Publications of Susann Kaltwasser

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Steinhilper, R.; Boß, L.; Freibert, S.-A.; Schulz, V.; Krapoth, N.; Kaltwasser, S.; Lill, R.; Murphy, B. J.: Two-stage binding of mitochondrial ferredoxin-2 to the core iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex. Nature Communications 15, 10559 (2024)
Journal Article
Aziz, I.; Kayastha, K.; Kaltwasser, S.; Vonck, J.; Welsch, S.; Murphy, B. J.; Kahnt, J.; Wu, D.; Wagner, T.; Shima, S. et al.; Ermler, U.: Structural and mechanistic basis of the central energy-converting methyltransferase complex of methanogenesis. PNAS 121 (14), e2315568121 (2024)
Journal Article
Hau, J.-L.; Kaltwasser, S.; Muras, V.; Casutt, M. S.; Vohl, G.; Claußen, B.; Steffen, W.; Leitner, A.; Bill, E.; Cutsail, G. E. et al.; DeBeer, S.; Vonck, J.; Steuber, J.; Fritz, G.: Conformational coupling of redox-driven Na+-translocation in Vibrio cholerae NADH:quinone oxidoreductase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 30 (11), pp. 1686 - 1694 (2023)
Journal Article
Heinz, V.; Jäckel, W.; Kaltwasser, S.; Cutugno, L.; Bedrunka, P.; Graf, A.; Reder, A.; Michalik, S.; Dhople, V. M.; Madei, M. G. et al.; Conway, M.; Lechner, M.; Riedel, K.; Bange, G.; Boyd, A.; Völker, U.; Lewis, R. J.; Marles-Wright, J.; Ziegler, C.; Pané-Farré, J.: The Vibrio vulnificus stressosome is an oxygen-sensor involved in regulating iron metabolism. Communications Biology 5, 622 (2022)
Journal Article
Miksys, A.; Fu, L.; Madej, M. G.; Guerreiro, D. N.; Kaltwasser, S.; Conway, M.; Ejder, S.; Bruckmann, A.; Marles-Wright, J.; Lewis, R. J. et al.; O'Byrne, C.; Pané-Farré, J.; Ziegler, C.: Molecular insights into intra-complex signal transmission during stressosome activation. Communications Biology 5, 621 (2022)
Journal Article
Aziz, I.; Kaltwasser, S.; Kayastha, K.; Khera, R.; Vonck, J.; Ermler, U.: The molybdenum storage protein forms and deposits distinct polynuclear tungsten oxygen aggregates. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 234, 111904 (2022)
Journal Article
Ebenhoch, R.; Prinz, S.; Kaltwasser, S.; Mills, D. J.; Meinecke, R.; Rübbelke, M.; Reinert, D.; Bauer, M.; Weixler, L.; Zeeb, M. et al.; Vonck, J.; Nar, H.: A hybrid approach reveals the allosteric regulation of GTP cyclohydrolase I. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (50), pp. 31838 - 31849 (2020)
Journal Article
Payer, S. E.; Marshall, S. A.; Bärland, N.; Sheng, X.; Reiter, T.; Dordic, A.; Steinkellner, G.; Wuensch, C.; Kaltwasser, S.; Fisher, K. et al.; Rigby, S. E. J.; Macheroux, P.; Vonck, J.; Gruber, K.; Faber, K.; Himo, F.; Leys, D.; Pavkov-Keller, T.; Glueck, S. M.: Regioselective para-Carboxylation of Catechols with a Prenylated Flavin Dependent Decarboxylase. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 56 (44), pp. 13893 - 13897 (2017)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Kaltwasser, S.: Structural characterization of stressosome complexes by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
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