Publications of Hendrik Jung
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
12, RP90174 (2024)
Tracing the substrate translocation mechanism in P-glycoprotein. eLife 2.
Journal Article
19 (24), pp. 9060 - 9076 (2023)
Molecular Free Energies, Rates, and Mechanisms from Data-Efficient Path Sampling Simulations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 3.
Journal Article
3 (4), pp. 334 - 345 (2023)
Machine-guided path sampling to discover mechanisms of molecular self-organization. Nature Computational Science 4.
Journal Article
125 (28), pp. 7732 - 7741 (2021)
Binding of SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Peptide to Host Endosome and Plasma Membrane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5.
Journal Article
10, 1742 (2019)
Mechanism of the electroneutral sodium/proton antiporter PaNhaP from transition-path shooting. Nature Communications 6.
Journal Article
147 (15), 152716 (2017)
Transition path sampling of rare events by shooting from the top. The Journal of Chemical Physics Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Machine Learning for Biomolecular Simulations. Dissertation, 251 pp., FachbereichnPhysik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2024)
Thesis - Master (1)
Thesis - Master
Automatically discovering molecular reaction mechanisms. Master, 96 pp., Fachbereich Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Thesis - Bachelor (1)
Thesis - Bachelor
„Shooting from the top“: Transition path sampling of paths with variable length. Bachelor, 45 pp., Fachbereich Biophysik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2015)