International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics (IMPRS-CBP)

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Herhaus, L.; Gestal-Mato, U.; Eapen, V. V.; Mačinković, I.; Bailey, H. J.; Prieto-Garcia, C.; Misra, M.; Jacomin, A.-C.; Ammanath, A. V.; Bagarić, I. et al.; Michaelis, J.; Vollrath, J.; Bhaskara, R. M.; Bündgen, G.; Covarrubias-Pinto, A.; Husnjak, K.; Zöller, J.; Gikandi, A.; Ribičić, S.; Bopp, T.; van der Heden van Noort, G. J.; Langer, J. D.; Weigert, A.; Harper, J. W.; Mancias, J. D.; Đikić, I.: IRGQ-mediated autophagy in MHC class I quality control promotes tumor immune evasion. Cell 187 (7), pp. 7285 - 7302 (2024)
Journal Article
Rosas Jiménez, J. G.; Fábián, B.; Hummer, G.: Faster Sampling in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with TIP3P-F Water. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (24), pp. 11068 - 11081 (2024)
Journal Article
Sieber, A.; Parr, M.; Ehr, J. v.; Dhamotharan, K.; Kielkowski, P.; Brewer, T.; Schäpers, A.; Krafczyk, R.; Qi, F.; Schlundt, A. et al.; Frishman, D.; Lassak, J.: EF-P and its paralog EfpL (YeiP) differentially control translation of proline-containing sequences. Nature Communications 15, 10465 (2024)
Journal Article
Dubach, V. R. A.; San Segundo-Acosta, P.; Murphy, B. J.: Structural and mechanistic insights into Streptococcus pneumoniae NADPH oxidase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31 (11), pp. 1769 - 1777 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, Y.; Arghittu, S. M.; Dietz, M. S.; Hella, G. J.; Haße, D.; Ferraris, D. M.; Freund, P.; Barth, H.-D.; Iamele, L.; de Jonge, H. et al.; Niemann, H. H.; Covino, R.; Heilemann, M.: Single-molecule imaging and molecular dynamics simulations reveal early activation of the MET receptor in cells. Nature Communications 15, 9486 (2024)
Journal Article
Sushkin, M. E.; Jung, M.; Lemke, E. A.: Tuning the Functionality of Designer Translating Organelles with Orthogonal tRNA Synthetase/tRNA Pairs. Journal of Molecular Biology 436 (21), 168728 (2024)
Journal Article
Poveda-Cuevas, S. A.; Lohachova, K.; Markusic, B.; Dikic, I.; Hummer, G.; Bhaskara, R. M.: Intrinsically disordered region amplifies membrane remodeling to augment selective ER-phagy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (44), e2408071121 (2024)
Journal Article
Schartel, L.; Jann, C.; Wierczeiko, A.; Butto, T.; Mündnich, S.; Marchand, V.; Motorin, Y.; Helm, M.; Gerber, S.; Lemke, E. A.: Selective RNA pseudouridinylation in situ by circular gRNAs in designer organelles. Nature Communications 15, 9177 (2024)
Journal Article
Ehr, J. v.; Oberstrass, L.; Yazgan, E.; Schnaubelt, L. I.; Blümel, N.; McNicoll, F.; Weigand, J. E.; Zarnack, K.; Müller-McNicoll, M.; Korn, S. M. et al.; Schlundt, A.: Arid5a uses disordered extensions of its core ARID domain for distinct DNA- and RNA-recognition and gene regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 300 (7), 107457 (2024)
Journal Article
Ri, K.; Weng, T.-H.; Claveras Cabezudo, A.; Jösting, W.; Zhang, Y.; Bazzone, A.; Leong, N. C. P.; Welsch, S.; Doty, R. T.; Gursu, G. et al.; Lim, T. J. Y.; Schmidt, S. L.; Abkowitz, J. L.; Hummer, G.; Wu, D.; Nguyen, L. N.; Safarian, S.: Molecular mechanism of choline and ethanolamine transport in humans. Nature 630, pp. 501 - 508 (2024)
Journal Article
Cruz-León, S.; Majtner, T.; Hoffmann, P. C.; Kreysing, J. P.; Kehl, S.; Tuijtel, M.; Schaefer, S. L.; Geißler, K.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B. et al.; Hummer, G.: High-confidence 3D template matching for cryo-electron tomography. Nature Communications 15, 3992 (2024)
Journal Article
Tuijtel, M.; Cruz-León, S.; Kreysing, J. P.; Welsch, S.; Hummer, G.; Beck, M.; Turoňová, B.: Thinner is not always better: Optimizing cryo-lamellae for subtomogram averaging. Science Advances 10 (17), eadk6285 (2024)
Journal Article
Arnold, B.; Riegger, R. J.; Okuda, E. K.; Slišković, I.; Keller, M.; Bakisoglu, C.; McNicoll, F.; Zarnack, K.; Müller-McNicoll, M.: hGRAD: A versatile "one-fits-all" system to acutely deplete RNA binding proteins from condensates. Journal of Cell Biology 223 (2), e202304030 (2024)
Journal Article
Martinez-Mayorga, K.; Rosas-Jiménez, J. G.; Gonzalez-Ponce, K.; López-López, E.; Neme, A.; Medina-Franco, J. L.: The pursuit of accurate predictive models of the bioactivity of small molecules. Chemical Science 15 (6), pp. 1938 - 1952 (2024)
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