Publications of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Journal Article (25)
Journal Article
330 (2), pp. 132 - 140 (1973)
Electrical properties of black membranes from oxidized cholesterol and a strongly bound protein fraction of human erythrocyte membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Article
12, pp. 349 - 360 (1973)
Precipitation Membranes. I. The “Conditioned” state. Journal of Membrane Biology
Journal Article
2 (2), p. 197-218 (1973)
Preparation and properties of human erythrocyte ghosts. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Journal Article
14, pp. 85 - 99 (1973)
Properties of a synthetic plasma membrane marker: Fluorescent-Mercury-Dextran. Journal of Membrane Biology
Journal Article
339, pp. 317 - 338 (1973)
Influence of Amphotericin, Amiloride, Ionophores, and 2,4-Dinitrophenol on the secretion of the isolated cat's pancreas. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
344, pp. 51 - 68 (1973)
Effect of SH-, NH2- and COOH-site group reagents on the transport processes in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
45 (20), pp. 1216 - 1222 (1973)
Charakterisierung synthetischer Membranen für die praktische Anwendung durch Transport‐ und Verteilungskoeffizienten. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik
Journal Article
318 (3), pp. 474 - 477 (1973)
Asymmetric inhibition by phlorizin of halide movements across the red blood cell membrane. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Article
343, pp. 189 - 220 (1973)
Phenomenologic description of Na+, Cl− and HCO−3 absorption from proximal tubules of the rat kidney. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
55 (1), pp. 93 - 97 (1973)
Carbonic anhydrase: A new method of detection on polyacrylamide gels using conductivity measurements. Analytical Biochemistry
Journal Article
77 (9), pp. 718 - 721 (1973)
Hyperfiltration of Saccharide Solutions. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft
Journal Article
342 (1), pp. 1 - 12 (1973)
Reabsorption of L-glutamine and L-histidine from various regions of the rat proximal convolution studied by stationary microperfusion: evidence that the proximal convolution is not homogeneous. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
342, pp. 13 - 28 (1973)
Kinetics ofl-histidine transport in the proximal convolution of the rat nephron studied using the stationary microperfusion technique. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
36 (2), pp. 301 - 310 (1973)
Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Studies on Virus-Like Protein Particles Derived from Bacteriophage. European Journal of Biochemistry
Journal Article
28c (7-8), pp. 413 - 415 (1973)
Der Einfluß der Diffusion bei der Kontrastierung von Schnitten für die Elektronenmikroskopie / The Influence of Diffusion on the Change of Contrast in Sections for Electron Microscopy. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences
Journal Article
354 (7), pp. 781 - 790 (1973)
Association of protein fractions and lipids from human erythrocyte membranes. II. Studies on a loosely bound protein fraction. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie
Journal Article
341 (2), pp. 131 - 142 (1973)
The effects of carbachol on water and electrolyte fluxes and transepithelial electrical potential differences of the rabbit submaxillary main duct perfused in vitro. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
10 (2), pp. 163 - 175 (1973)
Intensitätsmessungen an Röntgen-Bremsstrahlung im Energiebereich von 200 bis 10 eV / Intensity measurements of bremsstrahlung in the 200 to 10 eV region. Biophysik
Journal Article
60 (6), pp. 290 - 297 (1973)
„Anatomie” eines Epithels. Analyse des Stofftransportes durch den proximalen Nierentubulus / Anatomy of the epithelium. Analysis of transport through the proximal kidney tubule. Naturwissenschaften
Journal Article
307 (2), pp. 366 - 371 (1973)
SH-groups on the surface of pancreas cells involved in secretin stimulation and glucose-mediated secretion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Article
224 (5), pp. 1149 - 1154 (1973)
Stimulation of pentose cycle in the eccrine sweat gland by adrenergic drugs. American Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
298 (2), pp. 529 - 533 (1973)
Asymmetric inhibition by phlorizin of sulfate movements across the red blood cell membrane. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Article
224 (3), pp. 552 - 557 (1973)
Reevaluation of renal tubular glucose transport inhibition by phlorizin analogs. American Journal of Physiology
Journal Article
291 (2), pp. 454 - 464 (1973)
Isolation of N-ethylmaleimide-labelled phlorizin sensitive D-glucose binding protein of brush border membrane from rat kidney cortex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Article
142 (1), pp. 96 - 102 (1973)
Cecal Enlargement Combined with Sodium Transport Stimulation in Rats Fed Polyethylene Glycol. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Thesis - PhD (3)
Thesis - PhD
Kopplung von Stofftransport und chemischer Reaktion an einer zusammengesetzten, asymmetrischen Membran. Ein Beispiel für aktiven Transport. Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (1973)
Thesis - PhD
Bindungsstudien an trägergebundenen Enzymen. Dissertation, 53 pp., Fachbereich 15, Biochemie und Pharmazie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (1973)
Thesis - PhD
The Kinetics of Iodide Transport in the Human Red Blood Cell. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA (1973)