Melanie McDowell Publications

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Heimes, M.; Enkavi, G.; Farkas, Á.; Saar, D.; Wild, K.; Schwappach, B.; Vattulainen, I.; Sinning, I.: The GET insertase exhibits conformational plasticity and induces membrane thinning. Nature Communications 14, 7355 (2023)
Journal Article
Sinning, I.; McDowell, M. A.: Cryo-EM insights into tail-anchored membrane protein biogenesis in eukaryotes. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 75, 102428 (2022)
Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Heimes, M.; Sinning, I.: Structural and molecular mechanisms for membrane protein biogenesis by the Oxa1 superfamily. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (3), pp. 234 - 239 (2021)
Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Heimes, M.; Fiorentino, F.; Mehmood, S.; Farkas, Á.; Coy-Vergara, J.; Wu, D.; Bolla, J. R.; Schmid, V.; Heinze, R. et al.; Wild, K.; Flemming, D.; Pfeffer, S.; Schwappach, B.; Robinson, C. V.; Sinning, I.: Structural Basis of Tail-Anchored Membrane Protein Biogenesis by the GET Insertase Complex. Molecular Cell 80 (1), pp. 72 - 86 (2020)
Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Byrne, A. M.; Mylona, E.; Johnson, R.; Sagfors, A.; Crepin, V. F.; Lea, S.; Frankel, G.: The S. Typhi effector StoD is an E3/E4 ubiquitin ligase which binds K48- and K63-linked diubiquitin. Life science alliance 2 (3), e201800272 (2019)
Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Marcoux, J.; McVicker, G.; Johnson, S.; Fong, Y. H.; Stevens, R.; Bowman, L. A. H.; Degiacomi, M. T.; Yan, J.; Wise, A. et al.; Friede, M. E.; Benesch, J. L. P.; Deane, J. E.; Tang, C. M.; Robinson, C. V.; Lea, S. M.: Characterisation of Shigella Spa33 and Thermotoga FliM/N reveals a new model for C-ring assembly in T3SS. Molecular Microbiology 99 (4), pp. 749 - 766 (2016)
Journal Article
Abrusci, P.; McDowell, M. A.; Lea, S. M.; Johnson, S.: Building a secreting nanomachine: a structural overview of the T3SS. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 25, pp. 111 - 117 (2014)
Journal Article
Berry, J.-L.; Cehovin, A.; McDowell, M. A.; Lea, S. M.; Pelicic, V.: Functional analysis of the interdependence between DNA uptake sequence and its cognate ComP receptor during natural transformation in Neisseria species. PLoS Genetics 9 (12), e1004014 (2013)
Journal Article
Cehovin, A.; Simpson, P. J.; McDowell, M. A.; Brown, D. R.; Noschese, R.; Pallett, M.; Brady, J.; Baldwin, G. S.; Lea, S. M.; Matthews, S. J. et al.; Pelicic, V.: Specific DNA recognition mediated by a type IV pilin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (8), pp. 3065 - 3070 (2013)
Journal Article
Rollauer, S. E.; Tarry, M. J.; Graham, J. E.; Jääskeläinen, M.; Jäger, F.; Johnson, S.; Krehenbrink, M.; Liu, S.-M.; Lukey, M. J.; Marcoux, J. et al.; McDowell, M. A.; McDowell, M. A.; Rodriguez, F.; Roversi, P.; Stansfeld, P. J.; Robinson, C. V.; Sansom, M. S. P.; Palmer, T.; Högbom, M.; Berks, B. C.; Lea, S. M.: Structure of the TatC core of the twin-arginine protein transport system. Nature 492 (7428), pp. 210 - 214 (2012)
Journal Article
Zhong, D.; Lefebre, M.; Kaur, K.; McDowell, M. A.; Gdowski, C.; Jo, S.; Wang, Y.; Benedict, S. H.; Lea, S. M.; Galan, J. E. et al.; De Guzman, R. N.: The Salmonella type III secretion system inner rod protein PrgJ is partially folded. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (30), pp. 25303 - 25311 (2012)
Journal Article
McDowell, M. A.; Johnson, S.; Deane, J. E.; Cheung, M.; Roehrich, A. D.; Blocker, A. J.; McDonnell, J. M.; Lea, S. M.: Structural and functional studies on the N-terminal domain of the Shigella type III secretion protein MxiG. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (35), pp. 30606 - 30614 (2011)
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