Florian Wilfling – Mechanisms of Cellular Quality Control

Publications of Donghyuk Shin

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Shin, D.; Mukherjee, R.; Grewe, D.; Bojkova, D.; Baek, K.; Bhattacharya, A.; Schulz, L.; Widera, M.; Mehdipour, A. R.; Tascher, G. et al.; Geurink, P. P.; Wilhelm, A.; van der Heden van Noort, G. J.; Ovaa, H.; Müller, S.; Knobeloch, K.-P.; Rajalingam, K.; Schulman, B.; Cinatl, J.; Hummer, G.; Ciesek, S.; Đikić, I.: Papain-like protease regulates SARS-CoV-2 viral spread and innate immunity. Nature 587 (7835), pp. 657 - 662 (2020)
Journal Article
Shin, D.; Bhattacharya, A.; Cheng, Y.-L.; Alonso, M. C.; Mehdipour, A. R.; van der Heden van Noort, G. J.; Ovaa, H.; Hummer, G.; Dikic, I.: Bacterial OTU deubiquitinases regulate substrate ubiquitination upon Legionella infection. eLife 9 (2020)
Journal Article
Shin, D.; Mukherjee, R.; Liu, Y.; Gonzalez, A.; Bonn, F.; Liu, Y.; Rogov, V. V.; Heinz, M.; Stolz, A.; Hummer, G. et al.; Dötsch, V.; Luo, Z.-Q.; Bhogaraju, S.; Đikić, I.: Regulation of Phosphoribosyl-Linked Serine Ubiquitination by Deubiquitinases DupA and DupB. Molecular Cell 77 (1), pp. 164 - 179 (2020)
Journal Article
Kim, G.; Shin, D.; Lee, S.; Yun, J.; Lee, S.: Crystal Structure of IlvC, a Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase, from Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Crystals 9 (11), 551 (2019)
Journal Article
Bhogaraju, S.; Bonn, F.; Mukherjee, R.; Adams, M.; Pfleiderer, M. M.; Galej, W. P.; Matkovic, V.; Lopez-Mosqueda, J.; Kalayil, S.; Shin, D. et al.; Đikić, I.: Inhibition of bacterial ubiquitin ligases by SidJ-calmodulin catalysed glutamylation. Nature 572 (7769), pp. 382 - 386 (2019)
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