Publications of Michaela Müller-McNicoll
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
82, 103 (2025)
Retinitis pigmentosa-linked mutations impair the snRNA unwinding activity of SNRNP200 and reduce pre-mRNA binding of PRPF8. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2.
Journal Article
16, 131 (2025)
Long non-coding RNAs direct the SWI/SNF complex to cell type-specific enhancers. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
386 (6723), pp. 768 - 776 (2024)
Pathogenic proteotoxicity of cryptic splicing is alleviated by ubiquitination and ER-phagy. Science 4.
Journal Article
52 (19), gkae730, pp. 11466 - 11480 (2024)
A plant-specific clade of serine/arginine-rich proteins regulates RNA splicing homeostasis and thermotolerance in tomato. Nucleic Acids Research 5.
Journal Article
300 (7), 107457 (2024)
Arid5a uses disordered extensions of its core ARID domain for distinct DNA- and RNA-recognition and gene regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry