Julian Langer Publications

Publications of Stefan Bohn

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Zabret, J.; Bohn, S.; Schuller, S. K.; Arnolds, O.; Möller, M.; Meier-Credo, J.; Liauw, P.; Chan, A.; Tajkhorshid, E.; Langer, J. D. et al.; Stoll, R.; Krieger-Liszkay, A.; Engel, B. D.; Rudack , T.; Schuller, J. M.; Nowaczyk , M. M.: Structural insights into photosystem II assembly. Nature Plants 7, pp. 524 - 538 (2021)
Journal Article
Kudryashev, M.; Lepper, S.; Stanway, R.; Bohn, S.; Baumeister, W.; Cyrklaff, M.; Frischknecht, F.: Positioning of large organelles by a membrane- associated cytoskeleton in Plasmodium sporozoites. Cellular Microbiology 12 (3), pp. 362 - 371 (2010)
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