Hartmut Michel: Molecular Membrane Biology – Department Publications

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Poppe, J.; Warkentin, E.; Demmer, U.; Kowalewski, B.; Dierks, T.; Schneider, K.; Ermler, U.: Structural diversity of polyoxomolybdate clusters along the three-fold axis of the molybdenum storage protein. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 138, pp. 122 - 128 (2014)
Journal Article
Calinescu, O.; Danner, E.; Böhm, M.; Hunte, C.; Fendler, K.: Species differences in bacterial NhaA Na+/H+ exchangers. FEBS Letters 588 (17), pp. 3111 - 3116 (2014)
Journal Article
Fujishiro, T.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: A possible iron delivery function of the dinuclear iron center of HcgD in [Fe]-hydrogenase cofactor biosynthesis. FEBS Letters 588 (17), pp. 2789 - 2793 (2014)
Journal Article
Meyer, T.; Melin, F.; Xie, H.; von der Hocht, I.; Choi, S. K.; Noor, M. R.; Michel, H.; Gennis, R. B.; Soulimane, T.; Hellwig, P.: Evidence for Distinct Electron Transfer Processes in Terminal Oxidases from Different Origin by Means of Protein Film Voltammetry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (31), pp. 10821 - 11196 (2014)
Journal Article
Vitt, S.; Ma, K.; Warkentin, E.; Moll, J.; Pierik, A. J.; Shima, S.; Ermler, U.: The F420-Reducing [NiFe]-Hydrogenase Complex from Methanothermobacter marburgensis, the First X-ray Structure of a Group 3 Family Member. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 426 (15), pp. 2813 - 2826 (2014)
Journal Article
Lentes, C. J.; Mir, S. H.; Boehm, M.; Ganea, C.; Fendler, K.; Hunte, C.: Molecular Characterization of the Na+H+-Antiporter NhaA from Salmonella Typhimurium. PLoS One 9 (7), pp. 1 - 8 (2014)
Journal Article
Naß, B.; Pöll, U.; Langer, J. D.; Kreuter, L.; Küper, U.; Flechsler, J.; Heimerl, T.; Rachel, R.; Huber, H.; Kletzin, A.: Three multihaem cytochromes c from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis: purification, properties and localization. Microbiology/SGM 160 (6), pp. 1278 - 1289 (2014)
Journal Article
Preiss, L.; Langer, J. D.; Hicks, D. B.; Liu, J.; Yildiz, Ö.; Krulwich, T. A.; Meier, T.: The c-ring ion binding site of the ATP synthase from Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4 is adapted to alkaliphilic lifestyle. Molecular Microbiology 92 (5), pp. 973 - 984 (2014)
Journal Article
Tufar, P.; Rahighi, S.; Kraas, F. I.; Kirchner, D. K.; Löhr, F.; Henrich, E.; Koepke, J.; Dikic, I.; Güntert, P.; Marahiel, M. A. et al.; Dötsch, V.: Crystal Structure of a PCP/Sfp Complex Reveals the Structural Basis for Carrier Protein Posttranslational Modification. Chemistry & Biology 21 (4), pp. 431 - 562 (2014)
Journal Article
Buschmann, S.; Richers, S.; Ermler, U.; Michel, H.: A decade of crystallization drops: Crystallization of the cbb3 cytochrome c oxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri. Protein Science 23 (4), pp. 411 - 422 (2014)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, N. P.; Mowafy, A. M.; Demmer, J. K.; Upadhyay, V.; Koelzer, S.; Jayamani, E.; Kahnt, J.; Hornung, M.; Demmer, U.; Ermler, U. et al.; Buckel, W.: Studies on the Mechanism of Electron Bifurcation Catalyzed by Electron Transferring Flavoprotein (Etf) and Butyryl-CoA Dehydrogenase (Bcd) of Acidaminococcus fermentans. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (8), pp. 5145 - 5157 (2014)
Journal Article
Kaur, J.; Olkhova, E.; Malviya, V. N.; Grell, E.; Michel, H.: A L-Lysine Transporter of High Stereoselectivity of the Amino Acid-Polyamine-Organocation (APC) Superfamily PRODUCTION, FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION, AND STRUCTURE MODELING. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (3), pp. 1377 - 1387 (2014)
Journal Article
Salzer, R.; Herzberg, M.; Nies, D. H.; Joos, F.; Rathmann, B.; Thielmann, Y.; Averhoff, B.: Zinc and ATP Binding of the Hexameric AAA-ATPase PilF from Thermus thermophilus: ROLE IN COMPLEX STABILITY, PILIATION, ADHESION, TWITCHING MOTILITY, AND NATURAL TRANSFORMATION. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (44), pp. 30343 - 30354 (2014)
Journal Article
Xie, H.; Buschmann, S.; Langer, J. D.; Ludwig, B.; Michel, H.: Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of the Two Isoforms of cbb3-Type Cytochrome c Oxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri. Journal of Bacteriology (Washington, DC) 196 (2), pp. 472 - 482 (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, C.; Allegretti, M.; Vonck, J.; Langer, J.; Marcia, M.; Peng, G.; Michel, H.: Production of fully assembled and active Aquifex aeolicus F1FO ATP synthase in Escherichia coli. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1840 (1), pp. 34 - 40 (2014)

Thesis - PhD (2)

Thesis - PhD
Xie, H.: Characterization of the two isoforms of cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Pseudomonoas stutzeri ZoBell. Dissertation, 224 pp., Fachbereich 14, Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Malviya, V. N.: Heterologous Production, Isolation and Characterisation of MOP superfamily transporters from Pyrococcus furiosus, Aquifex aeolicus and Salmonella typhimurium. Dissertation, 218 pp., Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
de Mos, J.: Charakterisierung der Proteinstabilität des Endothelin B Rezeptors und seiner Varianten. Diploma, 103 pp., Goethe-Universität, Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie, Frankfurt am Main (2014)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Jung, S.: Charakterisierung der thermischen Stabilität des Na+/H+- Antiporters NhaA und seiner Varianten. Master, 93 pp., Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz (2014)
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