Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Zeitschriftenartikel (57)

Salonikidis, P. S.; Kirichenko, S. N.; Tatjanenko, L. V.; Schwarz, W.; Vasilets, L. A.: Extracellular pH modulates kinetics of the Na+,K+-ATPase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1509 (1-2), S. 496 - 504 (2000)
Lancaster, C. R. D.; Bibikova, M.; Sabatino, P.; Oesterhelt, D.; Michel, H.: Structural basis of the drastically increased initial electron transfer rate in the reaction center from a Rhodopseudomonas viridis mutant described at 2.00-A resolution. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (50), S. 39364 - 39368 (2000)
Roth, A.; Fritz, G.; Büchert, T.; Huber, H.; Stetter, K. O.; Ermler, U.; Kroneck, P. M.H.: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of adenylylsulfate reductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenhagen) D56 (12), S. 1673 - 1675 (2000)
Lancaster, C. R. D.; Groß, R.; Haas, A.; Ritter, M.; Mäntele, W.; Simon, J.; Kröger, A.: Essential role of Glu-C66 for menaquinol oxidation indicates transmembrane electrochemical potential generation by Wolinella succinogenes fumarate reductase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (24), S. 13051 - 13056 (2000)
Babes, A.; Fendler, K.: Na+ Transport, and the E1P-E2P Conformational Transition of the Na+/K+-ATPase. Biophysical Journal 79 (5), S. 2557 - 2571 (2000)
Hutter, M. C.; Helms, V.: Phosphoryl transfer by a concerted reaction mechanism in UMP/CMP-kinase. Protein Science 9 (11), S. 2225 - 2231 (2000)
Ménétret, J.-F.; Neuhof, A.; Morgan, D. G.; Plath, K.; Radermacher, M.; Rapoport, T. A.; Akey, C. W.: The Structure of Ribosome-Channel Complexes Engaged in Protein Translocation. Molecular Cell 6 (5), S. 1219 - 1232 (2000)
Mueller, H.; Butt, H.-J.; Bamberg, E.: Atomic Force Microscopy Deposition of Poly-l-lysine Structures onto Lipid Bilayers Supported by Mica. Langmuir 16 (24), S. 9568 - 9570 (2000)
Shima, S.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.; Durchschlag, H.; Tziatzios, .; Schubert, D.: A mutation affecting the dimer/tetramer association equilibrium of formyltransferase from the hyperthermophilic Methanopyrus kandleri in relation to the activity and thermostability of the enzyme. European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (22), S. 6619 - 6623 (2000)
Stahlberg, H.; Braun, T.; de Grot, B.; Philippsen, A.; Borgnia, M. J.; Agre, P.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Engel, A.: The 6.9-Å Structure of GlpF: A Basis for Homology Modeling of the Glycerol Channel from Escherichia coli. Journal of Structural Biology 132 (2), S. 133 - 141 (2000)
Vonck, J.: Parameters affecting specimen flatness of two-dimensional crystals for electron crystallography. Ultramicroscopy 85 (5), S. 123 - 129 (2000)
Watzke, N.; Rauen, T.; Bamberg, E.; Grewer, C.: On the Mechanism of Proton Transport by the Neuronal Excitatory Amino Acid Carrier 1. Journal of General Physiology 116 (5), S. 609 - 622 (2000)
Grabarse, W.; Mahlert, F.; Shima , S.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.: Comparison of three methyl-coenzyme M reductases from phylogenetically distant organisms: unusual amino acid modification, conservation and adaptation. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 303 (2), S. 329 - 344 (2000)
Budiman, T.; Bamberg, E.; Koepsell, H.; Nagel, G.: Mechanism of Electrogenic Cation Transport by the Cloned Organic Cation Transporter 2 from Rat. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (38), S. 29413 - 29420 (2000)
Michel, H.: Allowing gene patents could be an expensive mistake for the US. Nature 407, S. 285 - 285 (2000)
Geibel, S.; Barth, A.; Amslinger, S.; Jung, A. H.; Burzik, C.; Clarke, R. J.; Givens, R. S.; Fendler, K.: P3[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxo]ehtyl ATP for the Rapid Activation of the Na+, K+-ATPase. Biophysical Journal 79 (3), S. 1346 - 1357 (2000)
Lill, M. A.; Hutter, M. C.; Helms, V.: Accounting for environmental effects in ab initio calculations of proton transfer barriers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (35), S. 8283 - 8289 (2000)
Nett, J. H.; Hunte, C.; Trumpower, B. L.: Changes to the length of the flexible linker region of the Rieske protein impair the interaction of ubiquinol with the cytochrome bc1 complex. European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (18), S. 5777 - 5782 (2000)
Das, B.; Helms, V.; Lounnas, V.; Wade, R. C.: Multicopy molecular dynamics simulations suggest how to reconcile crystallographic and product formation data for camphor enantiomers bound to cytochrome P-450cam. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 81 (3), S. 121 - 131 (2000)
Barbagallo, R. P.; Breyton, C.; Finazzi, G.: Kinetics effects of the electrochemical proton gradient on plastoquinone reduction at the Qi site of the cytochrome b6 f complex. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (34), S. 26121-7 - 26127 (2000)
Li, J.; Fei, J.; Huang, F.; Guo, L.H.; Schwarz, W.: Functional significance of N- and C-terminus of the amino acid transporters EAAC1 and ASCT1: characterization of chimeric transporters. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1467 (2), S. 338 - 346 (2000)
Lancaster, C. R. D.; Kröger, A.: Succinate: quinone oxidoreductases: new insights from X-ray crystal structures. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1459 (2-3), S. 422 - 431 (2000)
Breyton, C.: The cytochrome b6 f complex: structural studies and comparison with the bc1 complex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1449 (2-3), S. 467 - 474 (2000)
Grewer, C.; Watzke, N.; Wiessner, M.; Rauen, T.: Glutamate translocation of the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1 occurs within milliseconds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (17), S. 9706 - 9711 (2000)
Kühlbrandt, W.: Bacteriorhodopsin — the movie. Nature 406 (6796), S. 569 - 570 (2000)
Braun, T.; Philippsen, A.; Wirtz, S.; Borgnia, M. J.; Agre, P.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Engel, A.; Stahlberg, H.: The 3.7 A projection map of the glycerol facilitator GlpF: a variant of the aquaporin tetramer. EMBO Reports 1 (2), S. 183 - 189 (2000)
Morgan, D. G.; Ménétret, J.-F.; Radermacher, M.; Neuhof, A.; Akey, I. V.; Rapoport, T. A.; Akey, C. W.: A comparison of the yeast and rabbit 80 S ribosome reveals the topology of the nascent chain exit tunnel, inter-subunit bridges and mammalian rRNA expansion segments. Journal of Molecular Biology 301 (2), S. 301 - 321 (2000)
Schrader, M.; Fendler, K.; Bamberg, E.; Gassel, M.; Epstein, W.; Altendorf, K.; Dröse, S.: Replacement of Glycine 232 by Aspartic Acid in the KdpA Subunit Broadens the Ion Specificity of the K+-translocating KdpFABC Complex. Biophysical Journal 79 (2), S. 802 - 813 (2000)
Shima, S.; Warkentin, E.; Grabarse, W.; Sordel, M.; Wicke, M.; Thauer, R. K.; Ermler, U.: Structure of coenzyme F420 dependent methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase from two methanogenic archaea. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 300 (4), S. 935 - 950 (2000)
Djafarzadeh, R.; Kerscher, S.; Zwicker, K.; Radermacher, M.; Lindahl, M.; Schägger, H.; Brandt, U.: Biophysical and structural characterization of proton-translocating NADH-dehydrogenase (complex I) from the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1459 (1), S. 230 - 238 (2000)
Grüber, G.; Radermacher, M.; Ruiz, T.; Godovac-Zimmermann, J.; Canas, B.; Kleine-Kohlbrecher, D.; Huss, M.; Harvey, W. R.; Wieczorek, H.: Three-dimensional structure and subunit topology of the V(1) ATPase from Manduca sexta midgut. Biochemistry 39 (29), S. 8609 - 8616 (2000)
Helms, V.; Winstead, C.; Langhoff, P. W.: Low-lying electronic excitations of the green fluorescent protein chromophore. Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem 506 (1-3), S. 179 - 189 (2000)
Hoffmann, S.; ter Laak , T.; Kühne, R.; Reiländer, H.; Beckers, T.: Residues within Transmembrane Helices 2 and 5 of the Human Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Contribute to Agonist and Antagonist Binding. Molecular Endocrinology 14 (7), S. 1099 - 1115 (2000)
Hunte, C.; Koepke, J.; Lange, C.; Roßmanith, T.; Michel, H.: Structure at 2.3 Å resolution of the cytochrome bc1 complex from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae co-crystallized with an antibody Fv fragment. Structure 8 (6), S. 669 - 684 (2000)
Pfitzner, U.; Hoffmeier, K.; Harrenga, A.; Kannt, A.; Michel, H.; Bamberg, E.; Ludwig, B.: Tracing the D-Pathway in Reconstituted Site-Directed Mutants of Cytochrome c Oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans. Biochemistry 39 (23), S. 6756 - 6762 (2000)
Rengers, J.-U.; Touchard, G.; Decourt, C.; Deret, S.; Michel, H.; Cogné, M.: Heavy and light chain primary structures control IgG3 nephritogenicity in an experimental model for cryocrystalglobulinemia. Blood 95 (11), S. 3467 - 3472 (2000)
Vonck, J.: Structure of the bacteriorhodopsin mutant F219L N intermediate revealed by electron crystallography. The EMBO Journal 19 (10), S. 2152 - 2160 (2000)
Breyton, C.: Conformational changes in the cytochrome b6f complex induced by inhibitor binding. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (18), S. 13195 - 13120 (2000)
Koepke, J.; Ermler, U.; Warkentin, E.; Wenzl, G.; Flecker, P.: Crystal structure of cancer chemopreventive Bowman-Birk inhibitor in ternary complex with bovine trypsin at 2.3 å resolution. Structural basis of Janus-faced serine protease inhibitor specificity. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 298 (3), S. 477 - 491 (2000)
Müller, H.; Butt, H.-J.; Bamberg, E.: Adsorption of membrane associated proteins to lipid bilayers studied with an atomic force microscope: Myelin basic protein and cytochrome c. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (18), S. 4552 - 4559 (2000)
Ruitenberg, M.; Kannt, A.; Bamberg, E.; Ludwig, Bernd; Michel, H.; Fendler, K.: Single-electron reduction of the oxidized state is coupled to proton uptake via the K pathway in Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (9), S. 4632 - 4636 (2000)
Kuglstatter, A.; Miksovska, J.; Sebban, P.; Fritzsch, G.: Structure of the photosynthetic reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides reconstituted with anthraquinone as primary quinone QA. FEBS Letters (1), S. 114 - 116 (2000)
Chen, I.-P.; Mathis, P.; Koepke, J.; Michel, H.: Uphill Electron Transfer in the Tetraheme Cytochrome Subunit of the Rhodopseudomonas viridis Photosynthetic Reaction Center:  Evidence from Site-Directed Mutagenesis. Biochemistry 39 (13), S. 3592 - 3602 (2000)
Eisenrauch, A.; Juhaszova, M.; Blaustein, M. P.: Regulatory Processes on the Cytosplasmic Surface of the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger from Lobster Exoskeletal Muscle. Journal of Membrane Biology 174, S. 225–235 - 225–235 (2000)
Arslan, E.; Kannt, A.; Thöny-Meyer, L.; Hennecke, H.: The symbiotically essential cbb3-type oxidase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a proton pump. FEBS Letters 470 (1), S. 7 - 10 (2000)
Charnock, J. M.; Dreusch, A.; Körner, H.; Neese, F.; Nelson, J.; Kannt, A.; Michel, H.; Garner, C. D.; Kroneck, P. M.H.; Zumft, W. G.: Structural investigations of the CuA centre of nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas stutzeri by site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (5), S. 1368 - 1381 (2000)
Sauer, G. A.; Nagel, G.; Koepsell, H.; Bamberg, E.; Hartung, K.: Voltage and substrate dependence of the inverse transport mode of the rabbit Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1). FEBS Letters 469 (1), S. 98 - 100 (2000)
Venturi, M.; Rimons, A.; Gerchman, Y.; Hunte, C.; Padan, E.; Michel, H.: The Monoclonal Antibody 1F6 Identifies a pH-dependent Conformational Change in the Hydrophilic NH2 Terminus of NhaA Na+/H+ Antiporter of Escherichia coli. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (7), S. 4734 - 4742 (2000)
Hampe, W.; Voss, R.-H.; Haase, W.; Boege, F.; Michel, H.; Reiländer, H.: Engineering of a proteolytically stable human β2-adrenergic receptor/maltose-binding protein fusion and production of the chimeric protein in Escherichia coli and baculovirus-infected insect cells. Journal of Biotechnology 77 (2-3), S. 219 - 234 (2000)
Selmer, T.; Kahnt, J.; Goubeaud, M.; Shima, S.; Grabarse, W.; Ermler, U.; Thauer, R. K.: The Biosynthesis of Methylated Amino Acids in the Active Site Region of Methyl-coenzyme M Reductase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (6), S. 3755 - 3760 (2000)
Behr, J.; Michel, H.; Mäntele, W.; Hellwig, P.: Functional Properties of the Heme Propionates in Cytochrome c Oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans. Evidence from FTIR Difference Spectroscopy and Site-Directed Mutagenesis. Biochemistry 39 (6), S. 1356 - 1363 (2000)
Maeda, Y.; Kuroki, R.; Suzuki, H.; Reiländer, H.: High-Level Secretion of Biologically Active Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α by the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification 18 (1), S. 56 - 63 (2000)
Schmies, G.; Lüttenberg, B.; Chizhov, I. V.; Engelhard , M.; Becker, A.; Bamberg, E.: Sensory Rhodopsin II from the Haloalkaliphilic Natronobacterium pharaonis: Light-Activated Proton Transfer Reactions. Biophysical Journal 78 (2), S. 967 - 976 (2000)
Harrenga, A.; Reincke, B.; Rüterjans, H.; Ludwig, B.; Michel, H.: Structure of the soluble domain of cytochrome c552 from Paracoccus denitrificans in the oxidized and reduced states. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 295 (3), S. 667 - 678 (2000)
Williams, K. A.: Three-dimensional structure of the ion-coupled transport protein NhaA. Nature 403 (6765), S. 112 - 115 (2000)
Ruf, H.; Gould, B. J.; Haase, W.: The Effect of Nonrandom Errors on the Results from Regularized Inversions of Dynamic Light Scattering Data. Langmuir 16 (2), S. 471 - 480 (2000)
Schiller, H.; Haase, W.; Molsberger, E.; Janssen, P.; Michel, H.; Reiländer, H.: The human ET(B) endothelin receptor heterologously produced in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris shows high-affinity binding and induction of stacked membranes. Receptors and Channels 7 (2), S. 93 - 107 (2000)

Buch (1)

Rettinger, J.: Foundations of Electrophysiology. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany (2000), 138 S.

Buchkapitel (1)

Straatsma, T.P.; Helms, V.: The Molecular Dynamics Module of NWChem - Design and Application in Protein Simulations. In: Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Computers, S. 70 - 82 (Hg. Esser, R.). World Scientific, Singapore (2000)

Konferenzbeitrag (7)

Ruf, H.: Effects of experimental errors in dynamic light scattering data on the results from regularized inversions. 13th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS 99) , Dublin, Ireland, 1999-09. Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 115, S. 255 - 258 (2000)
Grell, E.; Pawlak, M.; Anselmetti, D.; Schick, E.; Lewitzki, E.; Ehrat, M.: Na,K-ATPase on a waveguide sensor: supramolecular assembly and side directed binding studies by surface-confined fluorescence. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 437 - 440 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Salonikidis, P. S.; Kirichenko, S. N.; Tatjanenko, L. V.; Schwarz, W.; Vasilets, L. A.: Effects of extracellular pH on the function of the Na+,K+-ATPase. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 471 - 474 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Saudan, C.; Schick, E.; Bugnon, P.; Lewitzki, E.; Buet, P.; Merbach, A.E.; Grell, E.: Quantifying transient conformational transitions of Na,K-ATPase: Volume changes and activation volumes. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 441 - 444 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Schick, E.; Lewitzki, E.; May, R. P.; Kriechbaum, M.; Laggner, P.; Grell, E.: Micellar Na,K-ATPase: mechanism of formation, functional properties and structural studies employing small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 445 - 448 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Takeda, K.; Ueno, S.; Schwarz, W.; Kawamura, M.: Chimeric analysis of the first disulfide-bonded loop of the Na,K-ATPase ß-subunit. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 269 - 271 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)
Vasilets, L. A.; Brandt, W.; Postina, R.; Fotis, H.; Tatjanenko, L. V.; Gvozdev, A.R.; Anders, A.; Kirichenko, S. N.: Molecular mechnisms of covalent regulation of the Na+/K+-APTase by protein kinases. In: Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases Excerpta Medica international congress series, Bd. 1207, S. 507 - 512 (Hg. Taniguchi, K.; Kaya, S.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases, Sapporo, Japan , 18. August 1999 - 23. August 1999. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Tokyo (2000)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (6)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Müller, H.: Rasterkraftmikroskopische Untersuchung der Adsorption des basischen Proteins von Myelin an Glimmer und Lipid-Doppelschichten. Dissertation, 72 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ostermann, T.: Herstellung von Fv-Antikörperfragmenten als Hilfsmittel zur Reinigung und Kokristallisation membranständiger Chinoloxidasen von Escherichia coli und Paracoccus denitrificans. Dissertation, 126 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Polej, S.: Etablierung einer Camelus bactrianus VHH-Domänenbibliothek. Isolierung und Charakterisierung von gegen verschiedene Antigene gerichteten Schwerketten-Antikörperfragmenten. Dissertation, 129 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Rengers, J.-U.: Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten gegen die membranständige Hydrogenase von Wolinella succinogenes. Dissertation, 290 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Rogl, H.: Struktur und Funktion des Lichtsammelkomplexes LHC-II der höheren Pflanzen. Dissertation, 146 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Venturi, M.: Structural studies of NhaA, the Na+/H+ antiporter of Escherichia coli, with monoclonal antibodies and their derived Fv and Fab fragments. Dissertation, 143 S., Fachbereich Chemische und Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2000)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (3)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Standfuß, J.: Untersuchung zur Stabilisierung des Trimers von rekombinantem Light Harvesting Complex II. Diplom, 62 S., Institut für allgemeine Botanik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Jursa, J.: Heterologe Produktion des humanen P2X7-Purinozeptors in Baculovirus-infizierten Insektenzellen. Diplom, 94 S., Fachbereich Biologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Seifert, C.: Herstellung von Fab-Fragmenten zur Charakterisierungdes Cytochrome bc1-Komplexes aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae und des Na+/H+-Austauschers aus Escherichia coli. Diplom, 126 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2000)
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