Publications of Ingrid Albert
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
37 (25), pp. 9001 - 9008 (1998)
The 18 kDa Cytochrome c553 from Heliobacterium gestii: Gene Sequence and Characterization of the Mature Protein. Biochemistry 1994
Journal Article
33 (37), pp. 11355 - 11363 (1994)
Structural and functional consequences of a Glu L212-->Lys mutation in the QB binding site of the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Biochemistry Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Charackterisierung des 18 kD Cytochrome c553 eines Kupfer-haltigen Membranproteinkomplexes von Heliobacterium gestii. Dissertation, 91 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (1996)
Thesis - Diploma (1)
Thesis - Diploma
Determination of the Redox Midpoint Potential of the Secondary Quinone in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center from Rhodopseudomonas viridis: Comparison of the Wild Type and Herbicide Resistant Mutants. Diploma, 56 pp., Fachbereich Biologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (1992)