding of Asymmetric Membranes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (7), pp. 1926 - 1931 (2021)
Journal Article
Vögele, M.; Bhaskara, R.; Mulvihill, E.; van Pee, K.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Müller, D. J.; Hummer, G.: Reply to Desikan et al.: Micelle formation among various mechanisms of toxin pore formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (10), pp. 5109 - 5110 (2020)
Journal Article
Herhaus, L.; Bhaskara, R.; Lystad, A. H.; Gestal-Mato, U.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Bonn, F.; Simonsen, A.; Hummer, G.; Đikić, I.: TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 controls autophagosome shedding by ATG4 protease. EMBO Reports 21 (1), e48317 (2019)
Journal Article
Vögele, M.; Bhaskara, R.; Mulvihill, E.; van Pee, K.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Müller, D. J.; Hummer, G.: Membrane perforation by the pore-forming toxin pneumolysin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (27), pp. 13352 - 13357 (2019)
Journal Article
Bhaskara, R.; Grumati, P.; Garcia-Pardo, J.; Kalayil, S.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Chen, W.; Kudryashev, M.; Đikić, I.; Hummer, G.: Curvature induction and membrane remodeling by FAM134B reticulon homology domain assist selective ER-phagy. Nature Communications 10, 2370 (2019)
Journal Article
D'Imprima, E.; Salzer, R.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Sánchez, R.; Rose, I.; Kirchner, L.; Hummer, G.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Vonck, J.; Averhoff, B.: Cryo-EM structure of the bifunctional secretin complex of Thermus thermophilus. eLife 6, 10.7554/eLife.30483 (2017)
Journal Article
Bhaskara, R.; Linker, S. M.; Vögele, M.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.: Carbon Nanotubes Mediate Fusion of Lipid Vesicles. ACS Nano 11 (2), pp. 1273 - 1280 (2017)
Journal Article
Craveur, P.; Joseph, A. P.; Esque, J.; Narwani, T. J.; Noël, F.; Shinada, N.; Goguet, M.; Leonard, S.; Poulain, P.; Bertrand, O. et al.; Faure, G.; Rebehmed, J.; Ghozlane, A.; Swapna, L. S.; Bhaskara, R.; Barnoud, J.; Téletchéa, S.; Jallu, V.; Cerny, J.; Schneider, B.; Etchebest, C.; Srinivasan, N.; Gelly, J.-C.; de Brevern, A. G.: Protein flexibility in the light of structural alphabets. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2, 20 (2015)
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