Publications of Eva-Maria Gärtner
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
834 (1), pp. 585 - 587 (1997)
Regulatory phosphorylation of the Na+/K+-ATPase from mammalian kidneys and Xenopus oocytes by protein kinases. Characterization of the phosphorylation site for PKC. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Journal Article
1323 (2), pp. 208 - 222 (1997)
Three different actions of phenylglyoxal on band 3 protein-mediated anion transport across the red blood cell membrane. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1996
Journal Article
42 (7), pp. 1097 - 1118 (1996)
Transport-related conformational states of the band 3 protein: probing with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 1980
Journal Article
341, pp. 361 - 383 (1980)
Anion transport across the red blood cell membrane and the conformation of the protein in Band 3. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences