Completed Projects

Find below an overview of selected natinonal and international projects which have been completed at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics since 2018.

National Projects

Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt (CEF) "Macromolecular Complexes"

Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt (CEF) "Macromolecular Complexes"

Investigators: Werner Kühlbrandt, Ernst Bamberg, Hartmut Michel, Gerhard Hummer, Roy Lancester, Thomas Meier, Arne Möller, Christine Ziegler, Carola Hunte

DFG Collaborative Research Centre: CRC807 - Transport and Communication across Biological Membranes

DFG Collaborative Research Centre: CRC807 - Transport and Communication across Biological Membranes

Investigators: Werner Kühlbrandt, Gerhard Hummer
Link to DFG GEPRIS database

BMBF Research Grant - MOEL-SOEL Programme: Coxiella burnetii and its host cell pathways: Identification and characterization of novel targets for diagnosis and treatment.

BMBF Research Grant - MOEL-SOEL Programme: Coxiella burnetii and its host cell pathways: Identification and characterization of novel targets for diagnosis and treatment.

Investigator: Julian Langer
International collaborators: University of Crete, GR; Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK

HMWK – LOEWE Special Focus Area (“Schwerpunkt”):MegaSyn - Kontrolle und Design multifunktionaler Megasynthasen

HMWK – LOEWE Special Focus Area (“Schwerpunkt”):
MegaSyn - Kontrolle und Design multifunktionaler Megasynthasen

Investigators: Gerhard Hummer, Werner Kühlbrandt
HMWK – LOEWE Special Focus Area (“Schwerpunkt”): DynaMem - Molecular basic principles and theoretical description

HMWK – LOEWE Special Focus Area (“Schwerpunkt”): DynaMem - Molecular basic principles and theoretical description

Investigator: Gerhard Hummer
DFG Research Unit (“Forschergruppe, FOR”): RU2848 - Nanoscale Architecture and Heterogeneity of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane 

DFG Research Unit (“Forschergruppe, FOR”): RU2848 - Nanoscale Architecture and Heterogeneity of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane 

Investigator: Werner Kühlbrandt
Link to GEPRIS database
DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group

DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group

Investigator: Nadine Schwierz-Neumann
BMBF Research Grant - Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC): Medisoft - Combined SANS/SAXS and model-independent simulations for structure determination of complex, therapeutically relevant lipid nanoparticles

BMBF Research Grant - Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC): Medisoft - Combined SANS/SAXS and model-independent simulations for structure determination of complex, therapeutically relevant lipid nanoparticles

Investigator: Nadine Schwierz-Neumann
International Collaborators: Uppsala University
AvH- Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

AvH- Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

Investigator: Mishra Kudryashev


International Projects

HFSP The physical basis of autophagosome biogenesis

HFSP The physical basis of autophagosome biogenesis

Investigator: Gerhard Hummer
Collaborators: University of Vienna, AT; UC Berkeley, CA, USA; Osaka University, JP
Complex Assembly – The birth of protein complexes


Complex Assembly – The birth of protein complexes  

Link to Cordis database. Principal Investigator: Martin Beck, Molecular Sociology
Duration: 1.2.2018 – 31.1.2023
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