Publications of Doreen Matthies
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
5, 5286 (2014)
High-resolution structure and mechanism of an F/V-hybrid rotor ring in a Na+-coupled ATP synthase. Nature Communications 2013
Journal Article
11 (6), e1001596, pp. 1 - 12 (2013)
A New Type of Na+-Driven ATP Synthase Membrane Rotor with a Two-Carboxylate Ion-Coupling Motif. PLoS Biology 2011
Journal Article
413, pp. 593 - 603 (2011)
Cell-Free Expression and Assembly of ATP Synthase. Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal Article
193 (16), pp. 4290 - 4291 (2011)
Draft Genome Sequence of the Thermoalkaliphilic Caldalkalibacillus thermarum Strain TA2.A1. Journal of Bacteriology 2009
Journal Article
388 (3), pp. 611 - 618 (2009)
The c13 Ring from a Thermoalkaliphilic ATP Synthase Reveals an Extended Diameter Due to a Special Structural Region. Journal of Molecular Biology 2007
Journal Article
65 (5), pp. 1181 - 1192 (2007)
A tridecameric c ring of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase from the thermoalkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain TA2.A1 facilitates ATP synthesis at low electrochemical proton potential. Molecular Microbiology Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
8228. Proceedings of SPIE; 8228 : Single Molecule Spectroscopy and
Superresolution Imaging V, 13 February 2012. (2012)
Step size of the rotary proton motor in single FoF1-ATP synthase from a thermoalkaliphilic bacterium by DCO-ALEX FRET. In: Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Biochemical and structural analysis of F-type ATP synthases and its subcomplexes. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - Diploma (1)
Thesis - Diploma
Untersuchungen zum Fo-Subkomplex der F-Typ ATP-Synthase aus Bacillus sp. strain TA2.A1. Diploma, 146 pp., Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2008)