Publications of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Publications of Ernst Grell

Journal Article (73)

Journal Article
Marinelli, F.; Kuhlmann, S.; Grell, E.; Kunte, H.-J.; Ziegler, C.; Faraldo-Gómez, J. D.: Evidence for an allosteric mechanism of substrate release from membrane-transporter accessory binding proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (49), pp. E1285 - E1292 (2011)
Journal Article
Stolz, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Bergbauer, R.; Mäntele, W.; Grell, E.; Barth, A.: Structural Changes in the Catalytic Cycle of the Na+,K+-ATPase Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal 96 (8), pp. 3433 - 3442 (2009)
Journal Article
Gakamsky, D. M.; Lewitzki, E.; Grell, E.; Saulquin, X.; Malissen, B.; Montero-Julian, F.; Bonneville, M.; Pecht, I.: Kinetic evidence for a ligand-binding-induced conformational transition in the T cell receptor. PNAS 104 (42), pp. 16639 - 16644 (2007)
Journal Article
Carrer, C.; Stolz, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Rittmeyer, C.; Kolbesen, B. O.; Grell, E.: Removing coordinated metal ions from proteins: a fast and mild method in aequeous solution. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, pp. 1409 - 1413 (2006)
Journal Article
Farver, O.; Grell, E.; Ludwig, B.; Michel, H.; Pecht, I.: Rates and Equilibrium of CuA to Heme a Electron Transfer in Paracoccus denitrificans Cytochrome c Oxidase. Biophysical Journal 90, pp. 2131 - 2137 (2006)
Journal Article
Stolz, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Mäntele, W.; Barth, A.; Grell, E.: Inhibition and partial reactions of Na,K-ATPase studied by FTIR difference spectroscopy. Biopolymers 82, DOI: 10.1002 / bip.20427, pp. 368 - 372 (2005)
Journal Article
Bombarda, E.; Roques, B. P.; Mély, Y.; Grell, E.: Mechanism of zinc coordination by point-mutated structures of the distal CCHC binding motif of the HIV-1 NCp7 protein. Biochemistry 44, pp. 7315 - 7325 (2005)
Journal Article
Grell, D.; Grell, E.; Bugnon, P.; Dietrich, B.; Lehn, J.-M.: Molecular Ionics of Anion Receptor Molecules. A microcalorimetric study. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 77, pp. 483 - 495 (2004)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Schacht, A.; Stolz, M.: Nucleotide / Protein Interaction. Energetic and structural features of Na,K-ATPase. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 77, pp. 471 - 481 (2004)
Journal Article
Ilgenfritz, G.; Schneider, R.; Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of the Sphere-to-Rod Transition in Nonionic Micelles. Aggregation and Stress Relaxation in C14E8 and C16E8/H2O Systems. Langmuir 20 (5), pp. 1620 - 1630 (2004)
Journal Article
Schuurmans Stekhoven, F.M.A.H.; Grell, E.; Atsma, W.; Flik, G.; Wendelaar Bonga, S.E.: Organ-related distribution of phospholemman in the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 303 (4), pp. 1008 - 1011 (2003)
Journal Article
Stolz, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Schick, E.; Mutz, M.; Grell, E.; Lewitzki: Calorimetry of Na,K-ATPase. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 986 (1), pp. 245 - 246 (2003)
Journal Article
Thoenges, D.; Tscherp, C.; Grell, E.; Barth, A.: Preparation of active enzyme samples for IR studies of Na+, K+-ATPase. Biopolymers 67 (4-5), pp. 271 - 274 (2002)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Schneider, R.; Ilgenfritz, G.; Grillo, I.; von Raumer, M.: Phase transitions in non-ionic detergent micelles. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 68 (2), pp. 469 - 478 (2002)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Schick, E.; Lewitzki, E.: Membrane receptor calorimetry: cardiac glycoside interaction with Na,K-ATPase. Thermochimica Acta 380 (2), pp. 245 - 254 (2001)
Journal Article
Lüpfert, C.; Grell, E.; Pintschovius, V.; Appel, H.-J.; Cornelius, F.; Clarke, R. J.: Rate Limitation of the Na+,K+-ATPase Pump Cycle. Biophysical Journal 81 (4), pp. 2069 - 2081 (2001)
Journal Article
Bombarda, E.; Morellet, N.; Cherradi, H.; Spiess, B.; Bouaziz, S.; Grell, E.; Roques, B. P.; Mély, Y.: Determination of the pKa of the four Zn2+-coordinating residues of the distal finger motif of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein: Consequences on the binding of Zn2+. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 310 (3), pp. 659 - 672 (2001)
Journal Article
Buet, P.; Gersch, B.; Grell, E.: Spectral Properties, Cation Selectivity, and Dynamic Efficiency of Fluorescent Alkali Ion Indicators in Aqueous Solution Around Neutral pH. Journal of Fluorescence 11 (2), pp. 79 - 87 (2001)
Journal Article
Buet, P.; Lewitzki, E.; Grell, E.; Albrecht-Gary, A.-M.; Wannowius, K. J.; Mass, F.; Elias, H.; Mundt, A.A.; Dupont, Y.: Concentration Jump Experiments for the Precise Determination of Rate Constants of Reverse Reactions in the Millisecond Time Range. Analytical Chemistry 73 (5), pp. 857 - 863 (2001)
Journal Article
Buet, P.; Kastenholz, F.; Grell, E.; Käb, G.; Häfner, A.; Schneider, F.W.: Trifluorocoumarino Cryptands as Photoprotonic Molecules: Basic Features and Theoretical Considerations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (30), pp. 5871 - 5881 (1999)
Journal Article
Buet, P.; Kastenholz, F.; Grell, E.; Käb, G.; Häfner, M.; Schneider, F.W.: On the Mechanism of Inhibition of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor by the Anticonvulsant MK-801 Investigated by Laser-Pulse Photolysis in the Microsecond-to-Millisecond Time Region. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (30), pp. 5871 - 5881 (1999)
Journal Article
Ganea, C.; Babes, A.; Lüpfert, C.; Grell, E.; Fendler, K.; Clarke, R. J.: Hofmeister Effects of Anions on the Kinetics of Partial Reactions of the Na+,K+-ATPase. Biophysical Journal 77 (1), pp. 267 - 281 (1999)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; von Raumer, M.; Hörmann, A.: Lipid-similar Thermal Transition of Polyethylene Glycol Alkyl Ether Detergents. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 57 (1), pp. 371 - 375 (1999)
Journal Article
Lewitzki, E.; Schick, E.; Hutterer, R.; Schneider, F. W.; Grell, E.: Characterizing Protein Conformational Transitions of Na,K-ATPase with Antibodies by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Journal of Fluorescence 8 (2), pp. 115 - 119 (1998)
Journal Article
Kane, D. J.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.; Clarke, R. J.: Dephosphorylation Kinetics of Pig Kidney Na+,K+-ATPase. Biochemistry 37 (13), p. 4581–4591 - 4581–4591 (1998)
Journal Article
Bremer, C.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Kinetics and Mechanism of Complex Formation between Mg2+ and Methylthymol Blue. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (1), pp. 146 - 152 (1998)
Journal Article
Pawlak, M.; Grell, E.; Schick, E.; Anselmetti, D.; Ehrat, M.: Functional immobilization of biomembrane fragments on planar waveguides for the investigation of side-directed ligand binding by surface-confined fluorescence. Faraday Discussions 111, pp. 273 - 288 (1998)
Journal Article
Kane, D. J.; Fendler, K.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.; Taniguchi, K.; Froehlich, J. P.: Stopped-Flow Kinetic Investigations of Conformational Changes of Pig Kidney Na+,K+-ATPase. Biochemistry 36 (43), pp. 13406 - 13420 (1997)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Mutz, M.; Marti, E.: Membrane-bound Na+,K+-ATPase as the cardiac glycoside receptor. Journal of Thermal Analysis 48, pp. 437 - 445 (1997)
Journal Article
Bugnon, P.; Laurenczy, G.; Ducommun, Y.; Sauvageat, P.-Y.; Merbach, A. E.; Ith, R.; Tschanz, R.; Doludda, M.; Bergbauer, R.; Grell, E.: High-Pressure Stopped-Flow Spectrometer for Kinetic Studies of Fast Reactions by Absorbance and Fluorescence Detection. Analytical Chemistry 68 (17), pp. 3045 - 3049 (1996)
Journal Article
Doludda, M.; Kastenholz, F.; Lewitzki, E.; Grell, E.: Time-resolved response of fluorescent alkali ion indicators and detection of short-lived intermediates upon binding to molecular cavities. Journal of Fluorescence 6 (3), pp. 159 - 163 (1996)
Journal Article
Lewitzki, E.; Schick, E.; Hutterer, R.; Schneider, F. W.; Grell, E.: Conformational changes of Na,K-ATPase probed with eosin Y. Journal of Fluorescence 6 (3), pp. 165 - 168 (1996)
Journal Article
Gersch, B.; Lehn, J.-M.; Grell, E.: Synthesis of new dibenzo-diaza-crown ethers. Tetrahedron Letters 37 (13), pp. 2213 - 2216 (1996)
Journal Article
Bremer, C.; Grell, E.: Protolysis and Mg2+ binding of Methylthymol Blue. Inorganica Chimica Acta 241 (2), pp. 13 - 19 (1996)
Journal Article
Porschke, D.; Grell, E.: Electric parameters of Na+/K+-ATPase by measurements of the fluorescence-detected electric dichroism. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1321 (2), pp. 181 - 188 (1995)
Journal Article
Bollhagen, R.; Schmiedberger, M.; Grell, E.: High-performance liquid chromatographic purification of extremely hydrophobic peptides: transmembrane segments. Journal of Chromatography A 711 (1), pp. 181 - 186 (1995)
Journal Article
Lewitzki, E.; Frank, U.; Götz, E.; Brand, K.; Schneider, F.W.; Grell, E.: DEDO: A specific, fluorescent inhibitor for spectroscopic investigations of Na,K-ATPase. Journal of Fluorescence 4 (4), pp. 287 - 290 (1994)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Bremer, C.; Kramer-Schmitt, S.; Weber, J.; Senior, A. E.: lin-Benzo-ATP and-ADP: Versatile fluorescent probes for spectroscopic and biochemical studies. Journal of Fluorescence 4 (3), pp. 247 - 250 (1994)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Brand, K.; Schneider, F. W.; von der Haar, T.; Zachariasse, K.A.: Toward an understanding of the fluorescence intensity changes observed on fluorescein 5′-Isothiocyanate-Na+,K+-ATPase. Journal of Fluorescence 4, pp. 251 - 254 (1994)
Journal Article
Kastenholz, F.; Grell, E.; Bats, J. W.; Quinkert, G.; Brand, K.; Lanig, H.; Schneider, F. W.: Fluorescence studies and semiempirical calculations on alkali ion indicators. Journal of Fluorescence 4 (3), pp. 243 - 246 (1994)
Journal Article
Bremer, C.; Grell, E.: Determination of kinetic parameters from chemical relaxation data discrimination between coupled two-step binding reactions differing in stoichiometry. European Biophysics Journal 23, pp. 217 - 226 (1994)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Wilke-Mounts, S.; Grell, E.; Senior, A. E.: Tryptophan fluorescence provides a direct probe of nucleotide binding in the noncatalytic sites of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 269 (15), pp. 11261 - 11268 (1994)
Journal Article
Wilke-Mounts, S.; Weber, J.; Grell, E.; Senior, A. E.: Tryptophan-free Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 309 (2), pp. 363 - 368 (1994)
Journal Article
Bollhagen, R.; Schmiedberger, M.; Barlos, K.; Grell, E.: A new reagent for the cleavage of fully protected peptides synthesised on 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 22, pp. 2559 - 2560 (1994)
Journal Article
Bremer, C.; Bergbauer, R.; Ruf, H.; Bannister, J. J.; Grell, E.: A laser temperature jump apparatus based on commercial parts equipped with highly sensitive spectrophotometric detection. Measurement Science and Technology 4 (12), pp. 1385 - 1393 (1993)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Wilke-Mounts, S.; Lee , R. S.; Grell, E.; Senior, A. E.: Specific placement of tryptophan in the catalytic sites of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase provides a direct probe of nucleotide binding: maximal ATP hydrolysis occurs with three sites occupied. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (27), pp. 20126 - 20133 (1993)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Lee, R. S.; Wilke-Mounts, S.; Grell, E.; Senior, A. E.: Combined application of site-directed mutagenesis, 2-azido-ATP labeling, and lin-benzo-ATP binding to study the noncatalytic sites of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (9), pp. 6241 - 6247 (1993)
Journal Article
Stengelin, M.; Eisenrauch, A.; Fendler, K.; Nagel, G.; van der Hijden, H.T.; de Pont, J.J.H.M.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.: Charge translocation of H,K-ATPase and Na,K-ATPase. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 671 (1), pp. 170 - 188 (1992)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Lee, R. S.; Grell, E.; Senior, A. E.: Investigation of the aurovertin binding site of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase by fluorescence spectroscopy and site-directed mutagenesis. Biochemistry 31 (22), pp. 5112 - 5116 (1992)
Journal Article
Ruf, H.; Grell, E.; Stelzer, E. H.K.: Size distribution of submicron particles by dynamic light scattering measurements: analyses considering normalization errors. European Biophysics Journal 21, pp. 21 - 28 (1992)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Lee, R. S.; Grell, E.; Wise, J. G.; Senior, A. G.: On the location and function of tyrosine beta 331 in the catalytic site of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 (3), pp. 1712 - 1718 (1992)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Warmuth, R.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.: Ionics and conformational transitions of Na,K-ATPase. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 607, pp. 213 - 221 (1992)
Journal Article
Warmuth, R.; Grell, E.; Lehn, J.; Bats, J. W.; Quinkert, G.: Photo‐Cleavable Cryptands: Synthesis and Structure. Helvetica Chimica Acta 74 (4), pp. 671 - 681 (1991)
Journal Article
Langosch, D.; Hartung, K.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.; Betz, H.: Ion channel formation by synthetic transmembrane segments of the inhibitory glycine receptor - a model study. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1063 (1), pp. 36 - 44 (1991)
Journal Article
Weber, J.; Schmitt, S.; Grell, E.; Schäfer, G.: Differentiation of the nucleotide-binding sites on nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1-ATPase by means of a fluorescent ADP analogue. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 265 (19), pp. 10884 - 10892 (1990)
Journal Article
Van der Hijden , H. T.W.M.; Kramer-Schmitt, S.; Grell, E.; de Pont, J. J. H.H.M.: The basal Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity is not part of the (H++K+)-transporting ATPase reaction cycle. Biochemical Journal 267 (3), pp. 565 - 572 (1990)
Journal Article
van der Hijden, H. T.W.M.; Grell, E.; de Pont, J. J. H.H.M.; Bamberg, E.: Demonstration of the electrogenicity of proton translocation during the phosphorylation step in gastric H+K+-ATPase. Journal of Membrane Biology 114, pp. 245 - 256 (1990)
Journal Article
Kojro, Z.; Lin, S.-Q.; Grell, E.; Ruf, H.: Determination of internal volume and volume distribution of lipid vesicles from dynamic light scattering data. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 985 (1), pp. 1 - 8 (1989)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Mezele, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.: Interaction of alkali ions with Na,K-ATPase. Journal of Protein Chemistry 8 (3), pp. 376 - 377 (1989)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Bamberg, E.; Ellis-Davies, G.C.; Kaplan, J. H.; de Weer, P.: Caged-Ca2+: a new agent allowing liberation of free Ca2+ in biological systems by photolysis. Cellular and Molecular Biology 35 (5), pp. 515 - 522 (1989)
Journal Article
Christensen, B.; Gutweiler, M.; Grell, E.; Wagner, N.; Pabst, R.; Dose, K.; Bamberg, E.: Pump and displacement currents of reconstituted ATP Synthase on black lipid membranes. Journal of Membrane Biology 104, pp. 179 - 191 (1988)
Journal Article
Mezele, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Cation Selectivity of Membrane Proteins. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft 971 (3), pp. 307 - 316 (1988)
Journal Article
Fendler, K.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.: Kinetics of pump currents generated by the Na+,K+-ATPase. FEBS Letters 224 (1), pp. 83 - 88 (1987)
Journal Article
Nagel, G.; Fendler, K.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.: Na+ currents generated by the purified Na+K+-ATPase on planar lipid membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 901 (2), pp. 239 - 249 (1987)
Journal Article
Hartung, K.; Grell, E.; Hasselbach, W.; Bamberg, E.: Electrical pump currents generated by the Ca2+ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles adsorbed on black lipid membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 900 (2), pp. 209 - 220 (1987)
Journal Article
Prabhananda, B. S.; Ritter, E.; Grell, E.: Kinetics and mechanism of anionic ligand binding to carbonic anhydras. Biophysical Chemistry 26 (2-3), pp. 217 - 224 (1987)
Journal Article
Scheuring, U.; Grieshaber, G.; Kollewe, K.; Kojro, E.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.; Haase, W.; Schubert, D.: Reconstitution of the erythrocyte anion transport system: recent progress. Biomedica biochimica acta 46 (2-3), pp. S46 - S50 (1987)
Journal Article
Fendler, K.; Grell, E.; Haubs, M.; Bamberg, E.: Pump currents generated by the purified Na+K+-ATPase from kidney on black lipid membranes. The EMBO Journal 4 (12), pp. 3079 - 3085 (1985)
Journal Article
Ruf, H.; Mager, G.; Grell, E.: Determination of thermodynamic parameters of biomolecules by spectrophotometric titrations. Thermochimica Acta 85, pp. 485 - 488 (1985)
Journal Article
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Dehal, S.; Oberbäumer, I.; Raschdorf, F.; Richter, W.J.: Chromatographic isolation and characterization of streptogramin antibiotics. Journal of Chromatography A 290, pp. 57 - 63 (1984)
Journal Article
Kessler, H.; Kutscher, B.; Mager, G.; Grell, E.: Synthese des Streptogramin‐B‐analogen Cyclodepsipeptids cyclo[‐(Boc)Ser‐D‐Abu‐Pro‐(Me)Phe‐Pip‐Phg‐O‐]. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1983 (9), pp. 1541 - 1550 (1983)
Journal Article
Oberbäumer, I.; Grell, E.; Raschdorf, F.; Richter, W. J.: New Peptide Lactones of the Streptogramin Family (Group B). Structures of Virginiamycin S5 and Viridogrisein II. Helvetica Chimica Acta 65 (7), pp. 2280 - 2287 (1982)
Journal Article
Gisin, B.F.; Ting-Beall, H.P.; Davis, D.G.; Grell, E.; Tosteson, D.C.: Selective ion binding and membrane activity of synthetic cyclopeptides. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 509 (2), pp. 201 - 217 (1978)

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Grell; Saudan, C.; Bugnon, P.; Lewitzki; Merbach, A. E.: High-pressure stopped-flow studies to characterize transient conformational transitions of a membrane enzyme: Na,K-ATPase. In: Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology II, pp. 207 - 213 (Ed. Winter, R.). Springer, Heidelberg/Germany (2003)
Book Chapter
Doludda, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Kinetics and mechanism of cation-binding to Na+,K+-ATPase. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 629 - 632 (Eds. Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W.). Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Doludda, M.: Reassignment of cation-induced population of main conformational states of FITC-Na+/K+-ATPase as detected by fluorescence spectroscopy and characterized by equilibrium binding studies. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 617 - 620 (Ed. Bamberg, E.). Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Lewitzki, E.; Frank, U.; Götz, E.; Grell, E.: Kinetic and spectroscopic characterisation of the cardiac glycoside binding site of Na+/K+-ATPase employing a dansylated ouabain derivative. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 625 - 628 (Eds. Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W.). Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Ruf, H.; Lewitzki, E.; Grell, E.: Na+/K+-ATPase: Probing for a High Affinity Binding Site for Na+ by Spectrofluorometry. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 569 - 572 (Ed. Bamberg, E.). Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Warmuth, R.; Gersch, B.; Kastenholz, F.; Lehn, J.-M.; Bamberg, E.; Grell, E.: Caged Na+ and K+ ligands: photochemical properties, application for membrane transport studies and selective fluorimetric detection of alkali ions. In: The Sodium Pump, pp. 621 - 624 (Eds. Bamberg, E.; Schoner, W.). Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt 1994, Darmstadt, Germany (1994)
Book Chapter
Ruf, H.; Georgalis, Y.; Grell, E.: Dynamic laser light scattering to determine size distributions of vesicles. In: Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 172, pp. 364 - 390 (Eds. Fleischer, S.; Fleischer, B.). Academic Press, San Diego, California 92101, USA (1989)
Book Chapter
Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Chemical Relaxation Spectrometry. In: Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol. 31, pp. 333 - 376 (Ed. Grell, E.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (1981)

Conference Paper (17)

Conference Paper
Stolz, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Mäntele, W.; Barth, A.; Grell, E.: Inhibition and Partial Reactions of Na,K-ATPase Studied by Fourier Transform Infrared Difference Spectroscopy. 11th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (ECSBM 2005), Aschaffenburg, Germany,, September 03, 2005 - September 08, 2005. Biopolymers 82 (4), pp. 368 - 372 (2006)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.; Pawlak, M.; Anselmetti, D.; Schick, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ehrat, M.: Na,K-ATPase on a waveguide sensor: supramolecular assembly and side directed binding studies by surface-confined fluorescence. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Vol. 1207, pp. 437 - 440 (Eds. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , August 18, 1999 - August 23, 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Conference Paper
Saudan, C.; Schick, E.; Bugnon, P.; Lewitzki, E.; Buet, P.; Merbach, A.E.; Grell, E.: Quantifying transient conformational transitions of Na,K-ATPase: Volume changes and activation volumes. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Vol. 1207, pp. 441 - 444 (Eds. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , August 18, 1999 - August 23, 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Conference Paper
Schick, E.; Lewitzki, E.; May, R. P.; Kriechbaum, M.; Laggner, P.; Grell, E.: Micellar Na,K-ATPase: mechanism of formation, functional properties and structural studies employing small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Vol. 1207, pp. 445 - 448 (Eds. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , August 18, 1999 - August 23, 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Conference Paper
Ruf, H.; Gould, B. J.; Grell, E.: Multimodal size distribution of liposomes and lipoprotein particles determined from dynamic light scattering measurements. Fourth Liposome Research Days Conference , Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, August 30, 1995 - September 02, 1995. Journal of Liposome Research 6, 1 Ed., pp. 266 - 267 (1996)
Conference Paper
Lewitzki, E.; Schick, E.; Brand, K.; Hutterer, R.; Schneider, F.W.; Grell, E.: Probing Membrane Protein Conformations with an Extrinsic Fluorophore. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, pp. 409 - 410 (Eds. Merlin, J. C.; Turrell, S.; Huvenne, J. P.). 6th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, September 03, 1995 - September 08, 1995. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht (1995)
Conference Paper
Zeier, J.; Bollhagen, R.; Schmiedberger, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Schneider, F.W.; Grell, E.: CD Spectroscopy and Structure Prediction of a Transmembrane Protein Region. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, pp. 395 - 396 (Eds. Merlin , J. C.; Turrell, S.). 6th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, September 03, 1995 - September 08, 1995. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 1995 (1995)
Conference Paper
Ruf, H.; Haase, W.; Wang, W.Q.; Grell, E.; Gärtner, P.; Michel, H.; Dufour, J.P.: Determination of size distributions of submicron particles by dynamic light scattering experiments taking into account normalization errors. Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science 93, pp. 159 - 166 (1993)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.; Warmuth, R.; Matejka, I.; Kastenholz, F.; Ruf, H.; Lewitzki, E.; Lehn, J.M.; Ellis-Davies, G.C.R.; Kaplan, J. H.: Cation pulses to investigate biological systems. Fifth International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry (ICBIC 5) , Oxford, England, August 04, 1991 - August 10, 1991. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 43 (2-3), p. 390 - 390 (1991)
Conference Paper
Eisenrauch, A.; Grell, E.; Bamberg, E.: Voltage dependence of the Na+K+-ATPase incorporated into planar lipid membranes. In: The Sodium Pump: Structure, Mechanism, and Regulation, Vol. 46 Part 1, pp. 317 - 326 (Eds. Kaplan, J. H.; De Weer, P.). 6th International Sodium Pump Meeting , Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 05, 1990 - September 09, 1990. The Rockefeller University Press, New York (1991)
Conference Paper
Mezele, M.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Cation Selectivity of Membrane Proteins. Discussion Meeting of the E 6777 Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie "Mechanisms of Membrane Transport", Konigstein/Taunus, Germany, March 21, 1988 - March 23, 1988. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft 92 (9), pp. 998 - 1004 (1988)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Uemura, D.: Interaction between palytoxin and purified Na, K-ATPase. In: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 268B, pp. 393 - 400 (Eds. Skou, J. A.; Nørby, J. G.). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na+K+-ATPase, Fuglsø Conference Center, Denmark, June 14, 1987 - June 19, 1987. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York (1988)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Schacht, A.: Dynamics and Mechanism of Cardiac Glycoside Binding to Na,K-ATPase. In: Sodium Pump, Fourth International Conference on Na, K-Atpase, pp. 289 - 294 (Eds. Glynn, I.; Ellory, C.). The Sodium Pump: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Na, K-ATPase , Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, August 17, 1984 - August 21, 1984. Company of Biologists Ltd, Cambridge,UK (1985)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.: Ion transport and complex formation properties of artificial membrane carriers. First International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry - Session H, Florence, Italy, June 13, 1983 - June 17, 1983. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79, pp. 68 - 69 (1983)
Conference Paper
Grell, E.; Prabhananda, B. S.; Rittger, E.; Grünhagen, H.H.: Kinetic characterization of the active site region of carbonic anhydrase. 1st International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry - Session P , Florence, Italy, June 13, 1983 - June 17, 1983. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79, pp. 151 - 152 (1983)
Conference Paper
Stelzer, E. H.K.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Analysis and Resolution of Polydisperse Systems. In: Photon Correlation Techniques in Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 329 - 334 (Ed. Schulz-DuBois, E. O.). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Kiel-Damp, Germany, May 23, 1982 - May 26, 1982. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (1983)
Conference Paper
Oberbäumer, I.; Feigl, P.; Ruf, H.; Grell, E.: Natural Peptide Lactones As Ion Carriers In Membranes. In: Structure and Activity of Natural Peptides, pp. 349 - 362 (Ed. Voelter, W.). Proceedings of the Fall Meeting - Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie , Tübingen, Germany, 1979-09. Walter de Gruyter & Co.,, Berlin, New York (1981)

Conference Report (3)

Conference Report
Fendler, K.; Froehlich, J.; Jaruschewski, S.; Hobbs, A.; Albers, W.; Bamberg, E.; Grell, E.: Correlation of Charge Translocation with the Reaction Cycle of the NaK-ATPase. In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments, Vol. 46 Part 2, pp. 525 - 530 (Eds. Kaplan, J. H.; De Weer, P.). 6th International Conference on the Sodium Pump, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 05, 1990 - September 09, 1990. The Rockefeller University Press, New York (1991)
Conference Report
Grell, E.; Warmuth, R.; Lewitzki, E.; Ruf, H.: Precision Titrations to Determine Affinity and Stoichiometry of Alkali, Alkaline Earth, and Buffer Cation Binding to Na,K-ATPase. In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments, Vol. 46 Part 2, pp. 441 - 445 (Eds. Kaplan, J. H.; De Weer, P.). 6th International Conference on the Sodium Pump, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 05, 1990 - September 09, 1990. The Rockefeller University Press, New York (1991)
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