National Projects
The Max Planck Institute of Biophysics engages in numerous national collaborations, supported by renowned national third-party funding organizations such as the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Hessen State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts (HMWK), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).
Below, you can find a selection of national third-party funded projects currently being implemented at the institute:
GBi5S: A Microfluidics Platform for Time-Resolved, Cellular Cryo-Electron Tomography (z2Kryo-ET)
Term: 2024–2025
Investigator: Florian Wilfling
Molecular and Functional Characterization of Selective Autophagy__
Coordinating Institution: Goethe-University Frankfurt
Term: 2020–2028
Investigators: Gerhard Hummer, Ivan Đikić (Max-Planck-Fellow), Julian Langer (Adjunct Investigator)
The wave of death: ferroptosis propagation from single cell death to tissue damage__
Coordinating Institution: Ruprecht Karl University Heidelberg
Term: 2021–2028
Investigator: Ana J. Garcia Sáez
Unraveling Mechanisms Driving Cellular Homeostasis, Inflammation and Infection to EnABLE New Approaches in Translational Medicine__
Coordinating Institution: Goethe-University Frankfurt
Term: 2021–2024
Investigators: Martin Beck, Gerhard Hummer
Dynamic architecture of DRP1 macromolecular assemblies in mitochondrial fission__
Coordinating Institution: Universität zu Köln
Term: 2024–2028
Investigator: Ana J. García-Sáez
Innovative Therapies for Human Diseases: Targeted Degradation as New Mode of Action for Drugs (PROXIDRUGS)__
Coordinating Institution: Goethe-University Frankfurt
Term: 2021–2025
Investigator: Gerhard Hummer
Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Replication and Spread__
Coordinating Institution: Ruprecht Karl University Heidelberg
Term: 2021–2026
Investigator: Martin Beck
Mechanics of the nuclear pore complex: from atomistic modelling to functional dynamics__
Term: 2024–2026
Investigator: Karen Palacio Rodríguez
Membrane-Associated Protein Assemblies, Machineries and Supercomplexes__
Coordinating Institution: Goethe-University Frankfurt
Term: 2022–2026
Investigators: Martin Beck, Gerhard Hummer, Melanie McDowell, Bonnie Murphy, Janet Vonck
Polymer Concepts in Cellular Function__
Coordinating Institution: University Mainz
Term: 2023–2027
Investigator: Eugene Kim
Safeguarding the DNA with SMC complexes - SafeSMC__
Term: 2023–2025
Investigator: Biswajit Pradhan
Small Proteins, an Unexplored World__
Term: 2017–2024
Investigator: Julian Langer
Spatial Genome Architecture in Development and Disease__
Term: 2012–2025
Investigator: Eugene Kim
Nanoscale Architecture and Heterogeneity of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane __
Term: 2023
Investigator: Lea Dietrich
Revealing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vaccinia Virus mRNA Release Sites__
Term: 2023–2026
Investigator: Beata Turoňová in collaboration with Jacomine Krijnse Locker (Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)