Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Publikationen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Biophysik

Zeitschriftenartikel (72)

Brünle, S.; Eisinger, M. L.; Poppe, J.; Mills, D. J.; Langer, J. D.; Vonck, J.; Ermler, U.: Molybdate pumping into the molybdenum storage protein via an ATP-powered piercing mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 52 (116), S. 26497 - 26504 (2019)
Parey, K.; Haapanen, O.; Sharma, V.; Köfeler, H.; Züllig, T.; Prinz, S.; Siegmund, K.; Wittig, I.; Mills, D.; Vonck, J. et al.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Zickermann, V.: High-resolution cryo-EM structures of respiratory complex I: Mechanism, assembly, and disease. Science Advances 5 (12), S. eaax9484 (2019)
Berman, H. M.; Adams, P. D.; Bonvin, A. A.; Burley, S. K.; Carragher, B.; Chiu, W.; DiMaio, F.; Ferrin, T. E.; Gabanyi, M. J.; Goddard, T. D. et al.; Griffin, P. R.; Haas, J.; Hanke, C. A.; Hoch, J. C.; Hummer, G.; Kurisu, G.; Lawson, C. L.; Leitner, A.; Markley, J. L.; Meiler, J.; Montelione, G. T.; Phillips, G. N.; Prisner, T.; Rappsilber, J.; Schriemer, D. C.; Schwede, T.; Seidel, C. A. M.; Strutzenberg, T. S.; Svergun, D. I.; Tajkhorshid, E.; Trewhella, J.; Vallat, B.; Velankar, S.; Vuister, G. W.; Webb, B.; Westbrook, J. D.; White, K. L.; Sali, A.: Federating Structural Models and Data: Outcomes from A Workshop on Archiving Integrative Structures. Structure 27 (12), S. 1745 - 1759 (2019)
Mikušević, V.; Schrecker, M.; Kolesova, N.; Patiño-Ruiz, M.; Fendler, K.; Hänelt, I.: A channel profile report of the unusual K+ channel KtrB. Journal of General Physiology 151 (12), S. 1357 - 1368 (2019)
Baldering, T. N.; Bullerjahn, J. T.; Hummer, G.; Heilemann, M.; Malkusch, S.: Molecule counts in complex oligomers with single-molecule localization microscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (47), 474002 (2019)
Ehrenberg, D.; Krause, N.; Saita, M.; Bamann, C.; Kar, R. K.; Hoffmann, K.; Heinrich, D.; Schapiro, I.; Heberle, J.; Schlesinger, R.: Atomistic Insight into the Role of Threonine 127 in the Functional Mechanism of Channelrhodopsin-2. Applied Sciences 9 (22), 4905 (2019)
Pohl, C.; Đikić, I.: Cellular quality control by the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy. Science 366 (6467), S. 818 - 822 (2019)
Herhaus, L.; Bhaskara, R.; Lystad, A. H.; Gestal-Mato, U.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Bonn, F.; Simonsen, A.; Hummer, G.; Đikić, I.: TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 controls autophagosome shedding by ATG4 protease. EMBO Reports 21 (1), e48317 (2019)
Lencina, A. M.; Koepke, J.; Preu, J.; Münke, C.; Gennis, R. B.; Michel, H.; Schurig-Briccio, L. A.: Characterization and X-ray structure of the NADH-dependent coenzyme A disulfide reductase from Thermus thermophilus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics 1860 (11), e148080 (2019)
Pfeil-Gardiner, O.; Mills, D. J.; Vonck, J.; Kühlbrandt, W.: A comparative study of single-particle cryo-EM with liquid-nitrogen and liquid-helium cooling. IUCrJ 6, S. 1099 - 1105 (2019)
Wang, X.; You, X.; Langer, J. D.; Hou, J.; Rupprecht, F.; Vlatkovic, I.; Quedenau, C.; Tushev, G.; Epstein, I.; Schaefke, B. et al.; Sun , W.; Fang, L.; Li, G.; Hu , Y.; Schuman, E. M.; Chen, W.: Full-length transcriptome reconstruction reveals a large diversity of RNA and protein isoforms in rat hippocampus. Nature Communications 10, 5009 (2019)
Bratanov, D.; Kovalev, K.; Machtens, J.-P.; Astashkin, R.; Chizhov, I.; Soloviov, D.; Volkov, D.; Polovinkin, V.; Zabelskii, D.; Mager, T. et al.; Gushchin, I.; Rokitskaya, T.; Antonenko, Y.; Alekseev, A.; Shevchenko, V.; Yutin, N.; Rosselli, R.; Baeken, C.; Borshchevskiy, V.; Bourenkov, G.; Popov, A.; Balandin, T.; Büldt, G.; Manstein, D. J.; Rodriguez-Valera, F.; Fahlke, C.; Bamberg, E.; Koonin, E.; Gordeliy, V.: Unique structure and function of viral rhodopsins. Nature Communications 10, 4939 (2019)
Patiño-Ruiz, M.; Fendler, K.; Călinescu, O.: Mutation of two key aspartate residues alters stoichiometry of the NhaB Na+/H+ exchanger from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Scientific Reports 9, 15390 (2019)
Kim, G.; Shin, D.; Lee, S.; Yun, J.; Lee, S.: Crystal Structure of IlvC, a Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase, from Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Crystals 9 (11), 551 (2019)
Hampoelz, B.; Schwarz, A.; Ronchi, P.; Bragulat-Teixidor, H.; Tischer, C.; Gaspar, I.; Ephrussi, A.; Schwab, Y.; Beck, M.: Nuclear Pores Assemble from Nucleoporin Condensates During Oogenesis. Cell 179 (3), S. 671 - 686.e17 (2019)
Siggel, M.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Hummer, G.: Phospholipid Scramblases Remodel the Shape of Asymmetric Membranes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (20), S. 6351 - 6354 (2019)
Ruesink, H.; Reimer, L.; Gregersen, E.; Möller, A.; Betzer, C.; Jensen, P. H.: Stabilization of α-synuclein oligomers using formaldehyde. PLoS One 14 (10), e0216764 (2019)
Safarian, S.; Hahn, A.; Mills, D.; Radloff, M.; Eisinger, M. L.; Nikolaev, A.; Meier-Credo, J.; Melin, F.; Miyoshi, H.; Gennis, R.B. et al.; Sakamoto, J.; Langer, J. D.; Hellwig, P.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Michel, H.: Active site rearrangement and structural divergence in prokaryotic respiratory oxidases. Science 366 (6461), S. 100 - 104 (2019)
Covino, R.; Woodside, M. T.; Hummer, G.; Szabo, A.; Cossio, P.: Molecular free energy profiles from force spectroscopy experiments by inversion of observed committors. The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (15), 154115 (2019)
Schwarz, A.; Beck, M.: The Benefits of Cotranslational Assembly: A Structural Perspective. Trends in Cell Biology 29 (10), S. 791 - 803 (2019)
Degl'Innocenti, A.; Meloni, G.; Mazzolai, B.; Ciofani, G.: A purely bioinformatic pipeline for the prediction of mammalian odorant receptor gene enhancers. BMC Bioinformatics 20 (1), 474 (2019)
Bhattacharjee, A. S.; Konakamchi, S.; Turaev, D.; Vincis, R.; Nunes, D.; Dingankar, A. A.; Spors, H.; Carleton, A.; Kuner, T.; Abraham, N. M.: Similarity and Strength of Glomerular Odor Representations Define a Neural Metric of Sniff-Invariant Discrimination Time. Cell Reports 28 (11), S. 2966 - 2978 (2019)
Linker, S. M.; Magarkar, A.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.; Seeliger, D.: Fragment Binding Pose Predictions Using Unbiased Simulations and Markov-State Models. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (9), S. 4974 - 4981 (2019)
Nishimura, T.; Gecht, M.; Covino, R.; Hummer, G.; Surma, M. A.; Klose, C.; Arai, H.; Kono, N.; Stefan, C. J.: Osh Proteins Control Nanoscale Lipid Organization Necessary for PI(4,5)P2 Synthesis. Molecular Cell 75 (5), S. 1043 - 1057 (2019)
Ochoa, R.; Laio, A.; Cossio, P.: Predicting the Affinity of Peptides to Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II by Scoring Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 59 (8), S. 3464 - 3473 (2019)
Kourpa, K.; Manarolaki, E.; Lyratzakis, A.; Strataki, V.; Rupprecht, F. A.; Langer, J. D.; Tsiotis, G.: Proteome Analysis of Enriched Heterocysts from Two Hydrogenase Mutants from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Proteomics 19 (19), 1800332 (2019)
Bhogaraju, S.; Bonn, F.; Mukherjee, R.; Adams, M.; Pfleiderer, M. M.; Galej, W. P.; Matkovic, V.; Lopez-Mosqueda, J.; Kalayil, S.; Shin, D. et al.; Đikić, I.: Inhibition of bacterial ubiquitin ligases by SidJ-calmodulin catalysed glutamylation. Nature 572 (7769), S. 382 - 386 (2019)
Henderson, R. K.; Fendler, K.; Poolman, B.: Coupling efficiency of secondary active transporters. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 58, S. 62 - 71 (2019)
Bahrami, A.; Bahrami, A. H.: Vesicle constriction by rings of Janus nanoparticles and aggregates of curved proteins. Nanotechnology 30 (34), 345101 (2019)
Hofmann, S.; Januliene, D.; Mehdipour, A. R.; Thomas, C.; Stefan, E.; Brüchert, S.; Kuhn, B. T.; Geertsma, E. R.; Hummer, G.; Tampé, R. et al.; Möller, A.: Conformation space of a heterodimeric ABC exporter under turnover conditions. Nature 571 (7766), S. 580 - 583 (2019)
Faelber, K.; Dietrich, L.; Noel, J. K.; Wollweber, F.; Pfitzner, A.-K.; Mühleip, A.; Sánchez, R.; Kudryashev, M.; Chiaruttini, N.; Lilie, H. et al.; Schlegel, J.; Rosenbaum, E.; Hessenberger, M.; Matthaeus, C.; Kunz, S.; von der Malsburg, A.; Noè, F.; Roux, A.; van der Laan, M.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Daumke, O.: Structure and assembly of the mitochondrial membrane remodelling GTPase Mgm1. Nature 571 (7765), S. 429 - 433 (2019)
Timcenko, M.; Lyons, J. A.; Januliene, D.; Ulstrup, J. J.; Dieudonné, T.; Montigny, C.; Ash, M.-R.; Karlsen, J. L.; Boesen, T.; Kühlbrandt, W. et al.; Lenoir, G.; Möller, A.; Nissen, P.: Structure and autoregulation of a P4-ATPase lipid flippase. Nature 571 (7765), S. 366 - 370 (2019)
Vögele, M.; Bhaskara, R.; Mulvihill, E.; van Pee, K.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Müller, D. J.; Hummer, G.: Membrane perforation by the pore-forming toxin pneumolysin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (27), S. 13352 - 13357 (2019)
Bausewein, T.; Nussberger, S.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Cryo-EM structure of Neurospora crassa respiratory complex IV. IUCrJ 6 (4), S. 773 - 780 (2019)
Scherr, J.; Neuhaus, A.; Parey, K.; Klusch, N.; Murphy, B. J.; Zickermann, V.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Terfort, A.; Rhinow, D.: Noncovalent Functionalization of Carbon Substrates with Hydrogels Improves Structural Analysis of Vitrified Proteins by Electron Cryo-Microscopy. ACS Nano 13 (6), S. 7185 - 7190 (2019)
Murphy, B. J.; Klusch, N.; Langer, J. D.; Mills, D.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Rotary substates of mitochondrial ATP synthase reveal the basis of flexible F1-Fo coupling. Science 364 (6446), eaaw9128, S. 1155 (2019)
Vögele, M.; Köfinger, J.; Hummer, G.: Finite-Size-Corrected Rotational Diffusion Coefficients of Membrane Proteins and Carbon Nanotubes from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (24), S. 5099 - 5106 (2019)
Zakrzewska, S.; Mehdipour, A. R.; Malviya, V. N.; Nonaka, T.; Koepke, J.; Muenke, C.; Hausner, W.; Hummer, G.; Safarian, S.; Michel, H.: Inward-facing conformation of a multidrug resistance MATE family transporter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (25), S. 12275 - 12284 (2019)
Langebeck-Jensen, K.; Shahar, O. D.; Schuman, E. M.; Langer, J. D.; Soojin, R.: Larval Zebrafish Proteome Regulation in Response to an Environmental Challenge. Proteomics 19 (14), 1900028 (2019)
Yilmaz, I.; Yildiz, Ö.; Korkmaz, F.: Structural properties of an engineered outer membrane protein G mutant, OmpG-16SL, investigated with infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 37 (2019)
Huang, G.; Wagner, T.; Wodrich, M. D.; Ataka, K.; Bill, E.; Ermler, U.; Hu, X.; Shima, S.: The atomic-resolution crystal structure of activated [Fe]-hydrogenase. Nature Catalysis 2 (6), S. 537 - 543 (2019)
Singh, S.; Akhter, M. S.; Dodt, J.; Volkers, P.; Reuter, A.; Reinhart, C.; Krettler, C.; Oldenburg, J.; Biswas, A.: Identification of Potential Novel Interacting Partners for Coagulation Factor XIII B (FXIII-B) Subunit, a Protein Associated with a Rare Bleeding Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (11), 2682 (2019)
Bhaskara, R.; Grumati, P.; Garcia-Pardo, J.; Kalayil, S.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Chen, W.; Kudryashev, M.; Đikić, I.; Hummer, G.: Curvature induction and membrane remodeling by FAM134B reticulon homology domain assist selective ER-phagy. Nature Communications 10, 2370 (2019)
Holzer, K.; Ori, A.; Cooke, A.; Dauch, D.; Drucker, E.; Riemenschneider, P.; Andres-Pons, A.; DiGuilio, A. L.; Mackmull, M.-T.; Baßler, J. et al.; Roessler, S.; Breuhahn, K.; Zender, L.; Glavy, J. S.; Dombrowski, F.; Hurt, E.; Schirmacher, P.; Beck, M.; Singer, S.: Nucleoporin Nup155 is part of the p53 network in liver cancer. Nature Communications 10, 2147 (2019)
Köfinger, J.; Stelzl, L. S.; Reuter, K.; Allande, C.; Reichel, K.; Hummer, G.: Efficient Ensemble Refinement by Reweighting. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (5), S. 3390 - 3409 (2019)
von Bülow, S.; Siggel, M.; Linke, M.; Hummer, G.: Dynamic cluster formation determines viscosity and diffusion in dense protein solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (20), S. 9843 - 9852 (2019)
Willistein, M.; Bechtel, D. F.; Müller, C. S.; Demmer, U.; Heimann, L.; Kayastha, K.; Schünemann, V.; Pierik, A. J.; Ullmann, G. M.; Ermler, U. et al.; Boll, M.: Low potential enzymatic hydride transfer via highly cooperative and inversely functionalized flavin cofactorsLow potential enzymatic hydride transfer via highly cooperative and inversely functionalized flavin cofactors. Nature Communications 10, 2074 (2019)
Chang, Y.-N.; Jaumann, E. A.; Reichel, K.; Hartmann, J.; Oliver, D.; Hummer, G.: Structural basis for functional interactions in dimers of SLC26 transporters. Nature Communications 10, 2032 (2019)
Hampoelz, B.; Andres-Pons, A.; Kastritis, P.; Beck, M.: Structure and Assembly of the Nuclear Pore Complex. Annual Review of Biophysics 48, S. 515 - 536 (2019)
van Lin, S. R.; Grotz, K. K.; Siretanu, I.; Schwierz, N.; Mugele, F.: Ion-Specific and pH-Dependent Hydration of Mica-Electrolyte Interfaces. Langmuir 35 (17), S. 5737 - 5745 (2019)
Akram, M.; Dietl, A.; Mersdorf, U.; Prinz, S.; Maalcke, W. J.; Keltjens, J. T.; Ferousi, C.; de Almeida, N. M.; Reimann, J.; Kartal, B. et al.; Jetten, M. S. M.; Parey, K.; Barends, T.: A 192-heme electron transfer network in the hydrazine dehydrogenase complex. Science Advances 5 (4), eaav4310 (2019)
Okazaki, K.-i.; Wöhlert, D.; Warnau, J.; Jung, H.; Yildiz, Ö.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Hummer, G.: Mechanism of the electroneutral sodium/proton antiporter PaNhaP from transition-path shooting. Nature Communications 10, 1742 (2019)
Kovalev, K.; Polovinkin, V.; Gushchin, I.; Alekseev, A.; Shevchenko, V.; Borshchevskiy, V.; Astashkin, R.; Balandin, T.; Bratanov, D.; Vaganova, S. et al.; Popov, A.; Chupin, V.; Büldt, G.; Bamberg, E.; Gordeliy, V.: Structure and mechanisms of sodium-pumping KR2 rhodopsin. Science Advances 5, eaav2671 (2019)
Perez, C.; Mehdipour, A. R.; Hummer, G.; Locher, K. P.: Structure of Outward-Facing PglK and Molecular Dynamics of Lipid-Linked Oligosaccharide Recognition and Translocation. Structure 27 (4), S. 669 - 678.e5 (2019)
D'Imprima, E.; Floris, D.; Joppe, M.; Sánchez, R.; Grinninger, M.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Protein denaturation at the air-water interface and how to prevent it. eLife 8, e42747 (2019)
Kaur, J.; Kriebel, C. N.; Eberhardt, P.; Jakdetchai, O.; Leeder, A. J.; Weber, I.; Brown, L. J.; Brown, R. C.D.; Becker-Baldus, J.; Bamann, C. et al.; Wachtveitl, J.; Glaubitz, C.: Solid-state NMR analysis of the sodium pump Krokinobacter rhodopsin 2 and its H30A mutant. Journal of Structural Biology 206 (1), S. 55 - 65 (2019)
Palacio-Rodríguez, K.; Lans, I.; Cavasotto, C. N.; Cossio, P.: Exponential consensus ranking improves the outcome in docking and receptor ensemble docking. Scientific Reports 9, 5142, S. 1 - 14 (2019)
von Domaros, M.; Bratko, D.; Kirchner, B.; Hummer, G.; Luzar, A.: Multifaceted Water Dynamics in Spherical Nanocages. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (10), S. 5989 - 5998 (2019)
Watanabe, T.; Wagner, T.; Huang, G.; Kahnt, J.; Ataka, K.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: The Bacterial [Fe]‐Hydrogenase Paralog HmdII Uses Tetrahydrofolate Derivatives as Substrates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 58 (11), S. 3506 - 3510 (2019)
Reich, S.; Kaiser, P.; Mafi, M.; Schmalz, H.; Rhinow, D.; Freitag, R.; Greiner, A.: High-Temperature Spray-Dried Polymer/Bacteria Microparticles for Electrospinning of Composite Nonwovens. Macromolecular Bioscience 19 (3), 1800356 (2019)
Blum, T.; Hahn, A.; Meier, T.; Davies, K. M.; Kühlbrandt, W.: Dimers of mitochondrial ATP synthase induce membrane curvature and self-assemble into rows. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (10), S. 4250 - 4255 (2019)
Leone, V.; Waclawska, I.; Kossmann, K.; Koshy, C.; Sharma, M.; Prisner, T. F.; Ziegler, C.; Endeward, B.; Forrest, L. R.: Interpretation of spectroscopic data using molecular simulations for the secondary active transporter BetP. Journal of General Physiology 151 (3), S. 381 - 394 (2019)
Reuter, K.; Köfinger, J.: CADISHI: Fast parallel calculation of particle-pair distance histograms on CPUs and GPUs. Computer Physics Communications 236, S. 274 - 284 (2019)
Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling, detection and identification of nascent proteomes in vivo. Nature Protocols 14 (2), S. 556 - 575 (2019)
Liu, X.; Zhao, X.; Na, R.; Li, L.; Warkentin, E.; Witt, J.; Lu, X.; Yu, Y.; Wei, Y.; Peng, G. et al.; Li, Y.; Wang, J.: The structure differences of Japanese encephalitis virus SA14 and SA14-14-2 E proteins elucidate the virulence attenuation mechanism. Protein and Cell 10 (2), S. 149 - 153 (2019)
Richter, M.; Moroniak, S. J.; Michel, H.: Identification of competitive inhibitors of the human taurine transporter TauT in a human kidney cell line. Pharmacological Reports 71 (1), S. 121 - 127 (2019)
Chang, C.; Young, L. N.; Morris, K. L.; Bülow, S. v.; Schöneberg, J.; Yamamoto-Imoto, H.; Oe, Y.; Yamamoto, K.; Nakamura, S.; Stjepanovic, G. et al.; Hummer, G.; Yoshimori, T.; Hurley, J. H.: Bidirectional Control of Autophagy by BECN1 BARA Domain Dynamics. Molecular Cell 73 (2), S. 339 - 353 (2019)
Xie, H.; Valsamidis, G.; Mathioudaki, E.; Tsiotis, G.: Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas sp. Strain phDV1, an Isolate Capable of Efficient Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Microbiology Resource Announcement 8 (2), e01171-18 (2019)
Patiño-Ruiz, M.; Dwivedi, M.; Călinescu, O.; Karabel, M.; Padan, E.; Fendler, K.: Replacement of Lys-300 with a glutamine in the NhaA Na+/H+ antiporter of Escherichia coli yields a functional electrogenic transporter. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 294 (1), S. 246 - 256 (2019)
Böger, C.; Baldering, T. N.; Krüger, C. L.; Harwardt, M.-L. I. E.; Mertinkus, K. R.; Schröder, M. S.; Karathanasis, C.; Deußner-Helfmann, N. S.; Barth, H.-D.; Malkusch, S. et al.; Dietz, M. S.; Hummer, G.; Wohland, T.; Heilemann, M.: Quantification of membrane receptor complexes with single-molecule localization microscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 10884, 108840T (2019)
Kühlbrandt, W.: Structure and Mechanisms of F-Type ATP Synthases. Annual Review of Biochemistry 88, S. 515 - 549 (2019)
Sousa, J. S.; Vonck, J.: Respiratory supercomplexes III2IV2 come into focus. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 26 (2), S. 87 - 89 (2019)

Buchkapitel (3)

Leigh, K. E.; Navarro, P. P.; Scaramuzza, S.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Castaño-Díez, D.; Kudryashev, M.: Subtomogram averaging from cryo-electron tomograms. In: Methods in Cell Biology, Bd. 152, 1 Aufl., S. 217 - 259 (Hg. Müller-Reichert, T.). Academic Press (2019)
Köfinger, J.; Rózycki, B.; Hummer, G.: Inferring Structural Ensembles of Flexible and Dynamic Macromolecules Using Bayesian, Maximum Entropy, and Minimal-Ensemble Refinement Methods. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2022, S. 341 - 352. Springer (2019)
Sánchez, R.; Mester, R.; Kudryashev, M.: Fast Cross Correlation for Limited Angle Tomographic Data. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Bd. 11482, S. 415 - 426 (Hg. Felsberg, M.; Forssén, P.-E.; Sintorn, I.-M.; Unger, J.). Springer (2019)

Konferenzbeitrag (4)

Sanchez, R. M.; Mester, R.; Kudryashev, M.: Fast Alignment of Limited Angle Tomograms by projected Cross Correlation. In: 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Coruna, Spain, 02. September 2019 - 06. September 2019. (2019)
Lyons, J. A.; Laban, M.; Januliene, D.; Ustrup, J.; Montigny, C.; Dieudonné, T.; Guinot, V.; Kühlbrandt, W.; Lenoir, G.; Möller, A. et al.; Nissen, P.: Structural Insights into the Function and Auto-Regulation of Lipid Flippases. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Baltimore, 02. März 2019 - 06. März 2019. Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts) 116 (3), 170A, (2019)
Eder, M.; Dordic, A.; Sagmeister, T.; Damisch, E.; Vejzovic, D.; Berni, F.; Codee, J.; Palva, A.; Vonck, J.; Oberer, M. et al.; Pavkov-Keller, T.: Surface layer proteins of lactobacilli – determining the cell wall binding and their antibacterial effect. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75, E196, (2019)
Hofer, G.; Payer, S. E.; Plasch, K.; Baerland, N.; Marschall, S. A.; Sheng, X.; Vonck, J.; Gruber, K.; Himo, F.; Leys, D. et al.; Faber, K.; Keller, W.; Glueck, S. M.; Pavkov-Keller, T.: Regioselective carboxylation by prenylated flavin and Mn-dependent decarboxylases. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75, E119, (2019)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (9)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Zakrzewska, S.: Structural and functional characterization of a MATE family multidrug resistance transporter from Pyrococcus furiosus. Dissertation, 175 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Sousa, J. S.: Structural characterization of membrane protein complexes by single-particle cryo-EM. Dissertation, 191 S., Fachbereich 14 (Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Eisel, B.: Inhibition of F1F0 ATP synthases by bacterial virulence factors and photoswitchable azo-polyphenols. Dissertation, 259 S., Fachbereich 14 (Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Sörmann, J.: Ionentransport in Krokinobakter Eikastus Rhodopsin-2. Dissertation, 158 S., Fachbereich 14 (Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Warnau, J.: Computational Studies of Membrane-bound Proteins Na+/H+-Antiporter and Respiratory Complex I. Dissertation, 97 S., Fakultät für Chemie, Technische Universität München, Garching bei München (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Vögele, M.: Theory and Simulation of Diffusion and Self-Assembly in Lipid Membranes. Dissertation, 242 S., Fachbereich 13 (Physik), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Liu, W.: Structural and Functional Study of NADH: ubiquinone Oxidoreductase (Complex I) from Aquifex aeolicus. Dissertation, 147 S., Fachbereich 14, (Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie) Goethe Universität-Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Patiño-Ruiz, M.: Electrophysiological investigation of CPA2 Na+/H+ antiporters: Evaluation of the role of Lysine 300 in Escherichia coli NhaA and characterization of Homo sapiens NHA2. Dissertation, 189 S., Fachbereich 14 (Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Richter, M.: Funktionelle und strukturelle Charakterisierung von SLC-Transportern in eukaryotischen Systemen. Dissertation, 166 S., Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)

Hochschulschrift - Master (12)

Hochschulschrift - Master
Steinhilper, R.: Structural characterization of the E. coli formate hydrogenlyase complex by cryo electron microscopy. Master, 82 S., Philipps University of Marburg, Marburg (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Wang, Y.: Functional Investigation of Light-driven sodium pump KR2 mutants in the ion transport pathway. Master, 54 S., Fachbereich 13 (Physik), Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Dávila, W. H. S.: Towards structural insights of the voltage-activated potassium channel 1.2 and its interaction with the gating modifier toxin ProTx-I. Master, 75 S., Institut für Zellbiologie und Neurowissenschaft, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Liu, J.: CryoEM analysis of the conformational cycle of the bacterial ABC transporter MsbA under turnover conditions. Master, 70 S., Technische Universität München, München (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Ulitzka, M.: Native-like Expression Systems for Receptor-like Kinases of Plants. Master, 60 S., Technische Universität, Darmstadt (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Gemeinhardt, T. M.: Transport mechanism of the SLC23 transporter family. Master, 114 S., Fachbereich 14 (Biochemie, Chemie, Pharmazie), Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Pfeil-Gardiner, O.: Comparing liquid helium and liquid nitrogen cooling for high-resolution cryo-EM of a test specimen. Master, 43 S., Fachbereich Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Zöller, J.: Structural dynamics of membrane embedded oxidoreductases investigated by HDX-MS. Master, 70 S., Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Gebauer, R.: Enrichment of extracellular vesicles with human NMDA receptors for native-like structure determination by cryo-electron tomography. Master, 75 S., Fachbereich Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Reichhart, T.: Functional and Structural Investigation of the Reductant ABC Transporter CydDC from E.coli. Master, 92 S., Institute of Biochemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2019)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Siebert, J.: Is SorCS1 autoinhibited? Biochemical and biophysical characterization of SorCS1. Master, 73 S., Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (2019)
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